[Version] ; Version section Signature="$Chicago$" ; All Windows versions Class=Ports ; This is a serial port driver ClassGuid={4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} ; Associated GUID Provider=%SHUMATECH% ; Driver is provided by SHUMATECH DriverVer=05/18/2011,1.0 ; Driver version CatalogFile=bossa.cat ; Catalog file DriverPackageDisplayName=%BOSSA% ; Driver display name [DestinationDirs] ; DestinationDirs section DefaultDestDir=12 ; Default install directory is \drivers or \IOSubSys [Manufacturer] ; Manufacturer section %SHUMATECH%=ShumaTech,NTamd64 ; Only one manufacturer (SHUMATECH), models section is named ; ShumaTech [ShumaTech] ; Models section corresponding to SHUMATECH %BOSSA%=BOSSA.Install,USB\VID_03EB&PID_6124 ; Identifies a device with Vendor ID (03EBh) and ; Product ID equal to 6124h. Corresponding Install section ; is named BOSSA.Install [ShumaTech.NTamd64] ; Models section corresponding to SHUMATECH %BOSSA%=BOSSA.Install,USB\VID_03EB&PID_6124 ; Identifies a device with Vendor ID (03EBh) and ; Product ID equal to 6124h. Corresponding Install section ; is named BOSSA.Install [BOSSA.Install] ; Install section include=mdmcpq.inf CopyFiles=FakeModemCopyFileSection AddReg=BOSSA.AddReg ; Registry keys to add are listed in BOSSA.AddReg [BOSSA.AddReg] ; AddReg section HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern HKR,,NTMPDriver,,usbser.sys HKR,,EnumPropPages32,,"MsPorts.dll,SerialPortPropPageProvider" [BOSSA.Install.Services] ; Services section AddService=usbser,0x00000002,BOSSA.AddService ; Assign usbser as the PnP driver for the device [BOSSA.AddService] ; Service install section DisplayName=%USBSer% ; Name of the serial driver ServiceType=1 ; Service kernel driver StartType=3 ; Driver is started by the PnP manager ErrorControl=1 ; Warn about errors ServiceBinary=%12%\usbser.sys ; Driver filename [Strings] ; Strings section SHUMATECH="ShumaTech" ; String value for the SHUMATECH symbol BOSSA="BOSSA Program Port" ; String value for the BOSSA symbol USBSer="USB Serial Driver" ; String value for the USBSer symbol