# bp7-rs [![Crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/bp7.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/bp7) [![Docs.rs](https://docs.rs/bp7/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/bp7) [![Build status](https://api.travis-ci.org/dtn7/bp7-rs.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/dtn7/bp7-rs) [![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-blue.svg)](LICENSE-MIT) [![License: Apache 2.0](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache%202.0-blue.svg)](LICENSE-APACHE) [![Chat](https://img.shields.io/matrix/dtn7:matrix.org)](https://matrix.to/#/#dtn7:matrix.org) Rust implementation of dtn Bundle Protocol Version 7 ([RFC 9171](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc9171/)) This library only handles encoding and decoding of bundles, not transmission or other processing of the data. A full daemon using this library can be found here: https://github.com/dtn7/dtn7-rs Through the provided FFI interface, this library can also be used from C/C++, nodejs or flutter. ## Benchmarking A simple benchmark is shipped with the library. It (de)serializes Bundles with a primary block, bundle age block and a payload block with the contents (`b"ABC"`). This benchmark can be used to compare the rust implementation to the golang, python or java implementations. ``` cargo run --release --example benchmark Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.29s Running `target/release/examples/benchmark` Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 510059 bundles/second Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 293399 bundles/second Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 291399 bundles/second Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 1090996 bundles/second Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 436836 bundles/second Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 432774 bundles/second Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 564817 bundles/second Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 473768 bundles/second Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 462013 bundles/second ``` These numbers were generated on a MBP 13" 2018 with i5 CPU and 16GB of ram. ## bp7 helper tool For debugging a small helper tool is shipped providing basic functionality such as: - random bundle generation (as hex and raw bytes) - encoding of standard bundles (as hex and raw bytes) - decoding of bundles (from hex and raw bytes) - exporting raw payload of decoded bundles - time conversion helpers Some examples are given in the following shell session: ``` $ cargo install bp7 [...] $ bp7 usage "bp7" [args] encode [-x] - encode bundle and output raw bytes or hex string (-x) decode [-p] - decode bundle or payload only (-p) dtntime [dtntimestamp] - prints current time as dtntimestamp or prints dtntime human readable d2u [dtntimestamp] - converts dtntime to unixstimestamp rnd [-r] - return a random bundle either hexencoded or raw bytes (-r) benchmark - run a simple benchmark encoding/decoding bundles $ bp7 rnd dtn://node81/files-680971330872-0 9f88071a000200040082016e2f2f6e6f646531382f7e74656c6582016e2f2f6e6f646538312f66696c657382016e2f2f6e6f646538312f66696c6573821b0000009e8d0de538001a0036ee80850a020000448218200085010100004443414243ff $ bp7 decode 9f88071a000200040082016e2f2f6e6f646531382f7e74656c6582016e2f2f6e6f646538312f66696c657382016e2f2f6e6f646538312f66696c6573821b0000009e8d0de538001a0036ee80850a020000448218200085010100004443414243ff [src/main.rs:101] &bndl = Bundle { primary: PrimaryBlock { version: 7, bundle_control_flags: 131076, crc: CrcNo, destination: Dtn( 1, DtnAddress( "//node18/~tele", ), ), source: Dtn( 1, DtnAddress( "//node81/files", ), ), report_to: Dtn( 1, DtnAddress( "//node81/files", ), ), creation_timestamp: CreationTimestamp( 680971330872, 0, ), lifetime: 3600s, fragmentation_offset: 0, total_data_length: 0, }, canonicals: [ CanonicalBlock { block_type: 10, block_number: 2, block_control_flags: 0, crc: CrcNo, data: HopCount( 32, 0, ), }, CanonicalBlock { block_type: 1, block_number: 1, block_control_flags: 0, crc: CrcNo, data: Data( [ 65, 66, 67, ], ), }, ], } $ echo -e "source=dtn://node1/bla\ndestination=dtn://node2/incoming\nlifetime=1h" > /tmp/out.manifest $ echo "hallo welt" | bp7 encode /tmp/out.manifest - -x 9f880700008201702f2f6e6f6465322f696e636f6d696e6782016b2f2f6e6f6465312f626c61820100821b0000009e8d137d23001a0036ee8085010100004c4b68616c6c6f2077656c740aff $ bp7 decode 9f880700008201702f2f6e6f6465322f696e636f6d696e6782016b2f2f6e6f6465312f626c61820100821b0000009e8d137d23001a0036ee8085010100004c4b68616c6c6f2077656c740aff -p hallo welt ``` The generated hex string can also be directly discplayed as raw cbor on the awesome cbor.me website, e.g. http://cbor.me/?bytes=9f88071a000200040082016e2f2f6e6f646531382f7e74656c6582016e2f2f6e6f646538312f66696c657382016e2f2f6e6f646538312f66696c6573821b0000009e8d0de538001a0036ee80850a020000448218200085010100004443414243ff ## ffi support This library only handles encoding and decoding of bundles, not transmission or other processing of the data. The library can be used as a shared library or statically linked into other apps. With the help of `cbindgen` (`cargo install cbindgen`) the header file for this crate can be generated: ``` $ cbindgen -c cbindgen.toml > target/bp7.h ``` Example usages for Linux with C calling `bp7` as well as nodejs can be found in `examples/ffi`. ## wasm support [defunct, unmaintained stdweb crate] The library should build for wasm even though only very few functions get exported. The example benchmark can also be used in the browser through the `cargo-web` crate: ``` cargo web start --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --example benchmark --release ``` Results should be shown in the javascript console on The performance is quite similar to the native performance: ``` Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 441696 bundles/second Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 416484 bundles/second Creating 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 405022 bundles/second Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 1647039 bundles/second Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 908059 bundles/second Encoding 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 867603 bundles/second Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_NO: 401727 bundles/second Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_16: 388394 bundles/second Loading 100000 bundles with CRC_32: 384186 bundles/second ``` Some functions can easily be used from javascript (`cargo web deploy --release`): ```javascript Rust.bp7.then(function(bp7) { var b = bp7.rnd_bundle_now(); var enc = bp7.encode_to_cbor(b); var payload = bp7.payload_from_bundle(b) console.log(payload); console.log(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, payload)); console.log(bp7.cbor_is_administrative_record(enc)); console.log(bp7.sender_from_cbor(enc)); console.log(bp7.recipient_from_bundle(b)); console.log(bp7.valid_bundle(b)); }); ``` Note that at the moment all functions have a variant working on the binary bundle and one working on the decoded bundle struct. ### Acknowledging this work If you use this software in a scientific publication, please cite the following paper: ```BibTeX @INPROCEEDINGS{baumgaertner2019bdtn7, author={L. {Baumgärtner} and J. {Höchst} and T. {Meuser}}, booktitle={2019 International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM)}, title={B-DTN7: Browser-based Disruption-tolerant Networking via Bundle Protocol 7}, year={2019}, volume={}, number={}, pages={1-8}, keywords={Protocols;Browsers;Software;Convergence;Servers;Synchronization;Wireless fidelity}, doi={10.1109/ICT-DM47966.2019.9032944}, ISSN={2469-8822}, month={Dec}, } ``` ### License Licensed under either of Apache License, Version 2.0 or MIT license at your option. Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in bp7-rs by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.