# Contributing Contributions are always welcome! Thank you! ## Report It Before - To report a bug, open an issue on GitHub. Please ensure the issue has not already been reported. Using the label `bug` is encouraged. - If you are interested in a feature, create an issue and add the tag `feature`. - If you would like to make `bstorage` better, describe the suggested changes and motivation in an issue and mark it with the label `enhancement`. ## Pull Request Your pull request should be linked to the relevant issue. ## Creating a Pull Request 1. Fork the `bstorage` repository to your GitHub account. 2. Create a branch and implement your changes. 3. Add necessary tests and make sure `cargo test` doesn't produce errors. 4. Check `cargo +nightly clippy --all --all-features -- -D warnings` for any warnings and errors. 5. Submit a pull request when your changes are tested and ready for review.