# Contributing to bounded-vec Thanks for wanting to contribute! There are many ways to contribute and we appreciate any level you're willing to do. ## Process As a heads up, we'll be running your PR through the following CI jobs: - warnings turned to compile errors - `cargo test` - `rustfmt` (we recommend to setup running `rustfmt` on file save) - `clippy` ## Releasing When we're ready to release, a project owner should do the following: - Create(checkout) a release branch (naming convention `release/vX-Y-Z`); - install or update "cargo release" (via `cargo install cargo-release`); - `cargo release minor --no-dev-version -vv` if you intend to bump a minor version or change `minor` to `major` to bump a major version, `patch` to bump a patch/hotfix version - check the output and run it with `--execute` to actually execute it(make sure that you have api token from `crates.io`, otherwise run `cargo login` first); - Merge release branch into develop - Merge release branch into master - Make a github release