use clap::{ColorChoice, Parser, Subcommand}; use std::path::PathBuf; use text_block_macros::text_block; /// Parse result of CLI arguments. #[derive(Debug, Parser)] #[clap( version, name = "build-fs-tree", color = ColorChoice::Never, about = "Create a filesystem tree from YAML", long_about = text_block! { "Create a filesystem tree from YAML" "" "Source:" "Issues:" "Donate:" }, after_help = text_block! { "Examples:" " $ echo '{ foo.txt: HELLO, bar.txt: WORLD }' | build-fs-tree create foo-and-bar" " $ echo '{ foo.txt: HELLO, bar.txt: WORLD }' | build-fs-tree populate ." " $ build-fs-tree create root < fs-tree.yaml" " $ build-fs-tree populate . < fs-tree.yaml" }, after_long_help = text_block! { "Examples:" " Create two text files in a new directory" " $ echo '{ foo.txt: HELLO, bar.txt: WORLD }' | build-fs-tree create foo-and-bar" "" " Create two text files in the current directory" " $ echo '{ foo.txt: HELLO, bar.txt: WORLD }' | build-fs-tree populate ." "" " Create a new filesystem tree from a YAML file" " $ build-fs-tree create root < fs-tree.yaml" "" " Populate the current directory with filesystem tree as described in a YAML file" " $ build-fs-tree populate . < fs-tree.yaml" }, )] pub struct Args { /// Command to execute. #[structopt(subcommand)] pub command: Command, } /// Subcommands of the program. #[derive(Debug, Subcommand)] #[clap( rename_all = "kebab-case", about = "Create a filesystem tree from YAML" )] pub enum Command { /// Invoke [`FileSystemTree::build`](crate::FileSystemTree). #[clap( about = "Read YAML from stdin and create a new filesystem tree", long_about = concat!( "Read YAML from stdin and create a new filesystem tree at . ", "Merged paths are not allowed", ), after_help = text_block! { "EXAMPLES:" " $ echo '{ foo.txt: HELLO, bar.txt: WORLD }' | build-fs-tree create foo-and-bar" " $ echo '{ text-files: { foo.txt: HELLO } }' | build-fs-tree create files" " $ build-fs-tree create root < fs-tree.yaml" }, after_long_help = text_block! { "EXAMPLES:" " Create two text files in a new directory" " $ echo '{ foo.txt: HELLO, bar.txt: WORLD }' | build-fs-tree create foo-and-bar" "" " Create a text file and its parent directories" " $ echo '{ text-files: { foo.txt: HELLO } }' | build-fs-tree create files" "" " Create a new filesystem tree from a YAML file" " $ build-fs-tree create root < fs-tree.yaml" }, )] Create { #[clap(name = "TARGET")] target: PathBuf, }, /// Invoke [`MergeableFileSystemTree::build`](crate::MergeableFileSystemTree). #[clap( about = "Read YAML from stdin and populate an existing filesystem tree", long_about = concat!( "Read YAML from stdin and populate an existing filesystem tree at . ", "Parent directories would be created if they are not already exist", ), after_help = text_block! { "EXAMPLES:" " $ echo '{ foo.txt: HELLO, bar.txt: WORLD }' | build-fs-tree populate ." " $ echo '{ files/text-files/foo.txt: HELLO }' | build-fs-tree populate ." " $ build-fs-tree populate . < fs-tree.yaml" }, after_long_help = text_block! { "EXAMPLES:" " Create two text files in the current directory" " $ echo '{ foo.txt: HELLO, bar.txt: WORLD }' | build-fs-tree populate ." "" " Create a text file and its parent directories" " $ echo '{ files/text-files/foo.txt: HELLO }' | build-fs-tree populate ." "" " Populate the current directory with filesystem tree as described in a YAML file" " $ build-fs-tree populate . < fs-tree.yaml" }, )] Populate { #[clap(name = "TARGET")] target: PathBuf, }, }