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This RNG is not suitable for anything other than testing and fuzzing! It is not suitable for cryptography! It is not suitable for generating pseudo-random numbers!


### Why? `BufRng` is useful for reinterpreting raw input bytes from [libFuzzer](https://rust-fuzz.github.io/book/cargo-fuzz.html) or [AFL](https://rust-fuzz.github.io/book/afl.html) as an RNG that is used with structure-aware test case generators (e.g. [`quickcheck::Arbitrary`](https://docs.rs/quickcheck/0.9.0/quickcheck/trait.Arbitrary.html)). This combines the power of coverage-guided fuzzing with structure-aware fuzzing. ### Example Let's say we are developing a crate to convert back and forth between RGB and HSL color representations. First, we can implement `quickcheck::Arbitrary` for our color types to get structure-aware test case generators. Then, we can use these with `quickcheck`'s own test runner infrastructure to assert various properties about our code (such as it never panics, or that RGB -> HSL -> RGB is the identity function) and `quickcheck` will generate random instances of `Rgb` and `Hsl` to check this property against. ```rust /// A color represented with RGB. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Rgb { pub r: u8, pub g: u8, pub b: u8, } impl Rgb { pub fn to_hsl(&self) -> Hsl { // ... } } /// A color represented with HSL. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq)] pub struct Hsl { pub h: f64, pub s: f64, pub l: f64, } impl Hsl { pub fn to_rgb(&self) -> Rgb { // ... } } // Implementations of `quickcheck::Arbitrary` to create structure-aware test // case generators for `Rgb` and `Hsl`. use rand::prelude::*; use quickcheck::{Arbitrary, Gen}; impl Arbitrary for Rgb { fn arbitrary(g: &mut G) -> Self { Rgb { r: g.gen(), g: g.gen(), b: g.gen(), } } } impl Arbitrary for Hsl { fn arbitrary(g: &mut G) -> Self { Hsl { h: g.gen_range(0.0, 360.0), s: g.gen_range(0.0, 1.0), l: g.gen_range(0.0, 1.0), } } } // Properties that we can have `quickcheck` assert for us. pub fn rgb_to_hsl_doesnt_panic(rgb: Rgb) { let _ = rgb.to_hsl(); } pub fn rgb_to_hsl_to_rgb_is_identity(rgb: Rgb) { assert_eq!(rgb, rgb.to_hsl().to_rgb()); } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { quickcheck::quickcheck! { fn rgb_to_hsl_doesnt_panic(rgb: Rgb) -> bool { super::rgb_to_hsl_doesnt_panic(rgb); true } } quickcheck::quickcheck! { fn rgb_to_hsl_to_rgb_is_identity(rgb: Rgb) -> bool { super::rgb_to_hsl_to_rgb_is_identity(rgb); true } } } ``` Finally, we can *reuse* our existing structure-aware test case generators (the `Arbitrary` impls) with libFuzzer of AFL inputs with `BufRng`. Thus we can leverage coverage-guided fuzzing — where the fuzzer is observing code coverage while tests are running, and trying to maximize the paths the inputs cover — with our existing structure-aware generators. The following snippet is with [`cargo fuzz` and libFuzzer](https://rust-fuzz.github.io/book/cargo-fuzz.html), but the concepts would apply equally well to AFL, for example. ```rust // my-rgb-to-hsl-crate/fuzz/fuzz_targets/rgb.rs #![no_main] #[macro_use] extern crate libfuzzer_sys; use bufrng::BufRng; use my_rgb_to_hsl_crate::{rgb_to_hsl_doesnt_panic, rgb_to_hsl_to_rgb_is_identity, Rgb}; use quickcheck::Arbitrary; fuzz_target!(|data: &[u8]| { // Create a `BufRng` from the raw data given to us by the fuzzer. let mut rng = BufRng::new(data); // Generate an `Rgb` instance with it. let rgb = Rgb::arbitrary(&mut rng); // Assert our properties! rgb_to_hsl_doesnt_panic(rgb); rgb_to_hsl_to_rgb_is_identity(rgb); }); ```