# Build JSON formatted application build details provided by the Cargo.toml file. --- ## Usage Add the following to your *Cargo.toml* file (Edit the version if needed.): ``` build = "*" ``` **Methods** ***build_as_json()*** *->* *`String`* Returns a JSON response formatted to the 1.1 specification that is in a String format for transit. ### Example ``` extern crate build; fn main(){ let details = build::build_as_json(); println!("{}", details); } ``` To see it in action run (I pipe to `jq` to make it pretty!): ``` cargo run | jq ``` ## TODO 1. Encapsulate environment request with `try!` and alternate response structures when some cannot be obtained. 2. Provide string response for all `env` request types to *Cargo.toml* files offer. 3. ... [Suggestions?](https://github.com/webbrandon/build/labels/enhancement)