# btd ## Build. Transform. Deploy. `btd` allows you to transform and deploy production builds of projects with file operations and commands using easy-to-edit YAML files. ## Features ### Convenient File Format Transformations are stored in [Instruction Files](https://brandonxlf.github.io/btd/file-format/) that are created using the easy-to-edit YAML file format. YAML makes it trivial to define multiline strings strings wile requiring minimal syntax. ### User-Wide Store Instructions can be in codebase or in a [user-wide library](https://brandonxlf.github.io/btd/the-library/) that allows for the separation of open-source projects from the specific instructions for deploying them to proprietary environments. ## Installation If you have Rust and Cargo installed ([install Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install)), then you can build and install `btd` with the command `cargo install btd`. On Windows, an [installer is available for download](https://github.com/BrandonXLF/btd/releases/latest/download/btd-installer.exe) that installs a precompiled copy of `btd` and adds it to the `$PATH`. A [precompiled exe](https://github.com/BrandonXLF/btd/releases/latest/download/btd.exe) is also available directly. ## Documentation You can find the `btd` documentation on [the website](https://brandonxlf.github.io/btd/). ## Developing `btd` is build using Rust and Cargo. View [Cargo's documentation](https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/guide/working-on-an-existing-project.html) to learn more about developing with Cargo.