use self::data::{ get_init_pinyin_to_bopomofo_map, get_pinyin_toned_rime_tree, get_pinyin_untoned_rime_tree, PINYIN_NUC_CODAS, PINYIN_TONED_NUCS, }; use super::bpmf_chars as bc; use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::fmt::{Display, Write}; use std::mem::transmute; use std::str::FromStr; pub mod data; pub mod enums; pub mod spell_tree; pub use enums::*; #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Default, Debug)] pub struct Syllable { init: u8, med: u8, rime: u8, tone: u8, } impl Syllable { pub fn new(init: Init, med: Med, rime: Rime, tone: Tone) -> Syllable { Syllable { init: init as u8, med: med as u8, rime: rime as u8, tone: tone as u8, } } //#region PROPS pub fn init(&self) -> Init { unsafe { transmute(self.init) } } pub fn med(&self) -> Med { unsafe { transmute( } } pub fn rime(&self) -> Rime { unsafe { transmute(self.rime) } } pub fn tone(&self) -> Tone { unsafe { transmute(self.tone) } } pub fn init_char(&self) -> char { _bpmf_part_to_char(self.init, bc::BEFORE_BO) } pub fn med_char(&self) -> char { _bpmf_part_to_char(, bc::ER) } pub fn rime_char(&self) -> char { _bpmf_part_to_char(self.rime, bc::S) } pub fn tone_char(&self) -> char { match self.tone { 0 => '\0', 2 => bc::TONE_2, 3 => bc::TONE_3, 4 => bc::TONE_4, 5 => bc::TONE_5, _ => bc::TONE_1, } } pub fn ord(&self) -> u32 { self.tone as u32 + self.rime as u32 * 41 + as u32 * 41 * 41 + (if 0 == self.init { 40 } else { self.init as u32 }) * 41 * 41 * 41 } pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.init == 0 && == 0 && self.rime == 0 && self.tone == 0 } pub fn byte_len(&self) -> usize { ((self.init > 0) as usize) * 3 + (( > 0) as usize) * 3 + ((self.rime > 0) as usize) * 3 + if self.tone > 1 { 2 } else { 0 } } //#endregion //#region PARSERS fn _skip_whitespaces(slice: &str) -> &str { let mut chars = slice.char_indices(); while let Some((idx, ch)) = { if !ch.is_whitespace() && ch != '\'' { return &slice[idx..]; } } slice } /// This function parses the &str from the start. if succeeded it returns the Syllable and /// the maining part of the string (minus the consumed part); if failed it returns an error pub fn parse_bopomofo(mut slice: &str) -> Result<(Syllable, &str), ParseBopomofoError> { let (mut init, mut med, mut rime, mut tone) = (0, 0, 0, 0); slice = Self::_skip_whitespaces(slice); let mut offset = 0; let mut chars = slice.chars(); let mut next =; //Does 輕聲MARK exist? if let Some(bc::TONE_5) = next { tone = 5u8; offset += 2; next =; } //Initial 聲母 if let Some(ch @ 'ㄅ'..='ㄙ') = next { init = (ch as u32 - bc::BEFORE_BO as u32) as u8; offset += 3; next =; } //Medial 介音 if let Some(ch @ 'ㄧ'..='ㄩ') = next { med = (ch as u32 - bc::ER as u32) as u8; offset += 3; next =; } //Rime 韻基 if let Some(ch @ 'ㄚ'..='ㄦ') = next { rime = (ch as u32 - bc::S as u32) as u8; offset += 3; next =; } //Ohter tone marks at the end其他聲調 if tone == 0 { tone = match next.and_then(|ch| "ˉˊˇˋ˙".find(ch)) { //all those marks are 2 bytes long Some(idx) => { offset += 2; (idx / 2 + 1) as u8 } None => 1, }; } if med > 0 || rime > 0 || init >= Init::Zhi as u8 && init <= Init::Si as u8 { Ok((Syllable { init, med, rime, tone }, &slice[offset..])) } else { Err(ParseBopomofoError) } } ///I won't fail! if no match is found it returs 0 fn _parse_pinyin_initial(mut txt: &str) -> (u8, &str) { txt = Self::_skip_whitespaces(txt); let mut chars = (txt).chars(); if let Some(first_ch) = { //try to match first letter by looking up the table if let Some(&i) = get_init_pinyin_to_bopomofo_map().get(&first_ch) { let init = (i as u32 - bc::BEFORE_BO as u32) as u8; return match init { 19..