# Download CEF archive $CEF_ARCHIVE = "cef_binary_122.1.12+g6e69d20+chromium-122.0.6261.112_windows64_minimal" $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" mkdir -f cef if (!(Test-Path "cef\$CEF_ARCHIVE.tar.bz2")) { "Downloading CEF..." curl -o "cef\$CEF_ARCHIVE.tar.bz2.part" "https://cef-builds.spotifycdn.com/$CEF_ARCHIVE.tar.bz2" mv "cef\$CEF_ARCHIVE.tar.bz2.part" "cef\$CEF_ARCHIVE.tar.bz2" } if (!(Test-Path "cef\$CEF_ARCHIVE")) { "Unpacking CEF..." tar -xvf "cef\$CEF_ARCHIVE.tar.bz2" -C cef } "Compiling CEF..." try { cd "cef\$CEF_ARCHIVE" # Add compilation definitions to the top of the CMakeLists.txt file if (!(Test-Path "CMakeLists.txt.def")) { mv CMakeLists.txt CMakeLists.txt.old Set-Content -Path "CMakeLists.txt.def" -Value "add_compile_definitions(NDEBUG=1 DCHECK_ALWAYS_ON=1)" Get-Content CMakeLists.txt.def, CMakeLists.txt.old | Set-Content -Path "CMakeLists.txt" } cmake . cmake --build . --config Release cmake --build libcef_dll_wrapper --config Release --target libcef_dll_wrapper } finally { cd ..\.. } ` "CEF is ready. Add the following path to with name CEF_PATH to your environment variables:" "$PWD\cef\$CEF_ARCHIVE" $Env:CEF_PATH = "$PWD\cef\$CEF_ARCHIVE"