include::include/header.adoc[] == Name bite-bugzilla-update - update bugs == Synopsis *bite bugzilla * :: Update bugs. *bite bugzilla * [-h|--help]:: Output help information. == Description Update bugs. include::include/global-options.adoc[] == Update options *-R, --reply*:: Interactively reply to specific comments for a given bug. + Values must be valid comment IDs specific to the bug, starting at 0 for the description. If no value is specified the last comment will be used. + This option forces interactive usage, launching an editor pre-populated with the selected comments allowing the user to respond in a style reminiscent of threaded messages on a mailing list. On completion, the data is used to create a new bug comment. + Multiple arguments can be specified in a comma-separated list. + .Reply to comments 1 and 2: bite bugzilla update 123 --reply 1,2 + .Reply to the last comment: bite bugzilla update 123 --reply include::include/template-options.adoc[] .Update bug using template: bite bugzilla update 123 --from template1 -c 'updated using template' .Create template using specified values: bite bugzilla update -p TestProduct -C TestComponent --to template1 --dry-run == Attribute options *-A, --alias* :: Add, remove, or set aliases. + Values must be unique when adding or setting and are ignored when missing when removing. + Prefixing values with `+` or `-` adds or removes from the list, respectively. Unprefixed values are treated as set values and override the entire list, ignoring any prefixed values. + Multiple arguments can be specified in a comma-separated list while no arguments removes the entire list. + .Add alias `a1`: bite bugzilla update 10 --alias +a1 + .Add alias `a2` and remove `a1`: bite bugzilla update 10 --alias +a2,-a1 + .Set aliases to `a3`: bite bugzilla update 10 --alias a3 *-a, --assignee* :: Assign a bug to a user. + The value must be an email address for a service user. The alias `@me` can also be used for the service's configured user if one exists. + No argument or an empty string will reset the field to the default for target component. + .Assign to yourself: bite bugzilla update 123 --assignee @me + .Reset to default: bite bugzilla update 123 --assignee *-b, --blocks* :: Add, remove, or set blockers. + Values must be valid IDs for existing bugs. + Prefixing values with `+` or `-` adds or removes from the list, respectively. Unprefixed values are treated as set values and override the entire list, ignoring any prefixed values. + Multiple arguments can be specified in a comma-separated list while no arguments removes the entire list. + .Add blocker on bug 1: bite bugzilla update 10 --blocks +1 + .Add bug 2 and remove bug 1 blockers: bite bugzilla update 10 --blocks +2,-1 + .Set blockers to bug 3: bite bugzilla update 10 --blocks 3 *--cc* :: Add or remove users from the CC list. + Values must be email addresses for service users. The alias `@me` can also be used for the service's configured user if one exists. + .Add yourself to the CC list: bite bugzilla update 10 --cc @me + Prefixing values with `+` or `-` adds or removes from the list, respectively. Unprefixed values will be added to the list. + .Remove yourself from the CC list: bite bugzilla update 10 --cc=-@me + Multiple arguments can be specified in a comma-separated list. + .Add and remove addresses from the CC list: bite bugzilla update 10, *-c, --comment* :: Add a comment. + When no argument is specified, an editor is launched for interactive entry. + Taken from standard input when `-`. *-F, --comment-from* :: Add a comment from a file. + The value must be the path to a valid comment file. + .Create a comment from a file: bite bugzilla update 10 --comment-from path/to/file.txt *-P, --comment-is-private*:: Mark created comment as private. + .Create a private comment: bite bugzilla update 10 --comment test --comment-is-private + .Create a private comment from a file: bite bugzilla update 10 --comment-from path/to/file.txt --comment-is-private + .Create a private reply to last comment: bite bugzilla update 10 --reply --comment-is-private *--comment-privacy *:: Update the privacy of existing comments. + The value must be comma-separated comment IDs local to the specified bug ID starting at 0 for the bug description or a range of comment IDs. An optional suffix consisting of boolean value in the form of `:true` or `:false` can be included to enable or disable all comment privacy respectively. Without this suffix, the privacy of all matching comments is toggled. + .Toggle comment 1 privacy: bite bugzilla update 10 --comment-privacy 1 + .Toggle comment 1 and 2 privacy: bite bugzilla update 10 --comment-privacy 1,2 + .Toggle all comment privacy: bite bugzilla update 10 --comment-privacy .. + .Disable comment 1 and 2 privacy: bite bugzilla update 10 --comment-privacy 1,2:false + .Mark comments 2-5 private: bite bugzilla update 10 --comment-privacy 2..