=21 if == Some('h') => (init - 4, &txt[2..]), //ㄗ~ㄙ -> ㄓ~ㄕ _ => (init, &txt[1..]), }; } else if let 'w' | 'y' = first_ch { //w,y are returned as special cases return (first_ch as u8, &txt[1..]); } } (0, txt) } fn _adjust_pinyin_parts(init: &mut u8, med: &mut Med, rime: Rime) { let (is_w, is_y) = (*init == b'w', *init == b'y'); if is_w || is_y { *init = 0; } if *med == Med::Wu && (*init >= Init::Ji as u8 && *init <= Init::Xi as u8 || is_y) { //(j|q|x|y)u_ -> (ㄐ|ㄑ|ㄒ|_)ㄩ_ *med = Med::Yu; } else if *med == Med::Yi && *init >= Init::Zhi as u8 && *init <= Init::Si as u8 && rime == Rime::NoRime { //zh,ch,sh,r,z,c,s + i -> ㄓㄔㄕㄖㄗㄘㄙ + ㄭ *med = Med::NoMed; } else if (is_w || is_y) && *med != Med::Yu { *med = if is_w { Med::Wu } else { Med::Yi } } } pub fn parse_pinyin(mut txt: &str) -> Result<(Syllable, &str), ParseBopomofoError> { let mut init; (init, txt) = Self::_parse_pinyin_initial(txt); if !txt.is_empty() { if let Some(((mut med, rime, tone), remainder)) = get_pinyin_toned_rime_tree().find(txt) { Self::_adjust_pinyin_parts(&mut init, &mut med, rime); return Ok(( Syllable { init, med: med as u8, rime: rime as u8, tone, }, remainder, )); } } Err(ParseBopomofoError) } pub fn parse_ascii_pinyin(mut txt: &str) -> Result<(Syllable, &str), ParseBopomofoError> { let mut init; (init, txt) = Self::_parse_pinyin_initial(txt); if !txt.is_empty() { if let Some(((mut med, rime), mut remainder)) = get_pinyin_untoned_rime_tree().find(txt) { Self::_adjust_pinyin_parts(&mut init, &mut med, rime); let mut chars = remainder.chars(); let tone = match { Some(ch @ '1'..='5') => { remainder = chars.as_str(); (ch as u32 - '0' as u32) as u8 } _ => 0u8, }; return Ok(( Syllable { init, med: med as u8, rime: rime as u8, tone, }, remainder, )); } } Err(ParseBopomofoError) } //#endregion //#region to_xxx pub fn to_pinyin(&self) -> String { let mut s = String::with_capacity(7); s.push_str(self._pinyin_inital()); let (med, mut nuc, coda) = self._get_rime_parts(); if med > '\0' { s.push(med); } nuc = PINYIN_TONED_NUCS .iter() .find(|(ch, _)| *ch == nuc) .map(|(_, letters)| letters.chars().nth(self.tone as usize).unwrap()) .unwrap(); s.push(nuc); if !coda.is_empty() { s.push_str(coda); } s } pub fn to_ascii_pinyin(&self) -> String { let mut s = String::with_capacity(8); s.push_str(self._pinyin_inital()); let (med, nuc, coda) = self._get_rime_parts(); if med > '\0' { s.push(med) } s.push(if nuc == 'ü' { 'v' } else { nuc }); if !coda.is_empty() { s.push_str(coda); } if self.tone > 0 { s.push(unsafe { char::from_u32_unchecked('0' as u32 + self.tone as u32) }) } s } /// It return the pinyin inital corresponding to the bopomofo initial /// If the bopomofo syllable has zero-initial and the medial is one of ㄧㄨㄩ, /// it returns b'y',b'w',b'y' accordingly fn _pinyin_inital(&self) -> &str { data::PINYIN_INITIALS[ // med as inital 21 + 1|2|3, 0inital as "" if self.init == 0 && != 0 { + Init::Si as u8 } else { self.init } as usize// or inital ] } fn _get_rime_parts(&self) -> (char, char, &str) { let (init_char, med_char, rime_char) = (self.init_char(), self.med_char(), self.rime_char()); //default char for medials let mut med = match med_char { 'ㄧ' => 'i', 'ㄨ' => 'u', 'ㄩ' => 'ü', _ => '\0', }; //look the nucleus and the coda up from the table array. let (mut nuc, mut coda) = PINYIN_NUC_CODAS[if self.rime == 0 && != 0 { + Rime::Er as u8 } else { self.rime } as usize]; if med == nuc { //eliminate .?uu_ .?ii_ .?