# btfs A basic simple in-memory file-system using b-trees. ## FUSE Example Set up FUSE: ``` $ apt-get install fuse libfuse-dev # Make sure fuse.conf has allow_root and user_allow_other set: $ cat /etc/fuse.conf allow_root user_allow_other ``` Test the system: ``` $ RUST_LOG=trace cargo run --bin fuse /tmp/test ``` Unmount: ``` $ umount /tmp/test ``` ## Testing with filebench Installing filebench: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/filebench/filebench.git $ libtoolize $ aclocal $ autoheader $ automake --add-missing $ autoconf $ ./configure $ make ``` Running a benchmark: ``` $ mkdir -p /tmp/fbtest $ cargo run --release --bin fuse -- /tmp/fbtest/ & $ echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space $ ./filebench -f randomrw.f $ umount /tmp/fbtest ```