// Copyright 2024 Google LLC // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. syntax = "proto3"; package google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; import "google/api/client.proto"; import "google/api/field_behavior.proto"; import "google/api/resource.proto"; import "google/cloud/paymentgateway/issuerswitch/v1/common_fields.proto"; import "google/cloud/paymentgateway/issuerswitch/v1/resolutions.proto"; import "google/longrunning/operations.proto"; import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto"; import "google/type/date.proto"; import "google/type/money.proto"; option csharp_namespace = "Google.Cloud.PaymentGateway.IssuerSwitch.V1"; option go_package = "cloud.google.com/go/paymentgateway/issuerswitch/apiv1/issuerswitchpb;issuerswitchpb"; option java_multiple_files = true; option java_outer_classname = "TransactionsProto"; option java_package = "com.google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1"; option php_namespace = "Google\\Cloud\\PaymentGateway\\IssuerSwitch\\V1"; option ruby_package = "Google::Cloud::PaymentGateway::IssuerSwitch::V1"; // Fetch the issuer switch participant. // Lists and exports transactions processed by the issuer switch. service IssuerSwitchTransactions { option (google.api.default_host) = "issuerswitch.googleapis.com"; option (google.api.oauth_scopes) = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"; // List metadata transactions that satisfy the specified filter criteria. rpc ListMetadataTransactions(ListMetadataTransactionsRequest) returns (ListMetadataTransactionsResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v1/{parent=projects/*}/metadataTransactions" }; option (google.api.method_signature) = "parent"; } // List financial transactions that satisfy specified filter criteria. rpc ListFinancialTransactions(ListFinancialTransactionsRequest) returns (ListFinancialTransactionsResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v1/{parent=projects/*}/financialTransactions" }; option (google.api.method_signature) = "parent"; } // List mandate transactions that satisfy specified filter criteria. rpc ListMandateTransactions(ListMandateTransactionsRequest) returns (ListMandateTransactionsResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v1/{parent=projects/*}/mandateTransactions" }; option (google.api.method_signature) = "parent"; } // List complaint transactions that satisfy specified filter criteria. rpc ListComplaintTransactions(ListComplaintTransactionsRequest) returns (ListComplaintTransactionsResponse) { option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v1/{parent=projects/*}/complaintTransactions" }; option (google.api.method_signature) = "parent"; } // Export financial transactions received within the specified time range as a // file into a configured target location. The returned `Operation` type has // the following method-specific fields: // // - `metadata`: // [ExportFinancialTransactionsMetadata][google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1.ExportFinancialTransactionsMetadata] // - `response`: // [ExportFinancialTransactionsResponse][google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1.ExportFinancialTransactionsResponse] // // The exported file will be in the standard CSV format where each row in the // file represents a transaction. The file has the following fields in order: // // 1. `TransactionID` // * **Min Length** - 35 characters // * **Max Length** - 35 characters // * **Description** - UPI transaction ID. // 1. `TransactionType` // * **Min Length** - 22 characters // * **Max Length** - 25 characters // * **Description** - Type of the transaction. This will be one of // `TRANSACTION_TYPE_CREDIT`, `TRANSACTION_TYPE_DEBIT` or // `TRANSACTION_TYPE_REVERSAL`. // 1. `TransactionSubType` // * **Min Length** - 3 characters // * **Max Length** - 7 characters // * **Description** - Subtype of the transaction. This will be one of // `COLLECT`, or `PAY`. // 1. `CreationTime` // * **Min Length** - 20 characters // * **Max Length** - 20 characters // * **Description** - Timestamp (in UTC) indicating when the issuer // switch created the transaction resource for processing the transaction. // The format will be as per RFC-3339. Example : 2022-11-22T23:00:05Z // 1. `State` // * **Min Length** - 6 characters // * **Max Length** - 9 characters // * **Description** - State of the transaction. This will be one of // `FAILED`, `SUCCEEDED`, or `TIMED_OUT`. // 1. `RRN` // * **Min Length** - 12 characters // * **Max Length** - 12 characters // * **Description** - Retrieval reference number associated with the // transaction. // 1. `PayerVPA` // * **Min Length** - 3 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Virtual Payment Address (VPA) of the payer. // 1. `PayerMobileNumber` // * **Min Length** - 12 characters // * **Max Length** - 12 characters // * **Description** - Mobile number of the payer. // 1. `PayerIFSC` // * **Min Length** - 11 characters // * **Max Length** - 11 characters // * **Description** - IFSC of the payer's bank account. // 1. `PayerAccountNumber` // * **Min Length** - 1 characters // * **Max Length** - 30 characters // * **Description** - Payer's bank account number. // 1. `PayerAccountType` // * **Min Length** - 3 characters // * **Max Length** - 7 characters // * **Description** - Payer's bank account type. This will be one of // `SAVINGS`, `DEFAULT`, `CURRENT`, `NRE`, `NRO`, `PPIWALLET`, // `BANKWALLET`, `CREDIT`, `SOD`, or `UOD`. // 1. `PayeeVPA` // * **Min Length** - 3 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Virtual Payment Address (VPA) of the payee. // 1. `PayeeMobileNumber` // * **Min Length** - 12 characters // * **Max Length** - 12 characters // * **Description** - Payee's mobile number. // 1. `PayeeIFSC` // * **Min Length** - 11 characters // * **Max Length** - 11 characters // * **Description** - IFSC of the payee's bank account. // 1. `PayeeAccountNumber` // * **Min Length** - 1 characters // * **Max Length** - 30 characters // * **Description** - Payee's bank account number. // 1. `PayeeAccountType` // * **Min Length** - 3 characters // * **Max Length** - 10 characters // * **Description** - Payee's bank account type. This will be one of // `SAVINGS`, `DEFAULT`, `CURRENT`, `NRE`, `NRO`, `PPIWALLET`, // `BANKWALLET`, `CREDIT`, `SOD`, or `UOD`. // 1. `PayeeMerchantID` // * **Min Length** - 1 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Payee's merchant ID, only if the payee is a // merchant. // 1. `PayeeMerchantName` // * **Min Length** - 1 characters // * **Max Length** - 99 characters // * **Description** - Payee's merchant name, only if the payee is a // merchant. // 1. `PayeeMCC` // * **Min Length** - 4 characters // * **Max Length** - 4 characters // * **Description** - Payee's Merchant Category Code (MCC), only if the // payee is a merchant. // 1. `Currency` // * **Min Length** - 3 characters // * **Max Length** - 3 characters // * **Description** - Currency of the amount involved in the transaction. // The currency codes are defined in ISO 4217. // 1. `Amount` // * **Description** - Amount involved in the transaction. // 1. `AdapterRequestIDs` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 2,000 characters // * **Description** - List of adapter request IDs (colon separated) used // when invoking the Adapter APIs for fulfilling a transaction request. // 1. `ErrorCode` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Error code of a failed transaction. // 1. `ErrorMessage` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 10,000 characters // * **Description** - Error description for a failed transaction. // 1. `UPIErrorCode` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 3 characters // * **Description** - Error code as per the UPI specification. The issuer // switch maps