use boxcar_rpc::{Client, RpcRequest}; use std::collections::HashMap; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let client = Client::new("ws://").await.unwrap(); let body = "hello world".as_bytes().to_vec(); // use the sleep method, which will delay for 5 seconds let command = RpcRequest { method: "sleep".to_string(), body, subscribe: true, resources: HashMap::new(), }; // send the RpcRequest message to the server // a u16 is returned, which represents the request ID let slot =; // check if we have a response. this should be none because we're still sleeping let response = client.try_recv(slot).await.unwrap(); println!("server returned: {:?}", response); // close the client. note- this is not needed. all clients subscribed to the slot get the result client.close().await; // create a new client let client2 = Client::new("ws://").await.unwrap(); // subscribe to the slot. this tells the client to allocate a client side slot, and inform the // server that this client wants to get updates for this slot let _ = client2.subscribe(slot).await; // optional- refresh the slot. this asks the server to send the last recorded result for the // task. The task could be done at this point, or not. let _ = client2.refresh(slot).await; // now we can wait for the result let response = client2.recv_result(slot).await.unwrap(); println!("server returned (via client2): {:?}", response); }