syntax = "proto3"; package moby.buildkit.v1.frontend; import ""; import ""; import ""; import ""; import ""; import ""; option (gogoproto.sizer_all) = true; option (gogoproto.marshaler_all) = true; option (gogoproto.unmarshaler_all) = true; service LLBBridge { // apicaps:CapResolveImage rpc ResolveImageConfig(ResolveImageConfigRequest) returns (ResolveImageConfigResponse); // apicaps:CapSolveBase rpc Solve(SolveRequest) returns (SolveResponse); // apicaps:CapReadFile rpc ReadFile(ReadFileRequest) returns (ReadFileResponse); // apicaps:CapReadDir rpc ReadDir(ReadDirRequest) returns (ReadDirResponse); // apicaps:CapStatFile rpc StatFile(StatFileRequest) returns (StatFileResponse); rpc Ping(PingRequest) returns (PongResponse); rpc Return(ReturnRequest) returns (ReturnResponse); } message Result { oneof result { string ref = 1; RefMap refs = 2; } map metadata = 10; } message RefMap { map refs = 1; } message ReturnRequest { Result result = 1; google.rpc.Status error = 2; } message ReturnResponse { } message ResolveImageConfigRequest { string Ref = 1; pb.Platform Platform = 2; string ResolveMode = 3; string LogName = 4; } message ResolveImageConfigResponse { string Digest = 1 [(gogoproto.customtype) = "", (gogoproto.nullable) = false]; bytes Config = 2; } message SolveRequest { pb.Definition Definition = 1; string Frontend = 2; map FrontendOpt = 3; // ImportCacheRefsDeprecated is deprecated in favor or the new Imports since BuildKit v0.4.0. // When ImportCacheRefsDeprecated is set, the solver appends // {.Type = "registry", .Attrs = {"ref": importCacheRef}} // for each of the ImportCacheRefs entry to CacheImports for compatibility. (planned to be removed) repeated string ImportCacheRefsDeprecated = 4; bool allowResultReturn = 5; // apicaps.CapSolveInlineReturn deprecated bool Final = 10; bytes ExporterAttr = 11; // CacheImports was added in BuildKit v0.4.0. // apicaps:CapImportCaches repeated CacheOptionsEntry CacheImports = 12; } // CacheOptionsEntry corresponds to the control.CacheOptionsEntry message CacheOptionsEntry { string Type = 1; map Attrs = 2; } message SolveResponse { // deprecated string ref = 1; // can be used by readfile request // deprecated /* bytes ExporterAttr = 2;*/ // these fields are returned when allowMapReturn was set Result result = 3; } message ReadFileRequest { string Ref = 1; string FilePath = 2; FileRange Range = 3; } message FileRange { int64 Offset = 1; int64 Length = 2; } message ReadFileResponse { bytes Data = 1; } message ReadDirRequest { string Ref = 1; string DirPath = 2; string IncludePattern = 3; } message ReadDirResponse { repeated fsutil.types.Stat entries = 1; } message StatFileRequest { string Ref = 1; string Path = 2; } message StatFileResponse { fsutil.types.Stat stat = 1; } message PingRequest{ } message PongResponse{ repeated moby.buildkit.v1.apicaps.APICap FrontendAPICaps = 1 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false]; repeated moby.buildkit.v1.apicaps.APICap LLBCaps = 2 [(gogoproto.nullable) = false]; repeated moby.buildkit.v1.types.WorkerRecord Workers = 3; }