the ErrorCode to an appropriate error code that complies // with the UPI specification. // 1. `PayerDeviceInfoTypeAppName` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 20 characters // * **Description** - Payment application name on the payer's device. // 1. `PayerDeviceInfoTypeCapability` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 99 characters // * **Description** - Capability of the payer's device. // 1. `PayerDeviceInfoTypeGeoCode` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 15 characters // * **Description** - Geo code of the payer's device. This will include // floating point values for latitude and longitude (separated by colon). // 1. `PayerDeviceInfoTypeID` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 35 characters // * **Description** - Device ID of the payer's device. // 1. `PayerDeviceInfoTypeIP` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 39 characters // * **Description** - IP address of the payer's device. // 1. `PayerDeviceInfoTypeLocation` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 40 characters // * **Description** - Coarse location of the payer's device. // 1. `PayerDeviceInfoTypeOS` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 20 characters // * **Description** - Operating system on the payer's device. // 1. `PayerDeviceInfoTypeTelecomProvider` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 99 characters // * **Description** - Telecom provider for the payer's device. // 1. `PayerDeviceInfoTypeDeviceType` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 9 characters // * **Description** - Type of the payer's device. This will be one of // 'MOB', 'INET', 'USDC/USDB', 'POS'. // 1. `PayeeDeviceInfoTypeAppName` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 20 characters // * **Description** - Payment application name on the payee's device. // 1. `PayeeDeviceInfoTypeCapability` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 99 characters // * **Description** - Capability of the payee's device. // 1. `PayeeDeviceInfoTypeGeoCode` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 15 characters // * **Description** - Geo code of the payee's device. This will include // floating point values for latitude and longitude (separated by colon). // 1. `PayeeDeviceInfoTypeID` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 35 characters // * **Description** - Device ID of the payee's device. // 1. `PayeeDeviceInfoTypeIP` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 39 characters // * **Description** - IP address of the payee's device. // 1. `PayeeDeviceInfoTypeLocation` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 40 characters // * **Description** - Coarse location of the payee's device. // 1. `PayeeDeviceInfoTypeOS` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 20 characters // * **Description** - Operating system on the payee's device. // 1. `PayeeDeviceInfoTypeTelecomProvider` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 99 characters // * **Description** - Telecom provider for the payee's device. // 1. `PayeeDeviceInfoTypeDeviceType` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 9 characters // * **Description** - Type of the payee's device. This will be one of // 'MOB', 'INET', 'USDC/USDB', 'POS'. // 1. `ReferenceID` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 35 characters // * **Description** - Consumer reference number to identify loan number, // order id etc. // 1. `ReferenceURI` // * **Min Length** - 1 characters // * **Max Length** - 35 characters // * **Description** - URL for the transaction. // 1. `ReferenceCategory` // * **Min Length** - 2 characters // * **Max Length** - 2 characters // * **Description** - Reference category. rpc ExportFinancialTransactions(ExportFinancialTransactionsRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v1/{parent=projects/*}/financialTransactions:export" body: "*" }; option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { response_type: "ExportFinancialTransactionsResponse" metadata_type: "ExportFinancialTransactionsMetadata" }; } // Export metadata transactions received within the specified time range as a // file into a configured target location. The returned `Operation` type has // the following method-specific fields: // // - `metadata`: // [ExportMetadataTransactionsMetadata][google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1.ExportMetadataTransactionsMetadata] // - `response`: // [ExportMetadataTransactionsResponse][google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1.ExportMetadataTransactionsResponse] // // The exported file will be in the standard CSV format where each row in the // file represents a transaction. The file has the following fields in order: // // 1. `TransactionID` // * **Min Length** - 35 characters // * **Max Length** - 35 characters // * **Description** - UPI transaction ID. // 1. `APIType` // * **Description** - The transaction's API type. The value will be of // the [ApiType][google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1.ApiType] // enum. // 1. `TransactionType` // * **Description** - Type of the transaction. The value will be of the // [TransactionType][google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1.TransactionType] // enum. // 1. `CreationTime` // * **Min Length** - 20 characters // * **Max Length** - 20 characters // * **Description** - Timestamp (in UTC) indicating when the issuer // switch created the transaction resource for processing the transaction. // The format will be as per RFC-3339. Example : 2022-11-22T23:00:05Z // 1. `State` // * **Min Length** - 6 characters // * **Max Length** - 9 characters // * **Description** - State of the transaction. This will be one of // `FAILED`, `SUCCEEDED`, or `TIMED_OUT`. // 1. `OriginVPA` // * **Min Length** - 3 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Virtual Payment Address (VPA) of the originator of // the transaction. // 1. `AdapterRequestIDs` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 2,000 characters // * **Description** - List of adapter request IDs (colon separated) used // when invoking the Adapter APIs for fulfilling a transaction request. // 1. `ErrorCode` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Error code of the failed transaction. // 1. `ErrorMessage` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 10,000 characters // * **Description** - Error description for the failed transaction. // 1. `UPIErrorCode` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 3 characters // * **Description** - Error code as per the UPI specification. The issuer // switch maps the ErrorCode to an appropriate error code that complies // with the UPI specification. rpc ExportMetadataTransactions(ExportMetadataTransactionsRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v1/{parent=projects/*}/metadataTransactions:export" body: "*" }; option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { response_type: "ExportMetadataTransactionsResponse" metadata_type: "ExportMetadataTransactionsMetadata" }; } // Export mandate transactions received within the specified time range as a // file into a configured target location. The returned `Operation` type has // the following method-specific fields: // // - `metadata`: // [ExportMandateTransactionsMetadata][google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1.ExportMandateTransactionsMetadata] // - `response`: // [ExportMandateTransactionsResponse][google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1.ExportMandateTransactionsResponse] // // The exported file will be in the standard CSV format where each row in the // file represents a transaction. The file has the following fields in order: // // 1. `TransactionID` // * **Min Length** - 35 characters // * **Max Length** - 35 characters // * **Description** - UPI transaction ID. // 1. `UniqueMandateNumber` // * **Min Length** - 3 characters // * **Max Length** - 70 characters // * **Description** - UPI Unique Mandate Number. // 1. `TransactionType` // * **Min Length** - 23 characters // * **Max Length** - 23 characters // * **Description** - Type of the transaction. This will be one of // `TRANSACTION_TYPE_CREATE`, `TRANSACTION_TYPE_REVOKE`, // `TRANSACTION_TYPE_UPDATE`, `TRANSACTION_TYPE_PAUSE` or // `TRANSACTION_TYPE_UNPAUSE`. // 1. `CreationTime` // * **Min Length** - 20 characters // * **Max Length** - 20 characters // * **Description** - Timestamp (in UTC) indicating when the issuer // switch created the transaction resource for processing the transaction. // The format will be as per RFC-3339. Example : 2022-11-22T23:00:05Z // 1. `State` // * **Min Length** - 6 characters // * **Max Length** - 9 characters // * **Description** - State of the transaction. This will be one of // `FAILED`, `SUCCEEDED`, or `TIMED_OUT`. // 1. `PayerVPA` // * **Min Length** - 3 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Virtual Payment Address (VPA) of the payer. // 1. `PayerMobileNumber` // * **Min Length** - 12 characters // * **Max Length** - 12 characters // * **Description** - Mobile number of the payer. // 1. `PayerIFSC` // * **Min Length** - 11 characters // * **Max Length** - 11 characters // * **Description** - IFSC of the payer's bank account. // 1. `PayerAccountNumber` // * **Min Length** - 1 characters // * **Max Length** - 30 characters // * **Description** - Payer's bank account number. // 1. `PayerAccountType` // * **Min Length** - 3 characters // * **Max Length** - 7 characters // * **Description** - Payer's bank account type. This will be one of // `SAVINGS`, `DEFAULT`, `CURRENT`, `NRE`, `NRO`, `PPIWALLET`, // `BANKWALLET`, `CREDIT`, `SOD`, or `UOD`. // 1. `PayeeVPA` // * **Min Length** - 3 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Virtual Payment Address (VPA) of the payee. // 1. `PayeeMobileNumber` // * **Min Length** - 12 characters // * **Max Length** - 12 characters // * **Description** - Mobile number of the payee. // 1. `PayeeIFSC` // * **Min Length** - 11 characters // * **Max Length** - 11 characters // * **Description** - IFSC of the payee's bank account. // 1. `PayeeAccountNumber` // * **Min Length** - 1 characters // * **Max Length** - 30 characters // * **Description** - Payee's bank account number. // 1. `PayeeAccountType` // * **Min Length** - 3 characters // * **Max Length** - 10 characters // * **Description** - Payee's bank account type. This will be one of // `SAVINGS`, `DEFAULT`, `CURRENT`, `NRE`, `NRO`, `PPIWALLET`, // `BANKWALLET`, `CREDIT`, `SOD`, or `UOD`. // 1. `PayeeMerchantID` // * **Min Length** - 1 characters // * **Max Length** - 30 characters // * **Description** - Payee's merchant ID, only if the payee is a // merchant // 1. `PayeeMerchantName` // * **Min Length** - 1 characters // * **Max Length** - 99 characters // * **Description** - Payee's merchant name, only if the payee is a // merchant. // 1. `PayeeMCC` // * **Min Length** - 4 characters // * **Max Length** - 4 characters // * **Description** - Payee's Merchant Category Code (MCC), only if the // payee is a merchant. // 1. `Amount` // * **Description** - Amount specified in the mandate. // 1. `RecurrencePattern` // * **Description** - Reccurence pattern of the mandate. The value will // be of the // [MandateTransaction.RecurrencePatternType][google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1.MandateTransaction.RecurrencePatternType] // enum. // 1. `RecurrenceRuleType` // * **Description** - Reccurrence rule type of the mandate. The value // will be of the // [MandateTransaction.RecurrenceRuleType][google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1.MandateTransaction.RecurrenceRuleType] // enum. // 1. `RecurrenceRuleValue` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 2 characters // * **Description** - Recurrence rule value of the mandate. This will be // an integer between 1 and 31. // 1. `Revokeable` // * **Min Length** - 4 characters // * **Max Length** - 5 characters // * **Description** - Boolean value specifying if the mandate is // revokable. // 1. `StartDate` // * **Min Length** - 10 characters // * **Max Length** - 10 characters // * **Description** - The start date of the mandate in `DD-MM-YYYY` // format. // 1. `EndDate` // * **Min Length** - 10 characters // * **Max Length** - 10 characters // * **Description** - The end date of the mandate in `DD-MM-YYYY` format. // 1. `AmountRuleType` // * **Description** - The amount rule of the mandate. The value will be // of the // [MandateTransaction.AmountRuleType][google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1.MandateTransaction.AmountRuleType] // enum. // 1. `ApprovalReference` // * **Min Length** - 6 characters // * **Max Length** - 9 characters // * **Description** - The block funds reference generated by the bank, if // funds have been blocked for the mandate. This column will have a value // only when the RecurrencePattern is ONETIME. // 1. `BlockFunds` // * **Min Length** - 4 characters // * **Max Length** - 5 characters // * **Description** - Boolean value specifying if the mandate transaction // requested to block funds. // 1. `LastUpdateTime` // * **Min Length** - 20 characters // * **Max Length** - 20 characters // * **Description** - Timestamp (in UTC) indicating when was the last // modification made to the mandate. The format will be as per RFC-3339. // Example : 2022-11-22T23:00:05Z // 1. `AdapterRequestIDs` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 2,000 characters // * **Description** - List of adapter request IDs (colon separated) used // when invoking the Adapter APIs for fulfilling a transaction request. // 1. `ErrorCode` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Error code of the failed transaction. // 1. `ErrorMessage` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 10,000 characters // * **Description** - Error description for the failed transaction. // 1. `UPIErrorCode` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 3 characters // * **Description** - Error code as per the UPI specification. The issuer // switch maps the ErrorCode to an appropriate error code that complies // with the UPI specification. // 1. `PayerDeviceInfoTypeAppName` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 20 characters // * **Description** - Payment application name on the payer's device. // 1. `PayerDeviceInfoTypeCapability` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 99 characters // * **Description** - Capability of the payer's device. // 1. `PayerDeviceInfoTypeGeoCode` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 15 characters // * **Description** - Geo code of the payer's device. This will include // floating point values for latitude and longitude (separated by colon). // 1. `PayerDeviceInfoTypeID` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 35 characters // * **Description** - Device ID of the payer's device. // 1. `PayerDeviceInfoTypeIP` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 39 characters // * **Description** - IP address of the payer's device. // 1. `PayerDeviceInfoTypeLocation` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 40 characters // * **Description** - Coarse location of the payer's device. // 1. `PayerDeviceInfoTypeOS` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 20 characters // * **Description** - Operating system on the payer's device. // 1. `PayerDeviceInfoTypeTelecomProvider` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 99 characters // * **Description** - Telecom provider for the payer's device. // 1. `PayerDeviceInfoTypeDeviceType` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 9 