# HttpStatusCode ## Enum Variants | Name | Value | |---- | -----| | Continue | Continue | | SwitchingProtocols | SwitchingProtocols | | Processing | Processing | | EarlyHints | EarlyHints | | Ok | OK | | Created | Created | | Accepted | Accepted | | NonAuthoritativeInformation | NonAuthoritativeInformation | | NoContent | NoContent | | ResetContent | ResetContent | | PartialContent | PartialContent | | MultiStatus | MultiStatus | | AlreadyReported | AlreadyReported | | ImUsed | IMUsed | | MultipleChoices | MultipleChoices | | MovedPermanently | MovedPermanently | | Found | Found | | SeeOther | SeeOther | | NotModified | NotModified | | UseProxy | UseProxy | | Unused | Unused | | TemporaryRedirect | TemporaryRedirect | | PermanentRedirect | PermanentRedirect | | BadRequest | BadRequest | | Unauthorized | Unauthorized | | PaymentRequired | PaymentRequired | | Forbidden | Forbidden | | NotFound | NotFound | | MethodNotAllowed | MethodNotAllowed | | NotAcceptable | NotAcceptable | | ProxyAuthenticationRequired | ProxyAuthenticationRequired | | RequestTimeout | RequestTimeout | | Conflict | Conflict | | Gone | Gone | | LengthRequired | LengthRequired | | PreconditionFailed | PreconditionFailed | | RequestEntityTooLarge | RequestEntityTooLarge | | RequestUriTooLong | RequestUriTooLong | | UnsupportedMediaType | UnsupportedMediaType | | RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable | RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable | | ExpectationFailed | ExpectationFailed | | MisdirectedRequest | MisdirectedRequest | | UnprocessableEntity | UnprocessableEntity | | Locked | Locked | | FailedDependency | FailedDependency | | UpgradeRequired | UpgradeRequired | | PreconditionRequired | PreconditionRequired | | TooManyRequests | TooManyRequests | | RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge | RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge | | UnavailableForLegalReasons | UnavailableForLegalReasons | | InternalServerError | InternalServerError | | NotImplemented | NotImplemented | | BadGateway | BadGateway | | ServiceUnavailable | ServiceUnavailable | | GatewayTimeout | GatewayTimeout | | HttpVersionNotSupported | HttpVersionNotSupported | | VariantAlsoNegotiates | VariantAlsoNegotiates | | InsufficientStorage | InsufficientStorage | | LoopDetected | LoopDetected | | NotExtended | NotExtended | | NetworkAuthenticationRequired | NetworkAuthenticationRequired | [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)