// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023 Erin Catto // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT #pragma once // todo add camera and draw and remove globals struct Settings { void Save(); void Load(); int sampleIndex = 0; // int windowWidth = 3840; // int windowHeight = 2160; int windowWidth = 1920; int windowHeight = 1080; // int windowWidth = 1280; // int windowHeight = 720; // int windowWidth = 800; // int windowHeight = 600; float hertz = 60.0f; int subStepCount = 4; int workerCount = 1; bool useCameraBounds = false; bool drawShapes = true; bool drawJoints = true; bool drawJointExtras = false; bool drawAABBs = false; bool drawContactPoints = false; bool drawContactNormals = false; bool drawContactImpulses = false; bool drawFrictionImpulses = false; bool drawMass = false; bool drawGraphColors = false; bool drawCounters = false; bool drawProfile = false; bool enableWarmStarting = true; bool enableContinuous = true; bool enableSleep = true; bool pause = false; bool singleStep = false; bool restart = false; };