# Bevy Roguelike Toolkit (BRLTK) An opinionated rougelike toolkit for bevy BRLTK lets you use [Bevy](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy) with various roguelike libraries. Currently, it supports [doryen-rs](https://github.com/jice-nospam/doryen-rs), [bracket-lib](https://github.com/amethyst/bracket-lib), and [bevy_ascii_terminal](https://github.com/sarkahn/bevy_ascii_terminal)
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## Compatible Bevy versions The main branch is compatible with the latest Bevy release Compatibility of `BRLTK` versions: | `BRLTK` | `bevy` | | :------ | :----- | | `0.1.0` | `0.9` | ## Getting Started Using `doryen-rs` backend: ```rust App::build() // Add the `BRLTKPlugin` to Bevy. .add_plugin(BRLTKPlugin::with_backend(DoryenBackend { // here are all the available options. // better practice is to use default values (see other examples) app_options: DoryenAppOptions { console_width: CONSOLE_WIDTH, console_height: CONSOLE_HEIGHT, screen_width: CONSOLE_WIDTH * 8, screen_height: CONSOLE_HEIGHT * 8, window_title: String::from("my roguelike"), font_path: String::from("terminal_8x8.png"), vsync: true, fullscreen: false, show_cursor: true, resizable: true, intercept_close_request: false, max_fps: 60, }, ..Default::default() })) // Add your Bevy systems like usual. Excluding startup systems, which // only run once, these systems are run during Doryen's update phase; // i.e. 60 times per second. .add_startup_system(init) .add_system(input) // The `RenderSystemExtensions` trait lets you add systems that should // be run during Doryen's render phase. .add_doryen_render_system(render) .run(); ``` Using `bracket-lib` backend: ⚠️(Default Plugins are required for the `bracket-lib` backend)⚠️ ```rust App::build() .add_plugins(DefaultPlugins) // Add the `BRLTKPlugin` to Bevy. .add_plugin(BRLTKPlugin::with_backend( BracketLibBackend::simple_80x50() .with_named_color("blue", BLUE) .with_named_color("pink", Color::PINK), )) .insert_resource(State { y: 0, going_down: true, }) .add_system(tick) .run(); ``` Once set up, you can quickly try out the [examples](https://github.com/YendorEngine/BRLTK/tree/master/examples) by cloning this repo and running the following commands: ```sh # Switch to the correct version (latest release, default is main development branch) git checkout latest # Runs the "basic_doryen" example cargo run --example basic_doryen or # Runs the "basic_bracket" example cargo run --example basic_bracket ``` ## Libraries Used Bevy is only possible because of the hard work put into these foundational technologies: - [bevy](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy): a refreshingly simple data-driven game engine built in Rust - [doryen-rs](https://github.com/jice-nospam/doryen-rs): Ascii roguelike library in rust with native and wasm support - [bracket-lib](https://github.com/amethyst/bracket-lib): bracket-lib is a wrapper of the bracket- set of crates designed initally for roguelike development (as RLTK) and later transitioned into a general use crate. - [bevy_ascii_terminal](https://github.com/sarkahn/bevy_ascii_terminal): A simple ascii terminal integrated into bevy's ecs framework. ## Thanks and Alternatives Additionally, I would like to thank the [Jice](https://github.com/jice-nospam) and his library [doryen-rs](https://github.com/jice-nospam/doryen-rs) for providing the bones to build this toolkit. This crate uses a modified version of `doryen-rs` to provide a more bevy-like interface. I would also like to thank [alexschrod](https://github.com/alexschrod) who started this implementation back in bevy 0.5, which allowed me to fork the repository and continue the work. And as always, a special shoutout to [thebracket](https://github.com/thebracket) for his [bracket-lib](https://github.com/amethyst/bracket-lib) game engine which began my journey into the world of roguelikes. He is my inspiration for this project. ## License BRLTK is free, open source and permissively licensed! All code in this repository is dual-licensed under either: - MIT License ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or [http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)) - Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or [http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)) This means you can select the license you prefer! This dual-licensing approach is the de-facto standard in the Rust ecosystem and there are [very good reasons](https://github.com/bevyengine/bevy/issues/2373) to include both. The [assets](assets) included in this repository (for our [examples](./examples/README.md)) typically fall under different open licenses, but most are free for commercial use. See [CREDITS.md](CREDITS.md) for the details of the licenses of those files. ### Contribution Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.