=5:true *-C, --component *:: Update component. *--cf *:: Update custom fields. + Custom field names must match the raw values used by bugzilla itself in the form of `cf_custom_field_name`. + .Update custom field: bite bugzilla update 10 --cf cf_stabilisation_atoms "sys-libs/pkgcraft arm64" *-d, --depends* :: Add, remove, or set dependencies. + Values must be valid IDs for existing bugs. + Prefixing values with `+` or `-` adds or removes from the list, respectively. Unprefixed values are treated as set values and override the entire list, ignoring any prefixed values. + Multiple arguments can be specified in a comma-separated list while no arguments removes the entire list. + .Add dependency on bug 1: bite bugzilla update 10 --depends +1 + .Add bug 2 and remove bug 1 dependencies: bite bugzilla update 10 --depends +2,-1 + .Set dependencies to bug 3: bite bugzilla update 10 --depends 3 *-D, --duplicate-of* :: Mark as a duplicate of the specified bug. + .Duplicate of bug 20: bite bugzilla update 10 --duplicate-of 20 *-f, --flags* :: Add or remove flags. + Values must be valid flags composed of the flag name followed by its status. Supported statuses include `+`, `-`, and `?`. In addition, the special status `X` removes a flag. + Multiple arguments can be specified in a comma-separated list. + .Add `test?` flag: bite bugzilla update 10 --flags 'test?' + .Add `check+` and remove `test?` flags: bite bugzilla update 10 --flags check+,testX *-g, --groups* :: Add or remove groups. + Values must be valid service groups. + Prefixing values with `+` or `-` adds or removes from the list, respectively. Unprefixed values will be added to the list. + Multiple arguments can be specified in a comma-separated list. + .Add to `admin` group: bite bugzilla update 10 --groups +admin + .Add `test` and remove `admin` groups: bite bugzilla update 10 --groups +test,-admin *-k, --keywords* :: Add, remove, or set keywords. + Values must be valid keywords. + Prefixing values with `+` or `-` adds or removes from the list, respectively. Unprefixed values are treated as set values and override the entire list, ignoring any prefixed values. + Multiple arguments can be specified in a comma-separated list while no arguments removes the entire list. + .Add `key` keyword: bite bugzilla update 10 --keywords +key + .Add `test` and remove `key` keywords: bite bugzilla update 10 --keywords +test,-key + .Set keywords to `verify`: bite bugzilla update 10 --keywords verify *--os* :: Update operating system. *--platform* :: Update platform. *--priority* :: Update priority. *-p, --product* :: Update product. *--qa* :: Assign a QA contact for the bug. + The value must be an email address for a service user. The alias `@me` can also be used for the service's configured user if one exists. + No argument or an empty string will reset the field to the default for target component. + .Assign to yourself: bite bugzilla update 123 --qa @me + .Reset to default: bite bugzilla update 123 --qa *-r, --resolution* :: Update resolution. *-U, --see-also* :: Add or remove URLs to bugs in external trackers. + Values must be valid URLs to bugs, issues, or tickets in external trackers or IDs to existing bugs for the targeted service. + Prefixing values with `+` or `-` adds or removes from the list, respectively. Unprefixed values will be added to the list. + Multiple arguments can be specified in a comma-separated list. + .Add bug 2 URL: bite bugzilla update 10 --see-also 2 + .Add bug 3 and remove bug 2 URLs: bite bugzilla update 10 --see-also=+3,-2 + .Add URL to external bug: bite bugzilla update 10 --see-also https://url/to/bug/5 *--severity* :: Update severity. *-s, --status* :: Update status. *-S, --summary* :: Update summary. *-T, --target* :: Update target milestone. *-u, --url* :: Update URL. *-V, --version* :: Update version. *-w, --whiteboard* :: Update whiteboard. == Arguments :: IDs or aliases of bugs to update. + Taken from standard input when `-`. == See Also linkcmd:bite-bugzilla[1]