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"name": "BriteVerify API Suite Documentation",
"description": "## Authorization\n\nTo get started, you must first create your API key:\n\n1. Log in to your account and go to the [API Keys tab](https://app.briteverify.com/account/api_keys).\n2. Click on 'Generate New Key', and provide a key name. This name is for your convenience and has no bearing on your implementation.\n3. Select a key type. If using this API key in a client-side implementation, select *Client-side*, otherwise select *Server-side*.\n4. If *Client-side*, you have some additional options available. Learn more ↗\n5. Once your key is created, it will appear in your keys list and is activated for use.\n \n\n* * *\n\n## API Key Best Practices\n\nAPI keys are sensitive and give access to the data in your account and access to perform new verifications. **Only trusted sources should be given access to your API keys**.\n\nIf you suspect your key is compromised, it's best to go ahead and replace it—even if you can't yet prove it. You can easily de-activate it and replace it with a new one:\n\n1. Go to the [API Keys tab](https://app.briteverify.com/account/api_keys) in your BriteVerify account.\n2. Locate the key in question and click on the actions gear. Click 'disable'. **This action cannot be undone.**\n3. Generate a new key and replace the old one in your code.\n \n\n## Status Responses\n\nA full list of email, phone, and mailing address statuses is available in the help center.\n\n## Performance, Usage, & Rate Limits\n\n* * *\n\n| **Touchpoint** | **Rate Limits** | **Processing Speeds** | **Notes** |\n| --- | --- | --- | --- |\n| Real-time Single Transaction API (all versions) | **500**
Verifications per key, per minute. Applies to both server-side and client-side (public) keys.
Verifications per client IP address, per minute. Applies to client-side (public) keys only. This applies in addition to the 500 verifications per key, per minute limit. | **500** ms
Average response time
| If you believe your transactional traffic will be greater than 500 requests per key, per minute, please reach out to our support team. When being rate limited you will receive a `429` response, which you should develop around if you suspect you could approach these limits. |\n| Bulk API (all versions) | **100k**
Emails per page
Email addresses per job (or 20 pages of 50k) | **4,000**
Average verifications per minute | This is an average based upon performance achieved by 95% of customers. Actual speeds can vary depending upon network load, time of day, domain response times, and quality of addresses being verified. |",
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"description": "This endpoint will return your account credit balance and credits in reserve*, current as of the `recorded_on` timestamp.\n\n*Credits in reserve are those being held for currently processing list uploads (via manual upload or bulk api upload)"
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"name": "Credit Balance",
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"name": "Valid Email, Valid Phone, and Valid Address",
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"description": "**This example assumes use of** [public keys](https://help.returnpath.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407473214619-Public-Keys-for-the-Real-time-Single-Transaction-API)**. If not using, remove** **`/public/`** **from the path.**"
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"description": "**This example assumes use of** [public keys](https://help.returnpath.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407473214619-Public-Keys-for-the-Real-time-Single-Transaction-API)**. If not using, remove** **`/public/`** **from the path.**"
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"description": "The Real-Time Single Transaction API (v1) is a simple JSON-based REST Web Service that allows you to verify email addresses, phone numbers, and U.S. and Canadian mailing addresses on demand as a user enters them in a web form or mobile application.\n\n| **Secure Use**
|\n| --- |\n| All client-side implementations are **strongly encouraged** to use public keys with domain validation. Learn more ↗
|\n| **Note**: Neglecting to use [public keys](https://help.returnpath.com/hc/en-us/articles/4407473214619-Public-Keys-for-the-Real-time-Single-Transaction-API) exposes you to unnecessary risks that may result in loss of verification credits, which are not refundable. Validity does not take responsibility for loss that could have been prevented by using security features like Public Keys on a client-side implementation. |\n\n**Performance, Usage, & Rate Limits**\n\nThis API is intended for validating emails, phone numbers, and mailing addresses one-by-one. If you need to verify lists via API please see our Bulk API. [Learn More↗](https://docs.briteverify.com/#e673d752-0030-466c-9e7e-4f2fed63c848) \n\nSee above for more information on [Performance, Usage, & Rate Limits](https://docs.briteverify.com/#intro)\n\n**Status Responses**\n\nTo learn more about statuses returned, see Response Statuses & Errors ↗."