characters // * **Description** - Type of the payer's device. This will be one of // 'MOB', 'INET', 'USDC/USDB', 'POS'. // 1. `PayeeDeviceInfoTypeAppName` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 20 characters // * **Description** - Payment application name on the payee's device. // 1. `PayeeDeviceInfoTypeCapability` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 99 characters // * **Description** - Capability of the payee's device. // 1. `PayeeDeviceInfoTypeGeoCode` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 15 characters // * **Description** - Geo code of the payee's device. This will include // floating point values for latitude and longitude (separated by colon). // 1. `PayeeDeviceInfoTypeID` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 35 characters // * **Description** - Device ID of the payee's device. // 1. `PayeeDeviceInfoTypeIP` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 39 characters // * **Description** - IP address of the payee's device. // 1. `PayeeDeviceInfoTypeLocation` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 40 characters // * **Description** - Coarse location of the payee's device. // 1. `PayeeDeviceInfoTypeOS` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 20 characters // * **Description** - Operating system on the payee's device. // 1. `PayeeDeviceInfoTypeTelecomProvider` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 99 characters // * **Description** - Telecom provider for the payee's device. // 1. `PayeeDeviceInfoTypeDeviceType` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 9 characters // * **Description** - Type of the payee's device. This will be one of // `MOB`, `INET`, `USDC/USDB`, `POS`. // 1. `ReferenceID` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 35 characters // * **Description** - Consumer reference number to identify loan number, // order id etc. // 1. `ReferenceURI` // * **Min Length** - 1 characters // * **Max Length** - 35 characters // * **Description** - URL for the transaction. // 1. `ReferenceCategory` // * **Min Length** - 2 characters // * **Max Length** - 2 characters // * **Description** - Reference category. // 1. `MandateName` // * **Min Length** - 1 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - The mandate's name. rpc ExportMandateTransactions(ExportMandateTransactionsRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v1/{parent=projects/*}/mandateTransactions:export" body: "*" }; option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { response_type: "ExportMandateTransactionsResponse" metadata_type: "ExportMandateTransactionsMetadata" }; } // Export complaint transactions received within the specified time range as a // file into a configured target location. The returned `Operation` type has // the following method-specific fields: // // - `metadata`: // [ExportComplaintTransactionsMetadata][google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1.ExportComplaintTransactionsMetadata] // - `response`: // [ExportComplaintTransactionsResponse][google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1.ExportComplaintTransactionsResponse] // // The exported file will be in the standard CSV format where each row in the // file represents a transaction. The file has the following fields in order: // // 1. `TransactionID` // * **Min Length** - 35 characters // * **Max Length** - 35 characters // * **Description** - UPI transaction ID. // 1. `TransactionType` // * **Min Length** - 23 characters // * **Max Length** - 30 characters // * **Description** - Type of the transaction. This will be one of // `TRANSACTION_TYPE_CHECK_STATUS`, `TRANSACTION_TYPE_COMPLAINT`, // `TRANSACTION_TYPE_REVERSAL`, `TRANSACTION_TYPE_DISPUTE`, // `TRANSACTION_TYPE_REFUND`, or `TRANSACTION_TYPE_STATUS_UPDATE`. // 1. `CreationTime` // * **Min Length** - 20 characters // * **Max Length** - 20 characters // * **Description** - Timestamp (in UTC) indicating when the issuer // switch created the transaction resource for processing the transaction. // The format will be as per RFC-3339. Example : 2022-11-22T23:00:05Z // 1: `State` // * **Min Length** - 6 characters // * **Max Length** - 9 characters // * **Description** - State of the transaction. This will be one of // `FAILED`, `SUCCEEDED`, or `TIMED_OUT`. // 1. `OriginalRRN` // * **Min Length** - 12 characters // * **Max Length** - 12 characters // * **Description** - Retrieval reference number of the original payment // transaction. // 1. `BankType` // * **Min Length** - 8 characters // * **Max Length** - 11 characters // * **Description** - The subtype of the transaction based on the bank // involved. This will be one of `BENEFICIARY`, or `REMITTER`. // 1. `OriginalTransactionID` // * **Min Length** - 35 characters // * **Max Length** - 35 characters // * **Description** - Transaction ID of the original unresolved // transaction. // 1. `RaiseComplaintAdjFlag` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Indicates the type of action to raise the // complaint. // 1. `RaiseComplaintAdjCode` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Indicates the reason of action to raise the // complaint. // 1. `ResolveComplaintAdjFlag` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Indicates the type of action to resolve the // complaint. // 1. `ResolveComplaintAdjCode` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Indicates the reason of action to resolve the // complaint. // 1. `RaiseDisputeAdjFlag` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Indicates the type of action to raise the dispute. // 1. `RaiseDisputeAdjCode` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Indicates the reason of action to raise the // dispute. // 1. `ResolveDisputeAdjFlag` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Indicates the type of action to resolve the // dispute. // 1. `ResolveDisputeAdjCode` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Indicates the reason of action to resolve the // dispute. // 1. `Amount` // * **Description** - Amount to be resolved. // 1. `CurrentCycle` // * **Min Length** - 4 characters // * **Max Length** - 5 characters // * **Description** - Boolean value specifying if the complaint / dispute // belongs to current settlement cycle or not. // 1. `CRN` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Defines the Complaint Reference number. // 1. `AdjTime` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Indicates the time when the resolution was done. // 1. `RespAdjFlag` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Indicates the response category type. // 1. `RespAdjCode` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Indicates the response reason used. // 1. `AdjRemarks` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Indicates the additional remarks for the complaint // / dispute. // 1. `AdapterRequestIDs` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 2,000 characters // * **Description** - List of adapter request IDs (colon separated) used // when invoking the Adapter APIs for fulfilling a transaction request. // 1. `ErrorCode` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 255 characters // * **Description** - Error code of the failed transaction. // 1. `ErrorMessage` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 10,000 characters // * **Description** - Error description for the failed transaction. // 1. `UPIErrorCode` // * **Min Length** - 0 characters // * **Max Length** - 3 characters // * **Description** - Error code as per the UPI specification. The issuer // switch service maps the ErrorCode to an appropriate error code that // complies with the UPI specification. rpc ExportComplaintTransactions(ExportComplaintTransactionsRequest) returns (google.longrunning.Operation) { option (google.api.http) = { post: "/v1/{parent=projects/*}/complaintTransactions:export" body: "*" }; option (google.longrunning.operation_info) = { response_type: "ExportComplaintTransactionsResponse" metadata_type: "ExportComplaintTransactionsMetadata" }; } } // Information about a transaction processed by the issuer switch. // The fields in this type are common across both financial and metadata // transactions. message TransactionInfo { // Specifies the current state of the transaction. enum State { // Unspecified state. STATE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // The transaction has successfully completed. SUCCEEDED = 1; // The transaction has failed. FAILED = 2; // The transaction has timed out. TIMED_OUT = 3; } // The subtype of a transaction. This value is used only for certain API type // and transaction type combinations. enum TransactionSubType { // Unspecified transaction subtype. TRANSACTION_SUB_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // Collect subtype. This is used in a `SETTLE_PAYMENT` API type // transaction, with the transaction type as either // `TRANSACTION_TYPE_CREDIT` or `TRANSACTION_TYPE_DEBIT` when the payment // was initiated by a collect request. COLLECT = 1; // Debit subtype. This is used in a `SETTLE_PAYMENT` API type transaction, // with the transaction type as `TRANSACTION_TYPE_REVERSAL` when the // original payment was a debit request. DEBIT = 2; // Pay subtype. This is used in a `SETTLE_PAYMENT` API type transaction, // with the transaction type as either `TRANSACTION_TYPE_CREDIT` or // `TRANSACTION_TYPE_DEBIT` when the payment was initiated by a pay request. PAY = 3; // Beneficiary subtype. This is used in a `COMPLAINT` API type transaction, // when the complaint / dispute request is initiated / received by the // beneficiary bank. BENEFICIARY = 4; // Remitter subtype. This is used in a `COMPLAINT` API type transaction, // when the complaint / dispute request is initiated / received by the // remitter bank. REMITTER = 5; // Refund subtype. This is used in a `SETTLE_PAYMENT` API type transaction, // with the transaction type as `TRANSACTION_TYPE_CREDIT` when the payment // was initiated in response to a refund. REFUND = 6; // Credit subtype. This is used in a `SETTLE_PAYMENT` API type transaction, // with the transaction type as `TRANSACTION_TYPE_REVERSAL` when the // original payment was a credit request. CREDIT = 7; } // Common metadata about an API transaction. message TransactionMetadata { // Output only. The time at which the transaction resource was created by // the issuer switch. google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The time at which the transaction resource was last updated // by the issuer switch. google.protobuf.Timestamp update_time = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. A reference id for the API transaction. string reference_id = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. A reference URI to this API transaction. string reference_uri = 4 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. A descriptive note about this API transaction. string description = 5 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The initiation mode of this API transaction. In UPI, the // values are as defined by the UPI API specification. string initiation_mode = 6 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The purpose code of this API transaction. In UPI, the values // are as defined by the UPI API specification. string purpose_code = 7 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The reference category of this API transaction. string reference_category = 8 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; } // All details about any error in the processing of an API transaction. message TransactionErrorDetails { // Output only. Error code of the failed transaction. string error_code = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. Error description for the failed transaction. string error_message = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. Error code as per the UPI specification. The issuer switch // maps the ErrorCode to an appropriate error code that complies with the // UPI specification. string upi_error_code = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; } // Information about an adapter invocation triggered as part of the // processing of an API transaction. message AdapterInfo { // Metadata about a response that the adapter includes in its response // to the issuer switch. message ResponseMetadata { // A map of name-value pairs. map values = 1; } // Output only. List of adapter request IDs (colon separated) used when // invoking the Adapter APIs for fulfilling a transaction request. string request_ids = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. Response metadata included by the adapter in its response to // an API invocation from the issuer switch. ResponseMetadata response_metadata = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; } // Information about the transaction's risk evaluation as provided by the // payments orchestrator. message TransactionRiskInfo { // Entity providing the risk score. This could either be the payment service // provider or the payment orchestrator (UPI, etc). string provider = 1; // Type of risk. Examples include `TXNRISK`. string type = 2; // Numeric value of risk evaluation ranging from 0 (No Risk) to 100 (Maximum // Risk). string value = 3; } // Output only. An identifier that is mandatorily present in every transaction // processed via UPI. This maps to UPI's transaction ID. string id = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The API type of the transaction. ApiType api_type = 2 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The transaction type. TransactionType transaction_type = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The transaction subtype. TransactionSubType transaction_sub_type = 4 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The transaction's state. State state = 5 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Metadata about the API transaction. TransactionMetadata metadata = 6; // Output only. Any error details for the current API transaction, if the // state is `FAILED`. TransactionErrorDetails error_details = 7 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. Information about the adapter invocation from the issuer // switch for processing this API transaction. AdapterInfo adapter_info = 8 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Risk information as provided by the payments orchestrator. repeated TransactionRiskInfo risk_info = 9; } // A metadata API transaction processed by the issuer switch. This // includes UPI APIs such as List Accounts, Balance Enquiry, etc. message MetadataTransaction { option (google.api.resource) = { type: "issuerswitch.googleapis.com/MetadataTransaction" pattern: "projects/{project}/metadataTransactions/{transaction}" }; // The name of the metadata transaction. This uniquely identifies the // transaction. Format of name is // projects/{project_id}/metadataTransaction/{metadata_transaction_id}. string name = 1; // Information about the transaction. TransactionInfo info = 2; // Output only. The initiator of the metadata transaction. Participant initiator = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; } // A financial API transaction processed by the issuer switch. In UPI, this maps // to the Pay API. message FinancialTransaction { option (google.api.resource) = { type: "issuerswitch.googleapis.com/FinancialTransaction" pattern: "projects/{project}/financialTransactions/{transaction}" }; // A payment rule as provided by the payments orchestrator. message PaymentRule { // An enum of the possible rule names. enum PaymentRuleName { // Rule name unspecified. PAYMENT_RULE_NAME_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // The `expire after` rule. EXPIRE_AFTER = 1; // The `min amount` rule. MIN_AMOUNT = 2; } // The rule's name. PaymentRuleName payment_rule = 1; // The rule's value. string value = 2; } // The name of the financial transaction. This uniquely identifies the // transaction. Format of name is // projects/{project_id}/financialTransactions/{financial_transaction_id}. string name = 1; // Information about the transaction. TransactionInfo info = 2; // Output only. A 12 digit numeric code associated with the request. It could // contain leading 0s. In UPI, this is also known as as the customer reference // or the UPI transaction ID. string retrieval_reference_number = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The payer in the transaction. SettlementParticipant payer = 4 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The payee in the transaction. SettlementParticipant payee = 5 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The amount for payment settlement in the transaction. google.type.Money amount = 6 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // A list of rules specified by the payments orchestrator for this API // transaction. repeated PaymentRule payment_rules = 7; } // A mandate processed by the issuer switch. In UPI, this maps to the Mandate // API. message MandateTransaction { option (google.api.resource) = { type: "issuerswitch.googleapis.com/MandateTransaction" pattern: "projects/{project}/mandateTransactions/{transaction}" }; // RecurrencePatternType specifies the recurrence pattern type of the mandate. enum RecurrencePatternType { // Unspecified recurrence pattern. RECURRENCE_PATTERN_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // As presented recurrence pattern. AS_PRESENTED = 1; // Bi monthly recurrence pattern. BIMONTHLY = 2; // Daily recurrence pattern. DAILY = 3; // Bi weekly recurrence pattern. FORTNIGHTLY = 4; // Half yearly recurrence pattern. HALF_YEARLY = 5; // Monthly recurrence pattern. MONTHLY = 6; // One time recurrence pattern. ONE_TIME = 7; // Quarterly recurrence pattern. QUARTERLY = 8; // Weekly recurrence pattern. WEEKLY = 9; // Yearly recurrence pattern. YEARLY = 10; } // RecurrenceRuleType specifies the recurrence rule type of mandate. enum RecurrenceRuleType { // Unspecified recurrence rule type. RECURRENCE_RULE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // After recurrence rule type. AFTER = 1; // Before recurrence rule type. BEFORE = 2; // On recurrence rule type. ON = 3; } // AmountRuleType specifies the type of rule associated with the mandate // amount. enum AmountRuleType { // Unspecified amount rule. AMOUNT_RULE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // Exact amount rule. Amount specified is the exact amount for which // mandate could be granted. EXACT = 1; // Max amount rule. Amount specified is the maximum amount for which // mandate could be granted. MAX = 2; } // The name of the mandate transaction. This uniquely identifies the // transaction. Format of name is // projects/{project_id}/mandateTransactions/{mandate_transaction_id}. string name = 1; // Information about the transaction. TransactionInfo transaction_info = 2; // Output only. This maps to Unique Mandate Number (UMN) in UPI specification. string unique_mandate_number = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The payer in the transaction. SettlementParticipant payer = 4 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The payee in the transaction. SettlementParticipant payee = 5 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The type of recurrence pattern of the mandate. RecurrencePatternType recurrence_pattern = 6 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The type of recurrence rule of the mandate. RecurrenceRuleType recurrence_rule_type = 7 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The recurrence rule value of the mandate. This is a value from // 1 to 31. int32 recurrence_rule_value = 8 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The start date of the mandate. google.type.Date start_date = 9 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The end date of the mandate. google.type.Date end_date = 10 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. If true, this specifies mandate can be revoked. bool revokable = 11 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The amount of the mandate. double amount = 12 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The amount rule type of the mandate. AmountRuleType amount_rule = 13 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The Block funds reference generated by the bank, this will be // available only when Recurrence is ONETIME. string approval_reference = 14 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. If true, this specifies the mandate transaction requested // funds to be blocked. bool block_funds = 15 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. The mandate's name. string mandate_name = 16 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; } // A complaint API transaction processed by the issuer switch. In // UPI, this maps to the Complaint API. message ComplaintTransaction { option (google.api.resource) = { type: "issuerswitch.googleapis.com/ComplaintTransaction" pattern: "projects/{project}/complaintTransactions/{transaction}" }; // The name of the complaint transaction. This uniquely identifies the // transaction. Format of name is // projects/{project_id}/complaintTransactions/{complaint_transaction_id}. string name = 1; // Information about the transaction. TransactionInfo info = 2; // Information about the complaint transaction. It can be one of Complaint or // Dispute. oneof case { // Output only. Information about the complaint transaction when it is of // type complaint. Complaint complaint = 3 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; // Output only. Information about the complaint transaction when it is of // type dispute. Dispute dispute = 4 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; } } // Request for the `ListMetadataTransactions` method. Callers can request for // transactions to be filtered by the given filter criteria and specified // pagination parameters. message ListMetadataTransactionsRequest { // Required. The parent resource. The format is `projects/{project}`. string parent = 1 [ (google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, (google.api.resource_reference) = { child_type: "issuerswitch.googleapis.com/MetadataTransaction" } ]; // The maximum number of transactions to return. The service may return fewer // than this value. If unspecified or if the specified value is less than 1, // at most 50 transactions will be returned. The maximum value is 1000; values // above 1000 will be coerced to 1000. While paginating, you can specify a new // page size parameter for each page of transactions to be listed. int32 page_size = 2; // A page token, received from a previous `ListMetadataTransactions` call. // Specify this parameter to retrieve the next page of transactions. // // When paginating, you must specify only the `page_token` parameter. The // filter that was specified in the initial call to the // `ListMetadataTransactions` method that returned the page token will be // reused for all further calls where the page token parameter is specified. string page_token = 3; // An expression that filters the list of metadata transactions. // // A filter expression consists of a field name, a comparison // operator, and a value for filtering. The value must be a string, a // number, or a boolean. The comparison operator must be one of: `<`, `>` or // `=`. Filters are not case sensitive. // // The following fields in the `MetadataTransaction` are eligible for // filtering: // // * `apiType` - The API type of the metadata transaction. Must