# build a new release of broot # This isn't used for normal compilation (see https://dystroy.org/broot for instruction) # but for building the official releases version=$(./version.sh) echo "Building release $version" # make the build directory and compile for all targets ./build-all-targets.sh # add the readme and changelog in the build directory echo "This is broot. More info and installation instructions on https://dystroy.org/broot" > build/README.md cp CHANGELOG.md build # add the man page and fix its date and version cp man/page build/broot.1 sed -i "s/#version/$version/g" build/broot.1 sed -i "s/#date/$(date +'%Y\/%m\/%d')/g" build/broot.1 # publish version number echo "$version" > build/version # prepare the release archive rm broot_*.zip cd build zip -r "../broot_$version.zip" * cd - # copy it to releases folder mkdir -p releases/broot_${version} cp "broot_$version.zip" releases/broot_${version} # create zip files for `cargo binstall broot` ./release-for-binstall.sh