"name": "Bulk Verification APIs",
"item": [
"name": "v3",
"item": [
"name": "Account Information",
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"name": "Credits",
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"description": "This endpoint will return your account credit balance and credits in reserve*, current as of the `recorded_on` timestamp.\n\n*Credits in reserve are those being held for currently processing list uploads (via manual upload or bulk api upload)"
"response": [
"name": "Credit Balance",
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"name": "Lists",
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"name": "List",
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"description": "This method creates a new, empty list into which you can insert `emails` objects (containing an array of email addresses) or `contacts` objects (containing a max of one email address, one phone number, and one mailing address). \n\nIt will not start verifying until you pass the directive to start. \n\n
\n\n#### URL Parameters\n- - - - - - -\n**`external_id`** (optional)\n - This parameter is designed as a way to store an identifier with lists that you might process on behalf of your customers. This is ideal for agencies or resellers. Otherwise, leave this parameter out.\n\n*Example:*\n\n`POST /api/v3/accounts/:external_id/lists`\n`POST /api/v3/accounts/your-customer-ID/lists`\n\n\n**`list_id`** (optional)\n - When an open list is created, it remains in an open state until the directive to start is given. A list id will be returned in the response JSON, which can be used to continue appending to the list, queue the list for processing, or terminate the list.\n\n*Example:*\n\n`POST /api/v3/lists/:list_id`\n`POST /api/v3/lists/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX`\n\n*Example using `external_id`:*\n\n`POST /api/v3/accounts/:external_id/lists/:list_id`\n`POST /api/v3/accounts/your-customer-ID/lists/XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX`\n\n
\n\n#### POST Body Top-level Parameters \n- - - - - - -\n\n**`directive`** (optional)\n - Available values: `start` or `terminate`\n - To immediately start a list for processing, pass the param `directive: start` with the `emails` param.\n - Passing `directive: start` at any point to an open list will queue the list for processing. \n - To create an open list that can be appended too, do not pass a `directive`. \n - To abandon an open list that's no longer needed, pass `directive: terminate`.\n\n\n**`contacts`** (**required**)\n - Must be an array of objects, each object containing up to one `email`, one `phone`, and one `address`. \n - Each object has a max of one email address, one phone number, and one address.\n - Max limit of 100,000 objects per POST, per page.\n\n\n**`contacts` Nested Parameters** (optional)\n- - - - - - -\n- `email`\n*Example:*\n```\n{\n \"contacts\": [\n {\n \"email\": \"hello@example.com\"\n }\n ]\n}\n```\n- `phone` (optional)\n*Example:*\n```\n{\n \"contacts\": [\n {\n \"phone\": \"4444444444\"\n }\n ]\n}\n```\n- `address` (optional)\n*Example:*\n```\n{\n \"contacts\": [\n {\n \"address\": {\n \"address1\": \"200 Clarendon St\",\n \"address2\": \"Unit 2200\",\n \"city\": \"Boston\",\n \"state\": \"MA\",\n \"zip\": \"02115\"\n }\n }\n ]\n}\n```"
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"name": "Create list",
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"description": "Retrieves all lists from the past 7 days.\n\nFilterable by:\n* `external_id` (e.g. `/api/v2/accounts/your-customer-ID/lists`\n - _**Note:**_If a list uses `external_id`, the list will only be visible when that external_id is included in the GET URL. Otherwise, it does not appear in general list GETs. \n* `state` (e.g. `/api/v2/lists?state=completed`)\n* `page` (e.g. `/api/v2/lists?page=2`)\n* `date` (e.g. `/api/v2/lists?date=2020-07-28`)\n\nFilters can be combined to further narrow down retrieved lists."
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"description": "Fetches the paged verification results for each email address in the list. A full list of email, phone, and mailing address statuses is available in the help center.\n\nExport link is available once list has finished verifying.\n\nList return values:\n\nFor email:\n* `email`\n* `status`\n* `secondary_status`\n\nFor phone:\n* `phone`\n* `status`\n* `secondary_status`\n* `phone_service_type`\n* `phone_location`"
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"description": "Deleting a specific list.\n\nUse this endpoint to delete a list. Once this deletion has been completed, the list will no longer exist. Once completed, this action cannot be reversed.\n\nThe list must be in one of the following `states` to be deleted:\n\n* `Complete`\n* `Delivered`\n* `Prepped`\n* `Import_error`"
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"body": "{\n \"status\": \"invalid_state\",\n \"message\": \"The provided list is in an invalid state -- state is verifying and needs to be one of the following to continue: complete, delivered, prepped, import_error.\"\n}"
"description": "The BriteVerify Bulk Verification API (v3) is a simple, RESTful web service built for performing email and phone address verifications at speed and scale. It's ideal for verifying databases or lists.\n\n**Verifications Types Available:**\n\n* Email Addresses\n* Phone numbers (U.S. and Canadian)\n* Mailing Addresses (U.S. and Canadian)\n \n\n**Whole-contact Verification**\n\nIn addition to the `emails` object from v2, this API features a new `contacts` object, which supports email address, U.S. and Canadian phone number, and U.S. and Canadian mailing address verification within the same object.\n\n* ***Note:*** *You can only use one object type (**`emails`* *or* *`contacts`**) per list, so consider whether you only need email addresses, or if you might expand to phone numbers and/or mailing addresses in the future.*\n \n\n**Paging** \nFor lists larger than 100,000 contacts (each containing one email address and/or one phone number), use paging to upload the list in chunks (see Append to list).\n\n* ***Note:*** *When adding pages to an open list, responses will not give you a running total of the items you have added. You can only get confirmation of your total verifications after the verification process has completed.*\n \n\nAfter the initial list creation, a list will remain open to allow you to continue to add to it. After 15 minutes of inactivity, the list will automatically terminate.\n\nSee above for information on [Performance, Usage, & Rate Limits](https://docs.briteverify.com/#intro)\n\nTo learn more about statuses returned, see [Response Statuses & Errors](https://help.returnpath.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047111771-Understanding-Statuses-in-BriteVerify)."
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