syntax = "proto3"; package envoy.extensions.http.injected_credentials.generic.v3; import "envoy/extensions/transport_sockets/tls/v3/secret.proto"; import "xds/annotations/v3/status.proto"; import "udpa/annotations/status.proto"; import "validate/validate.proto"; option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.extensions.http.injected_credentials.generic.v3"; option java_outer_classname = "GenericProto"; option java_multiple_files = true; option go_package = ";genericv3"; option (udpa.annotations.file_status).package_version_status = ACTIVE; option (xds.annotations.v3.file_status).work_in_progress = true; // [#protodoc-title: Generic Credential] // [#extension: envoy.http.injected_credentials.generic] // Generic extension can be used to inject HTTP Basic Auth, Bearer Token, or any arbitrary credential // into the proxied requests. // The credential will be injected into the specified HTTP request header. // Refer to [RFC 6750: The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: Bearer Token Usage]( for details. // message Generic { // The SDS configuration for the credential that will be injected to the specified HTTP request header. // It must be a generic secret. transport_sockets.tls.v3.SdsSecretConfig credential = 1 [(validate.rules).message = {required: true}]; // The header that will be injected to the HTTP request with the provided credential. // If not set, filter will default to: ``Authorization`` string header = 2 [(validate.rules).string = {well_known_regex: HTTP_HEADER_NAME ignore_empty: true}]; }