commands: make: !Command description: Build executable container: rust-musl run: [cargo, build] make-static: !Command description: Build executable container: rust-musl run: [cargo, build, --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl] test: !Command description: Run unit tests container: rust-musl run: [cargo, test] cargo: !Command description: Run any cargo command container: rust-musl run: [cargo] bulk: !Command description: Run debugging version of bulk container: rust-musl prerequisites: [make] run: [/work/target/debug/bulk] package: !Command description: Package itself container: rust-musl prerequisites: [make] accepts-arguments: true run: | rm -rf pkg mkdir pkg version="$(git describe --dirty)" ./target/debug/bulk with-version "$version" \ cargo build --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release install -D target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/release/bulk pkg/usr/bin/bulk # pack by itself ./target/debug/bulk with-version "$version" \ /work/pkg/usr/bin/bulk pack --dir ./pkg "$@" repo-add: !Command description: "Add `*.deb` to test repository in dist/repos" container: rust-musl prerequisites: [make] accepts-arguments: true run: | target/debug/bulk repo-add \ --config ./bulk.yaml --repository-base ./dist/repos \ --replace-existing \ dist/*.deb "$@" get-version: !Command description: "Get version of this package (mostly to test bulk)" container: rust-musl prerequisites: [make] run: [target/debug/bulk, get-version] check-version: !Command description: "Check version of this package (mostly to test bulk)" container: rust-musl prerequisites: [make] run: [target/debug/bulk, check-version] set-version: !Command description: "Set version of this package (mostly to test bulk)" container: rust-musl prerequisites: [make] run: [target/debug/bulk, set-version] with-version: !Command description: "Run command with version set (mostly to test bulk)" container: rust-musl prerequisites: [make] run: [target/debug/bulk, with-version] _test-trusty: !Command container: trusty-install write-mode: transient-hard-link-copy run: &installtest | /usr/bin/bulk --help webfsd -r /work/dist/repos -p 7777 & apt-get update apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated bulk /usr/bin/bulk --version _test-xenial: !Command container: xenial-install write-mode: transient-hard-link-copy run: *installtest full-cycle-test: !Command description: "Build package, add to repo and install" container: rust-musl prerequisites: [package, repo-add, _test-trusty, _test-xenial] run: [echo, "Done"] doc: !Command description: Build docs container: doc work-dir: doc run: [make, html] containers: rust-musl: environ: &rustenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH: /musl/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/lib PATH: /musl/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin HOME: /work/target setup: - !Ubuntu trusty - !UbuntuUniverse - !Install [build-essential, ca-certificates, musl-tools, cmake, zlib1g-dev] - !TarInstall url: "" script: "./ --prefix=/usr --components=rustc,rust-std-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu,cargo" - !TarInstall url: "" script: "./ --prefix=/musl \ --components=rust-std-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl" - !Sh 'ln -s /musl/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl /usr/lib/rustlib/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl' # For packaging - !Install [git] trusty-install: setup: - !Ubuntu trusty - !UbuntuUniverse - !Install [webfs] - !UbuntuRepo url: http://localhost:7777/ suite: static components: [bulk-testing] xenial-install: setup: - !Ubuntu xenial - !UbuntuUniverse - !Install [webfs] - !UbuntuRepo url: http://localhost:7777/ suite: static components: [bulk-testing] doc: setup: - !Alpine v3.4 - !Install [make, python3] - !PipConfig { dependencies: true } - !Py3Install [sphinx] - !Py3Requirements doc/requirements.txt