use std::{assert_eq, process::Command}; use predicates::{ str::{contains, diff}, Predicate, }; #[test] fn cli_installed_docker_usage() { let cmd = Command::new("docker").arg("buildx").arg("version").output().unwrap(); assert_eq!(cmd.status.code(), Some(0)); let buildx_version = String::from_utf8_lossy(&cmd.stdout).into_owned(); let cmd = Command::new("docker").env("DOCKER_BUILDKIT", "1").arg("--help").output().unwrap(); assert_eq!(cmd.status.code(), Some(0)); #[allow(deprecated)] let re_home = |usage: String| match std::env::home_dir() { None => usage, Some(home) => usage.replace(&home.into_os_string().into_string().unwrap(), "~"), }; let matcher = contains(DOCKER_GLOBAL_OPTIONS); let blank = "\n "; assert!( matcher .find_case(false, &re_home(String::from_utf8_lossy(&cmd.stdout).replace(blank, " "))) .map(|dif| eprintln!("{dif:?}")) .is_none(), "for: {buildx_version}" ); let cmd = Command::new("docker").arg("buildx").arg("bake").arg("--help").output().unwrap(); assert_eq!(cmd.status.code(), Some(0)); let matcher = diff(DOCKER_BUILDX_BAKE); let blank = "\n "; assert!( matcher .find_case(false, &String::from_utf8_lossy(&cmd.stdout).replace(blank, " ")) .map(|dif| eprintln!("{dif:?}")) .is_none(), "for: {buildx_version}" ); let cmd = Command::new("docker").arg("buildx").arg("build").arg("--help").output().unwrap(); assert_eq!(cmd.status.code(), Some(0)); let matcher = diff(DOCKER_BUILDX_BUILD); let blank = "\n "; assert!( matcher .find_case(false, &String::from_utf8_lossy(&cmd.stdout).replace(blank, " ")) .map(|dif| eprintln!("{dif:?}")) .is_none(), "for: {buildx_version}" ); } const DOCKER_GLOBAL_OPTIONS: &str = r#" Global Options: --config string Location of client config files (default "~/.docker") -c, --context string Name of the context to use to connect to the daemon (overrides DOCKER_HOST env var and default context set with "docker context use") -D, --debug Enable debug mode -H, --host list Daemon socket to connect to -l, --log-level string Set the logging level ("debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal") (default "info") --tls Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify --tlscacert string Trust certs signed only by this CA (default "~/.docker/ca.pem") --tlscert string Path to TLS certificate file (default "~/.docker/cert.pem") --tlskey string Path to TLS key file (default "~/.docker/key.pem") --tlsverify Use TLS and verify the remote -v, --version Print version information and quit Run 'docker COMMAND --help' for more information on a command. "#; const DOCKER_BUILDX_BAKE: &str = r#" Usage: docker buildx bake [OPTIONS] [TARGET...] Build from a file Aliases: docker buildx bake, docker buildx f Options: --builder string Override the configured builder instance -f, --file stringArray Build definition file --load Shorthand for "--set=*.output=type=docker" --metadata-file string Write build result metadata to the file --no-cache Do not use cache when building the image --print Print the options without building --progress string Set type of progress output ("auto", "plain", "tty"). Use plain to show container output (default "auto") --provenance string Shorthand for "--set=*.attest=type=provenance" --pull Always attempt to pull all referenced images --push Shorthand for "--set=*.output=type=registry" --sbom string Shorthand for "--set=*.attest=type=sbom" --set stringArray Override target value (e.g., "targetpattern.key=value") "#; const DOCKER_BUILDX_BUILD: &str = r#" Usage: docker buildx build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | - Start a build Aliases: docker buildx build, docker buildx b Options: --add-host strings Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (format: "host:ip") --allow strings Allow extra privileged entitlement (e.g., "", "security.insecure") --attest stringArray Attestation parameters (format: "type=sbom,generator=image") --build-arg stringArray Set build-time variables --build-context stringArray Additional build contexts (e.g., name=path) --builder string Override the configured builder instance --cache-from stringArray External cache sources (e.g., "user/app:cache", "type=local,src=path/to/dir") --cache-to stringArray Cache export destinations (e.g., "user/app:cache", "type=local,dest=path/to/dir") --cgroup-parent string Optional parent cgroup for the container -f, --file string Name of the Dockerfile (default: "PATH/Dockerfile") --iidfile string Write the image ID to the file --label stringArray Set metadata for an image --load Shorthand for "--output=type=docker" --metadata-file string Write build result metadata to the file --network string Set the networking mode for the "RUN" instructions during build (default "default") --no-cache Do not use cache when building the image --no-cache-filter stringArray Do not cache specified stages -o, --output stringArray Output destination (format: "type=local,dest=path") --platform stringArray Set target platform for build --progress string Set type of progress output ("auto", "plain", "tty"). Use plain to show container output (default "auto") --provenance string Shorthand for "--attest=type=provenance" --pull Always attempt to pull all referenced images --push Shorthand for "--output=type=registry" -q, --quiet Suppress the build output and print image ID on success --sbom string Shorthand for "--attest=type=sbom" --secret stringArray Secret to expose to the build (format: "id=mysecret[,src=/local/secret]") --shm-size bytes Size of "/dev/shm" --ssh stringArray SSH agent socket or keys to expose to the build (format: "default|[=|[,]]") -t, --tag stringArray Name and optionally a tag (format: "name:tag") --target string Set the target build stage to build --ulimit ulimit Ulimit options (default []) "#;