üü_ med = '\0' } //Is it zero initial w~ or y~ let is_w = self.init == 0 && med_char == 'ㄨ'; let is_y = self.init == 0 && > 0 && !is_w; //adjust the parts according to the quirks of pinyin //note that the tone marks can be only added on the nucleus if !is_w && med_char == 'ㄨ' && rime_char == 'ㄟ' { //[^w]uei -> [^w]ui (nuc, coda) = ('i', "") } else if !is_y && med_char == 'ㄧ' && rime_char == 'ㄡ' { //[^y]iou -> [^y]iu (nuc, coda) = ('u', ""); } if !is_w && > 0 && (rime_char == 'ㄣ' || rime_char == 'ㄥ') { //ien ieng uen ueng üen üeng -> in ing un ong ün iong med = '\0'; match med_char { 'ㄧ' => { nuc = 'i' } 'ㄨ' => { nuc = if rime_char == 'ㄥ' {'o'}else{'u'}} _ /*'ㄩ'*/ => {(med, nuc) = if rime_char == 'ㄥ' {('i', 'o')} else {('\0', 'ü')}} } } if is_y || init_char >= 'ㄐ' && init_char <= 'ㄒ' { if med_char == 'ㄩ' { if nuc == 'ü' || rime_char == 'ㄣ' { //(j|q|x|y)ün? -> (j|q|x|y)un? nuc = 'u'; } else if rime_char != 'ㄥ' { //(j|q|x|y)ü_ -> (j|q|x|y)u_ med = 'u' } } if is_y && (med_char == 'ㄧ' || med == 'i') { //yia,yii,yiong.. -> ya,yi,yong... med = '\0' } } else if is_w { //wuu, wuan... -> wu, wan... med = '\0' } (med, nuc, coda) } //#endregion } //#region TRAITS impl Ord for Syllable { fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering { self.ord().cmp(&other.ord()) } } impl PartialOrd for Syllable { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { Some(self.cmp(other)) } } fn _bpmf_part_to_char(part: u8, lower_bound: char) -> char { if part == 0 { '\0' } else { unsafe { char::from_u32_unchecked(part as u32 + lower_bound as u32) } } } impl Display for Syllable { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { if self.is_empty() { return f.write_str(""); } if self.tone == 5 { f.write_char(bc::TONE_5)? } if self.init > 0 { f.write_char(_bpmf_part_to_char(self.init, bc::BEFORE_BO))? } if > 0 { f.write_char(_bpmf_part_to_char(, bc::ER))? } if self.rime > 0 { f.write_char(_bpmf_part_to_char(self.rime, bc::S))? } if self.tone > 1 && self.tone < 5 { f.write_char(match self.tone { 2 => bc::TONE_2, 3 => bc::TONE_3, _ => bc::TONE_4, })? } Ok(()) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct ParseBopomofoError; impl FromStr for Syllable { type Err = ParseBopomofoError; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { Syllable::parse_bopomofo(s) .map(|x| x.0) .or_else(|_| Syllable::parse_pinyin(s).map(|x| x.0)) } } //#endregion //#region convenient functions pub fn pinyin_to_bopomofo(txt: &str) -> Option { Syllable::parse_pinyin(txt) .ok() .map(|res| res.0.to_string()) } pub fn bopomofo_to_pinyin(txt: &str) -> Option { Syllable::parse_bopomofo(txt) .ok() .map(|res| res.0.to_pinyin()) } pub fn ascii_pinyin_to_bopomofo(txt: &str) -> Option { Syllable::parse_ascii_pinyin(txt) .ok() .map(|res| res.0.to_string()) } pub fn ascii_pinyin_to_pinyin(txt: &str) -> Option { Syllable::parse_ascii_pinyin(txt) .ok() .map(|res| res.0.to_pinyin()) } pub fn bopomofo_to_ascii_pinyin(txt: &str) -> Option { Syllable::parse_bopomofo(txt) .ok() .map(|res| res.0.to_ascii_pinyin()) } pub fn pinyin_to_ascii_pinyin(txt: &str) -> Option { Syllable::parse_pinyin(txt) .ok() .map(|res| res.0.to_ascii_pinyin()) } //#endregion