--- name: Data mesh quadrant: Techniques ring: Assess isNew: true --- [Data mesh](https://martinfowler.com/articles/data-monolith-to-mesh.html) is an architectural paradigm that unlocks analytical data at scale; rapidly unlocking access to an ever-growing number of distributed domain data sets, for a proliferation of consumption scenarios such as machine learning, analytics or data intensive applications across the organization. Data mesh addresses the common failure modes of the traditional centralized [data lake](https://martinfowler.com/bliki/DataLake.html) or data platform architecture, with a shift from the centralized paradigm of a lake, or its predecessor, the data warehouse. Data mesh shifts to a paradigm that draws from modern distributed architecture: considering domains as the first-class concern, applying platform thinking to create a self-serve data infrastructure, treating data as a product and implementing open standardization to enable an ecosystem of interoperable distributed data products.