== Template Options Template files use the TOML format and generally map long option names to values. Explicitly specified options override corresponding template values. Templates names without path separators are sourced from `${HOME}/.config/bugbite/templates/${CONNECTION}/${COMMAND}/${NAME}` (with $XDG_CONFIG_HOME as a fallback) where $CONNECTION is the current connection name, $COMMAND is the subcommand name, and $NAME is the requested template name. For example, `bite bugzilla -c gentoo search -n -c 1d --to test` would save a template to `${HOME}/.config/bugbite/templates/gentoo/search/test` while `bite bugzilla -c gentoo search --from test` would load it for use. Template names with path separators are treated as relative paths in the current working directory. *-n, --dry-run*:: Skip service interaction. + Using `-n/--dry-run` allows creating templates without service interaction. *--from *:: Read request attributes from templates. + Multiple templates can be specified in a comma-separated list or via multiple options and will be loaded in order with later field values overriding earlier ones. *--to *:: Write request attributes to a template. + Use `-` for standard output instead of writing to a file.