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rust library to simplify allowing user input over the web
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> Hosts a website with buttons for you so you can focus on what matters! Btnify is a small library that lets you host a website with some buttons that will call a function or closure when clicked. Under the hood, Btnify uses [Axum](https://github.com/tokio-rs/axum). This library is pretty simple, but it works, and it's open source! Please leave a pull request with any improvements you have :) I would appreciate it very much. ## Installation Run `cargo add btnify` or Add `btnify = "2.0.2"` to your `Cargo.toml` ## How to use [Docs are here](https://docs.rs/btnify) ## Examples Hello World ```rust use btnify::button::{Button, ButtonResponse}; fn greet_handler() -> ButtonResponse { ButtonResponse::from("hello world!") } // this button doesn't use any state so we will mark the state generic as unit let greet_button: Button<()> = Button::create_basic_button("Greet!", Box::new(greet_handler)); ``` Hello World 2.0 ```rust use btnify::button::{Button, ButtonResponse}; fn better_greet_handler(responses: Vec>) -> ButtonResponse { // responses is guaranteed to be the same length as the number of extra prompts // specified when creating a button let name = &responses[0]; match name { Some(name) => format!("Hello, {name}").into(), None => format!("You didn't provide a name! :(").into() } } let better_greet_button: Button<()> = Button::create_button_with_prompts( "Greet 2.0", Box::new(better_greet_handler), vec!["What's your name?".to_string()] ); ``` Counter App ```rust use std::sync::Mutex; use tokio::sync::oneshot; use btnify::bind_server; use btnify::ShutdownConfig; use btnify::button::{Button, ButtonResponse}; struct Counter { // must use Mutex for interior mutability and thread-safety count: Mutex, end_server_tx: Mutex>>, } impl Counter { fn new(tx: oneshot::Sender<()>) -> Counter { Counter { count: Mutex::new(0), end_server_tx: Mutex::new(Some(tx)), } } fn end_server(&self) { // Acquire the Mutex to modify let mut tx = self.end_server_tx.lock().unwrap(); // Take the sender let tx = tx.take().unwrap(); // Send the signal to end the server tx.send(()).unwrap(); } } fn count_handler(state: &Counter) -> ButtonResponse { let count = state.count.lock().unwrap(); format!("The count is: {count}").into() } fn plus_handler(state: &Counter, responses: Vec>) -> ButtonResponse { match &responses[0] { Some(response_str) => { if let Ok(amount) = response_str.parse::() { let mut count = state.count.lock().unwrap(); *count += amount; format!("The count now is: {}", *count).into() } else { "You did not provide a number.".into() } } None => "You didn't provide any input.".into(), } } fn end_button_handler(state: &Counter) -> ButtonResponse { state.end_server(); "Server is ending. Goodbye!".into() } fn server_end(state: &Counter) { println!("goodbye world. ;("); } let count_button = Button::create_button_with_state("Counter", Box::new(count_handler)); let plus_button = Button::create_button_with_state_and_prompts( "add to counter", Box::new(plus_handler), vec!["How much do you want to add?".to_string()] ); let end_button = Button::create_button_with_state("End Server", Box::new(end_button_handler)); let buttons = vec![count_button, plus_button, end_button]; let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel(); let shutdown_config = ShutdownConfig::new(Some(rx), Some(Box::new(server_end))); bind_server(&"".parse().unwrap(), buttons, Counter::new(tx), None); // uncomment to actually run the server: // .await // .unwrap(); ```