# {{title}} \{{}} {{foobar}} This is a markdown document using handlebars for templating. The first header is a basic variable substitution but we can also use explicit `@root` references too, here is a block quote that shows the page title with escaping disabled: > {{{@root.title}}} {{# if title }} Got a title :: {{title}} {{ else if true }} Got chained conditional {{ else }} No title available {{ /if}} The number is: {{list.[1]}} The lookup value is: {{lookup foo.'b.r' "qux"}} The lookup value is: {{lookup foo."b.r" "qux"}} The lookup value is: {{lookup foo.'q\'x' "bar"}} The title is: {{this.[title]}} ## JSON The `json` helper is useful for debugging template data, for example: `\{{json this}}` yields: ```json {{{json this pretty=true}}} ``` If you want pretty output pass a *truthy* value for the `pretty` hash parameter: `\{{json this pretty=true}}`.