use bsp_pathfinding::{ astar::{Path, SearchInfo}, heuristics, BSPNode, BSPTree, Face, NavigationContext, Portal, Portals, Shape, }; use macroquad::{ color::hsl_to_rgb, prelude::{ clear_background, draw_circle, draw_line, draw_triangle, get_char_pressed, is_mouse_button_down, mouse_position, next_frame, screen_height, screen_width, Color, Conf, MouseButton, Vec2, BLACK, BLUE, DARKGREEN, DARKPURPLE, GRAY, RED, WHITE, }, }; use rand::{rngs::StdRng, SeedableRng}; const WIDTH: i32 = 800; const HEIGHT: i32 = 600; struct Colorscheme { background: Color, edge: Color, shape: Color, start: Color, path: Color, end: Color, bsp_plane: fn(usize) -> Color, } #[allow(dead_code)] const DARK_COLORSCHEME: Colorscheme = Colorscheme { background: BLACK, edge: DARKPURPLE, shape: WHITE, start: DARKGREEN, end: RED, path: BLUE, bsp_plane: |depth| hsl_to_rgb(depth as f32 / 8.0, 1.0, 0.5), }; #[allow(dead_code)] const LIGHT_COLORSCHEME: Colorscheme = Colorscheme { background: WHITE, edge: DARKPURPLE, shape: BLACK, start: DARKGREEN, end: RED, path: BLUE, bsp_plane: |depth| hsl_to_rgb(depth as f32 / 8.0, 1.0, 0.5), }; #[allow(dead_code)] const GRAYSCALE: Colorscheme = Colorscheme { background: WHITE, edge: GRAY, shape: BLACK, end: GRAY, path: BLACK, bsp_plane: |depth| hsl_to_rgb(1.0, 0.0, (depth as f32 / 8.0).min(0.9)), start: BLACK, }; const COLORSCHEME: Colorscheme = LIGHT_COLORSCHEME; /// Draws a dotted line, performance isn't great due to many draw calls. This is /// acceptable as it is only for visualization. fn draw_line_dotted(p: Vec2, q: Vec2, thickness: f32, color: Color) { let step = thickness * 2.0; let radius = thickness / 2.0; let steps = (p.distance(q) / step).floor() as usize; let dir = (q - p).normalize(); (0..=steps).for_each(|val| { let t = p + dir * val as f32 * step; draw_circle(t.x, t.y, radius, color); }) } fn window_conf() -> Conf { Conf { window_title: "Runtime path finding using Binary Spatial Partitioning".to_owned(), fullscreen: false, window_width: WIDTH, window_height: HEIGHT, ..Default::default() } } #[allow(dead_code)] fn spawn_scene_1() -> Vec { let rect1 = Shape::rect(Vec2::new(200.0, 100.0), Vec2::new(200.0, 300.0)); let rect2 = Shape::rect(Vec2::new(50.0, 200.0), Vec2::new(230.0, 450.0)); let tri1 = Shape::new(&[ Vec2::new(600.0, 100.0), Vec2::new(650.0, 200.0), Vec2::new(550.0, 200.0), Vec2::new(600.0, 100.0), ]); let poly1 = Shape::regular_polygon(5, 50.0, Vec2::new(500.0, 320.0)); let poly2 = Shape::regular_polygon(3, 50.0, Vec2::new(200.0, 100.0)); [rect1, rect2, tri1, poly1, poly2] .iter() .flatten() .collect() } #[allow(dead_code)] fn spawn_scene_2() -> Vec { vec![ Face::new([Vec2::new(800.0, 30.0), Vec2::new(30.0, 30.0)]), Face::new([Vec2::new(200.0, 30.0), Vec2::new(200.0, 400.0)]), Face::new([Vec2::new(200.0, 400.0), Vec2::new(30.0, 400.0)]), Face::new([Vec2::new(300.0, 300.0), Vec2::new(300.0, 30.0)]), Face::new([Vec2::new(500.0, 300.0), Vec2::new(300.0, 300.0)]), Face::new([Vec2::new(500.0, 30.0), Vec2::new(500.0, 300.0)]), Face::new([Vec2::new(550.0, 300.0), Vec2::new(550.0, 30.0)]), Face::new([Vec2::new(750.0, 30.0), Vec2::new(550.0, 300.0)]), Face::new([Vec2::new(750.0, 500.0), Vec2::new(750.0, 30.0)]), Face::new([Vec2::new(30.0, 500.0), Vec2::new(800.0, 500.0)]), // Box in the lower mid Face::new([Vec2::new(400.0, 500.0), Vec2::new(400.0, 400.0)]), Face::new([Vec2::new(400.0, 400.0), Vec2::new(500.0, 400.0)]), Face::new([Vec2::new(500.0, 400.0), Vec2::new(500.0, 500.0)]), ] } #[macroquad::main(window_conf)] async fn main() { let scenes = [spawn_scene_1(), spawn_scene_2()]; let mut world = &scenes[0]; let mut start = Vec2::new(screen_width() / 2.0, screen_height() / 2.0); let mut end = Vec2::new(screen_width() / 2.0, screen_height() * 0.2); let mut seed = 0; let mut nav = None; let mut depth = 10; loop { clear_background(COLORSCHEME.background); if is_mouse_button_down(MouseButton::Left) { let pos: Vec2 = mouse_position().into(); if pos.distance(end) < pos.distance(start) { end = pos } else { start = pos; } } if let Some(c) = get_char_pressed() { match c { '1'..