import * as grpc from '@grpc/grpc-js'; import * as protoLoader from '@grpc/proto-loader'; import type { ProtoGrpcType as BlobType } from './proto/blob'; import type { StoreResponse } from './proto/buffdb/blob/StoreResponse'; const proto = grpc.loadPackageDefinition(protoLoader.loadSync('../../proto/blob.proto')) as unknown as BlobType; const blob_client = new proto.buffdb.blob.Blob('[::1]:50051', grpc.credentials.createInsecure()); const get = blob_client.Get(); const store = blob_client.Store(); // Be sure to set up the listeners before writing data! get.on('data', data => console.log('received data from GET: ', data)); get.on('end', () => console.log('stream GET ended')); const blob_ids: number[] = []; store.on('data', (raw_id: StoreResponse) => { const id = ( as protoLoader.Long).toNumber(); console.log('received data from STORE: ', id); blob_ids.push(id); }); store.on('end', () => console.log('stream STORE ended')); store.write({ bytes: Buffer.from('abcdef'), metadata: "{ offset: 6 }" }); store.write({ bytes: Buffer.from('ghijkl') }); store.end(); // Give the store time to finish its operations before asking for data back. // We could also do this in the callback of other events to be certain that it's been inserted. setTimeout(() => { for (const id of blob_ids) { console.log(`requesting ${id}`); get.write({ id }); } get.end(); }, 100);