//! # BriteVerify API Real Time Verification Example // Third-Party Imports use anyhow::Context; // Crate-Level Imports use briteverify_rs::BriteVerifyClient; /// Example of using the BriteVerify API's single-transaction, /// real-time endpoints to verify a single "contact" record #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let api_key: String = std::env::var("BV_API_KEY") .context("The 'BV_API_KEY' environment variable must be set for the example to work!")?; let client = BriteVerifyClient::new(api_key)?; let response = client .verify_contact( "test@example.com", "+1(954) 494-1234", "123 Main St", Some("P.O. Box 100"), "Any Town", "CA", "90210", ) .await?; Ok(println!("{response:#?}")) }