='9' => { let num = c as usize - '1' as usize; if num < scenes.len() { world = &scenes[num]; nav = None; } } 'r' => { nav = None; seed += 1 } 'R' if seed > 0 => { nav = None; seed -= 1 } 'l' => { depth += 1; } 'h' if depth > 0 => { depth -= 1; } _ => {} } } let nav = nav.get_or_insert_with(|| { NavigationContext::new_shuffle(world.iter().cloned(), &mut StdRng::seed_from_u64(seed)) }); start += nav.locate(start).unwrap().depth; draw_circle(start.x, start.y, POINT_RADIUS, COLORSCHEME.start); draw_circle(end.x, end.y, POINT_RADIUS, COLORSCHEME.end); let path = nav.find_path( start, end, heuristics::euclidiean, SearchInfo { agent_radius: POINT_RADIUS, }, ); let tree = nav.tree().unwrap(); tree.descendants() .filter(|(_, val)| val.depth().max(10) <= depth) .for_each(|(_, val)| val.draw()); // world.draw(); let portals = nav.portals(); if depth > 0 { portals.draw(); for portal in portals.get(tree.locate(start).index()) { draw_arrow( portal.face().midpoint(), portal.face().midpoint() + portal.normal() * 10.0, COLORSCHEME.edge, ); } } if let Some(path) = path { path.draw(); } next_frame().await } } const THICKNESS: f32 = 3.0; const POINT_RADIUS: f32 = 10.0; const VERTEX_RADIUS: f32 = 6.0; const EDGE_RADIUS: f32 = 4.0; const PATH_THICKNESS: f32 = 4.0; const NORMAL_LEN: f32 = 16.0; const ARROW_LEN: f32 = 4.0; trait Draw { fn draw(&self); } impl Draw for Face { fn draw(&self) { let a = self.vertices[1]; let b = self.vertices[0]; draw_line(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y, THICKNESS, COLORSCHEME.shape); } } impl Draw for Shape { fn draw(&self) { for face in self.faces() { face.draw() } } } impl Draw for [Shape] { fn draw(&self) { self.iter().for_each(|val| val.draw()) } } impl Draw for [Face] { fn draw(&self) { self.iter().for_each(|val| val.draw()) } } impl Draw for BSPTree { fn draw(&self) { self.descendants().for_each(|(_, val)| val.draw()) } } impl Draw for BSPNode { fn draw(&self) { let color = (COLORSCHEME.bsp_plane)(self.depth()); for face in self.faces() { let origin = face.midpoint(); let normal = face.normal(); let end = origin + normal * NORMAL_LEN; draw_arrow(origin, end, color); face.draw(); } self.faces().iter().for_each(|v| v.draw()); } } fn draw_arrow(start: Vec2, end: Vec2, color: Color) { draw_line(start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y, THICKNESS, color); let dir = (end - start).normalize(); let dir_perp = dir.perp(); // Draw arrow head draw_triangle( end + dir * ARROW_LEN, end + dir_perp * ARROW_LEN, end - dir_perp * ARROW_LEN, color, ); } impl<'a> Draw for Portal<'a> { fn draw(&self) { let [a, b] = self.face().vertices; draw_line_dotted(a, b, EDGE_RADIUS, COLORSCHEME.edge); } } impl Draw for Portals { fn draw(&self) { for portal in self.iter().flatten() { portal.draw() } } } impl Draw for Path { fn draw(&self) {|val| { let a = val[0]; let b = val[1]; draw_circle(a.x, a.y, VERTEX_RADIUS, COLORSCHEME.path); draw_circle(b.x, b.y, VERTEX_RADIUS, COLORSCHEME.path); draw_line(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y, PATH_THICKNESS, COLORSCHEME.path); }) } }