bracket_terminal::add_wasm_support!(); use bracket_pathfinding::prelude::*; use bracket_random::prelude::*; use bracket_terminal::prelude::*; #[derive(PartialEq, Copy, Clone)] enum TileType { Wall, Floor, } const WIDTH: i32 = 40; const HEIGHT: i32 = 25; struct State { map: Vec, player_position: usize, visible: Vec, } pub fn xy_idx(x: i32, y: i32) -> usize { (y as usize * WIDTH as usize) + x as usize } pub fn idx_xy(idx: usize) -> (i32, i32) { (idx as i32 % WIDTH, idx as i32 / WIDTH) } impl State { pub fn new() -> State { let mut state = State { map: vec![TileType::Floor; (WIDTH * HEIGHT) as usize], player_position: xy_idx(WIDTH / 2, HEIGHT / 2), visible: vec![false; (WIDTH * HEIGHT) as usize], }; for x in 0..WIDTH {[xy_idx(x, 0)] = TileType::Wall;[xy_idx(x, HEIGHT - 1)] = TileType::Wall; } for y in 0..HEIGHT {[xy_idx(0, y)] = TileType::Wall;[xy_idx(WIDTH - 1, y)] = TileType::Wall; } let mut rng = RandomNumberGenerator::new(); for _ in 0..400 { let x = rng.range(1, WIDTH - 1); let y = rng.range(1, HEIGHT - 1); let idx = xy_idx(x, y); if state.player_position != idx {[idx] = TileType::Wall; } } state } pub fn move_player(&mut self, delta_x: i32, delta_y: i32) { let current_position = idx_xy(self.player_position); let new_position = (current_position.0 + delta_x, current_position.1 + delta_y); let new_idx = xy_idx(new_position.0, new_position.1); if[new_idx] == TileType::Floor { self.player_position = new_idx; } } } // Implement the game loop impl GameState for State { #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn tick(&mut self, ctx: &mut BTerm) { let mut draw_batch = DrawBatch::new(); match ctx.key { None => {} // Nothing happened Some(key) => { // A key is pressed or held match key { // Numpad VirtualKeyCode::Numpad8 => self.move_player(0, -1), VirtualKeyCode::Numpad4 => self.move_player(-1, 0), VirtualKeyCode::Numpad6 => self.move_player(1, 0), VirtualKeyCode::Numpad2 => self.move_player(0, 1), // Numpad diagonals VirtualKeyCode::Numpad7 => self.move_player(-1, -1), VirtualKeyCode::Numpad9 => self.move_player(1, -1), VirtualKeyCode::Numpad1 => self.move_player(-1, 1), VirtualKeyCode::Numpad3 => self.move_player(1, 1), // Cursors VirtualKeyCode::Up => self.move_player(0, -1), VirtualKeyCode::Down => self.move_player(0, 1), VirtualKeyCode::Left => self.move_player(-1, 0), VirtualKeyCode::Right => self.move_player(1, 0), _ => {} // Ignore all the other possibilities } } } // Set all tiles to not visible for v in &mut self.visible { *v = false; } // Obtain the player's visible tile set, and apply it let player_position = self.index_to_point2d(self.player_position); let fov = field_of_view_set(player_position, 8, self); // Note that the steps above would generally not be run every frame! for idx in &fov { self.visible[xy_idx(idx.x, idx.y)] = true; } // Clear the screen; draw_batch.cls(); // Iterate the map array, incrementing coordinates as we go. let mut y = 0; let mut x = 0; for (i, tile) in { // Render a tile depending upon the tile type; now we check visibility as well! let mut fg = RGB::from_f32(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); let glyph; match tile { TileType::Floor => { glyph = 0; } TileType::Wall => { glyph = 1; } } if !self.visible[i] { fg = fg * 0.3; } else { let distance = 1.0 - (DistanceAlg::Pythagoras.distance2d(Point::new(x, y), player_position) as f32 / 10.0); fg = RGB::from_f32(distance, distance, distance); } draw_batch.set( Point::new(x, y), ColorPair::new(fg, RGB::from_f32(0., 0., 0.)), glyph, ); // Move the coordinates x += 1; if x > WIDTH - 1 { x = 0; y += 1; } } // Render the player @ symbol let ppos = idx_xy(self.player_position);; draw_batch.cls(); draw_batch.set( Point::from_tuple(ppos), ColorPair::new(RGB::from_f32(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), RGB::from_f32(0., 0., 0.)), 2, ); draw_batch.submit(0).expect("Batch error"); render_draw_buffer(ctx).expect("Render error"); } } impl BaseMap for State { fn is_opaque(&self, idx: usize) -> bool {[idx as usize] == TileType::Wall } } impl Algorithm2D for State { fn dimensions(&self) -> Point { Point::new(WIDTH, HEIGHT) } } bracket_terminal::embedded_resource!(TILE_FONT, "../resources/example_tiles.png"); fn main() -> BError { bracket_terminal::link_resource!(TILE_FONT, "resources/example_tiles.png"); // This initialization is a bit more complicated than the previous examples. let context = BTermBuilder::new() // We specify the CONSOLE dimensions .with_dimensions(WIDTH as u32, HEIGHT as u32) // We specify the size of the tiles .with_tile_dimensions(16u32, 16u32) // We give it a window title .with_title("Bracket Example - Tiles") // We register our embedded "example_tiles.png" as a font. .with_font("example_tiles.png", 16u32, 16u32) // We want a base simple console for the terrain background .with_simple_console(WIDTH as u32, HEIGHT as u32, "example_tiles.png") // We also want a sparse console atop it to handle moving the character .with_sparse_console_no_bg(WIDTH as u32, HEIGHT as u32, "example_tiles.png") // And we call the builder function .build()?; let gs = State::new(); main_loop(context, gs) }