be one of // [ApiType][google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1.ApiType] values. // Allowed comparison operators: `=`. // * `transactionType` - The transaction type of the metadata transaction. // Must be one of // [TransactionType][google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1.TransactionType] // values. Allowed comparison operators: `=`. // * `transactionID` - The UPI transaction ID of the metadata transaction. // Allowed comparison operators: `=`. // * `createTime` - The time at which the transaction was created // (received) by the issuer switch. The value should be in // the format `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ`. Allowed comparison operators: `>`, // `<`. // // You can combine multiple expressions by enclosing each expression in // parentheses. Expressions are combined with AND logic. No other logical // operators are supported. // // Here are a few examples: // // * `apiType = LIST_ACCOUNTS` - - The API type is _LIST_ACCOUNTS_. // * `state = SUCCEEDED` - The transaction's state is _SUCCEEDED_. // * `(apiType = LIST_ACCOUNTS) AND (create_time < // \"2021-08-15T14:50:00Z\")` - The API type is _LIST_ACCOUNTS_ and // the transaction was received before _2021-08-15 14:50:00 UTC_. string filter = 4; } // Request for the `ListFinancialTransactions` method. Callers can request for // transactions to be filtered by the given filter criteria and specified // pagination parameters. message ListFinancialTransactionsRequest { // Required. The parent resource. The format is `projects/{project}`. string parent = 1 [ (google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, (google.api.resource_reference) = { child_type: "issuerswitch.googleapis.com/FinancialTransaction" } ]; // The maximum number of transactions to return. The service may return fewer // than this value. If unspecified or if the specified value is less than 1, // at most 50 transactions will be returned. The maximum value is 1000; values // above 1000 will be coerced to 1000. While paginating, you can specify a new // page size parameter for each page of transactions to be listed. int32 page_size = 2; // A page token, received from a previous `ListFinancialTransactions` call. // Specify this parameter to retrieve the next page of transactions. // // When paginating, you must specify only the `page_token` parameter. The // filter that was specified in the initial call to the // `ListFinancialTransactions` method that returned the page token will be // reused for all further calls where the page token parameter is specified. string page_token = 3; // An expression that filters the list of financial transactions. // // A filter expression consists of a field name, a comparison operator, and // a value for filtering. The value must be a string, a number, or a // boolean. The comparison operator must be one of: `<`, `>`, or `=`. // Filters are not case sensitive. // // The following fields in the `FinancialTransaction` are eligible for // filtering: // // * `transactionID` - The UPI transaction ID of the financial // transaction. Allowed comparison operators: `=`. // * `RRN` - The retrieval reference number of the transaction. Allowed // comparison operators: `=`. // * `payerVPA` - The VPA of the payer in a financial transaction. Allowed // comparison operators: `=`. // * `payeeVPA` - The VPA of the payee in a financial transaction. Allowed // comparison operators: `=`. // * `payerMobileNumber` - The mobile number of the payer in a financial // transaction. Allowed comparison operators: `=`. // * `payeeMobileNumber` - The mobile number of the payee in a financial // transaction. Allowed comparison operators: `=`. // * `createTime` - The time at which the transaction was created // (received) by the issuer switch. The value should be in // the format `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ`. Allowed comparison operators: `>`, // `<`. // // You can combine multiple expressions by enclosing each expression in // parentheses. Expressions are combined with AND logic. No other logical // operators are supported. // // Here are a few examples: // // * `rrn = 123456789123` - The RRN is _123456789123_. // * `payerVpa = example@goog` - The VPA of the payer is the string // _example@goog_. // * `(payeeVpa = example@goog) AND (createTime < "2021-08-15T14:50:00Z")` // - The VPA of the payee is _example@goog_ and the transaction was received // before _2021-08-15 14:50:00 UTC_. // * `createTime > "2021-08-15T14:50:00Z" AND createTime < // "2021-08-16T14:50:00Z"` - The transaction was received between // _2021-08-15 14:50:00 UTC_ and _2021-08-16 14:50:00 UTC_. string filter = 4; } // Request for the `ListMandateTransactions` method. Callers can request for // transactions to be filtered by the given filter criteria and specified // pagination parameters. message ListMandateTransactionsRequest { // Required. The parent resource. The format is `projects/{project}`. string parent = 1 [ (google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, (google.api.resource_reference) = { child_type: "issuerswitch.googleapis.com/MandateTransaction" } ]; // The maximum number of transactions to return. The service may return fewer // than this value. If unspecified or if the specified value is less than 1, // at most 50 transactions will be returned. The maximum value is 1000; values // above 1000 will be coerced to 1000. While paginating, you can specify a new // page size parameter for each page of transactions to be listed. int32 page_size = 2; // A page token, received from a previous `ListMandateTransactions` call. // Specify this parameter to retrieve the next page of transactions. // // When paginating, you must specify only the `page_token` parameter. The // filter that was specified in the initial call to the // `ListMandateTransactions` method that returned the page token will be // reused for all further calls where the page token parameter is specified. string page_token = 3; // An expression that filters the list of mandate transactions. // // A filter expression consists of a field name, a comparison operator, and // a value for filtering. The value must be a string, a number, or a // boolean. The comparison operator must be one of: `<`, `>`, or `=`. // Filters are not case sensitive. // // The following fields in the `Mandate` are eligible for // filtering: // // * `uniqueMandateNumber` - UPI Unique Mandate Number (UMN). Allowed // comparison operators: `=`. // * `transactionID` - The transaction ID of the mandate transaction. // Allowed comparison operators: `=`. // * `transactionType` - The transaction type of the mandate // transaction. Must be one of // [TransactionType][google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1.TransactionType] // values. For mandate transactions, only valid transaction types are // `TRANSACTION_TYPE_CREATE`, `TRANSACTION_TYPE_REVOKE` and // `TRANSACTION_TYPE_UPDATE`. Allowed comparison operators: `=`. // * `createTime` - The time at which the transaction was created // (received) by the issuer switch. The value should be in // the format `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ`. Allowed comparison // operators: `>`, `<`. // You can combine multiple expressions by enclosing each expression in // parentheses. Expressions are combined with AND logic. No other logical // operators are supported. // // Here are a few examples: // * `recurrencePattern = MONTHLY` - The recurrence pattern type is // monthly. // * `state = SUCCEEDED` - The transaction's state is _SUCCEEDED_. // * `payerVPA = example@okbank` - The VPA of the payer is the string // _example@okbank_. // * `(payerVPA = example@okbank) AND (createTime < // "2021-08-15T14:50:00Z")` // - The payer VPA example@okbank and the transaction was received // before _2021-08-15 14:50:00 UTC_. // * `createTime > "2021-08-15T14:50:00Z" AND createTime < // "2021-08-16T14:50:00Z"` - The transaction was received between // _2021-08-15 14:50:00 UTC_ and _2021-08-16 14:50:00 UTC_. // * `startDate > "2021-08-15" AND startDate < "2021-08-17"` - The start // date for mandate is between _2021-08-15_ and _2021-08-17_. string filter = 4; } // Request for the `ListComplaintTransactions` method. Callers can request for // transactions to be filtered by the given filter criteria and specified // pagination parameters. message ListComplaintTransactionsRequest { // Required. The parent resource. The format is `projects/{project}`. string parent = 1 [ (google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED, (google.api.resource_reference) = { child_type: "issuerswitch.googleapis.com/ComplaintTransaction" } ]; // The maximum number of transactions to return. The service may return fewer // than this value. If unspecified or if the specified value is less than 1, // at most 50 transactions will be returned. The maximum value is 1000; values // above 1000 will be coerced to 1000. While paginating, you can specify a new // page size parameter for each page of transactions to be listed. int32 page_size = 2; // A page token, received from a previous `ListComplaintTransactions` call. // Specify this parameter to retrieve the next page of transactions. // // When paginating, you must specify only the `page_token` parameter. The // filter that was specified in the initial call to the // `ListComplaintTransactions` method that returned the page token will be // reused for all further calls where the page token parameter is specified. string page_token = 3; // An expression that filters the list of complaint transactions. // // A filter expression consists of a field name, a comparison operator, and // a value for filtering. The value must be a string, a number, or a // boolean. The comparison operator must be one of: `<`, `>`, or `=`. // Filters are not case sensitive. // // The following fields in the `Complaint` are eligible for // filtering: // // * `transactionID` - The transaction ID of the complaint transaction. // Allowed comparison operators: `=`. // * `transactionType` - The transaction type of the complaint // transaction. Must be one of // [TransactionType][google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1.TransactionType] // values. For complaint transactions, only valid transaction types are // `TRANSACTION_TYPE_CHECK_STATUS`, `TRANSACTION_TYPE_COMPLAINT`, // `TRANSACTION_TYPE_REVERSAL`, `TRANSACTION_TYPE_DISPUTE`, // `TRANSACTION_TYPE_REFUND` or `TRANSACTION_TYPE_STATUS_UPDATE`. Allowed // comparison operators: `=`. // * `originalRRN` - The retrieval reference number of the original // transaction for which complaint / dispute was raised / resolved. Allowed // comparison operators: `=`. // * `createTime` - The time at which the transaction was created // (received) by the issuer switch. The value should be in // the format `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ`. Allowed comparison // operators: `>`, `<`. // * `state` - The state of the transaction. Must be one of // [TransactionInfo.State][google.cloud.paymentgateway.issuerswitch.v1.TransactionInfo.State] // values. Allowed comparison operators: `=`. // * `errorCode` - Use this filter to list complaint transactions which // have failed a particular error code. Allowed comparison // operators: `=`. // You can combine multiple expressions by enclosing each expression in // parentheses. Expressions are combined with AND logic. No other logical // operators are supported. // // Here are a few examples: // // * `state = SUCCEEDED` - The transaction's state is _SUCCEEDED_. // * (createTime < "2021-08-15T14:50:00Z")` // - The transaction was received before _2021-08-15 14:50:00 UTC_. // * `createTime > "2021-08-15T14:50:00Z" AND createTime < // "2021-08-16T14:50:00Z"` - The transaction was received between // _2021-08-15 14:50:00 UTC_ and _2021-08-16 14:50:00 UTC_. string filter = 4; } // Response for the `ListMetadataTransactions` method. message ListMetadataTransactionsResponse { // List of non financial metadata transactions satisfying the filtered // request. repeated MetadataTransaction metadata_transactions = 1; // Pass this token in the ListMetadataTransactionsRequest to continue to list // results. If all results have been returned, this field is an empty string // or not present in the response. string next_page_token = 2; } // Response for the `ListFinancialTransactions` method. message ListFinancialTransactionsResponse { // List of financial transactions satisfying the filtered request. repeated FinancialTransaction financial_transactions = 1; // Pass this token in the ListFinancialTransactionsRequest to continue to list // results. If all results have been returned, this field is an empty string // or not present in the response. string next_page_token = 2; } // Response for the `ListMandateTransactionsResponse` method. message ListMandateTransactionsResponse { // List of mandate transactions satisfying the filtered request. repeated MandateTransaction mandate_transactions = 1; // Pass this token in the ListMandateTransactionsRequest to continue to list // results. If all results have been returned, this field is an empty string // or not present in the response. string next_page_token = 2; } // Response for the `ListComplaintTransactionsResponse` method. message ListComplaintTransactionsResponse { // List of complaint transactions satisfying the filtered request. repeated ComplaintTransaction complaint_transactions = 1; // Pass this token in the ListComplaintTransactionsRequest to continue to list // results. If all results have been returned, this field is an empty string // or not present in the response. string next_page_token = 2; } // Request for the `ExportFinancialTransactions` method. message ExportFinancialTransactionsRequest { // Required. The parent resource for the transactions. The format is // `projects/{project}`. string parent = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; // Transaction type for the financial transaction API. The possible values for // transaction type are // // * TRANSACTION_TYPE_CREDIT // * TRANSACTION_TYPE_DEBIT // * TRANSACTION_TYPE_REVERSAL // // If no transaction type is specified, records of all the above transaction // types will be exported. TransactionType transaction_type = 2; // The start time for the query. google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 3; // The end time for the query. google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 4; } // Request for the `ExportMetadataTransactions` method. message ExportMetadataTransactionsRequest { // Required. The parent resource for the transactions. The format is // `projects/{project}`. string parent = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; // API type of the metadata transaction API. The possible values for API type // are // // * BALANCE // * CHECK_STATUS // * HEART_BEAT // * INITIATE_REGISTRATION // * LIST_ACCOUNTS // * UPDATE_CREDENTIALS // * VALIDATE_REGISTRATION // // If no API type is specified, records of all the above API types will be // exported. ApiType api_type = 2; // The start time for the query. google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 3; // The end time for the query. google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 4; } // Request for the `ExportMandateTransactions` method. message ExportMandateTransactionsRequest { // Required. The parent resource for the transactions. The format is // `projects/{project}`. string parent = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; // Transaction type for the mandate transaction API. The possible values for // transaction type are // // * TRANSACTION_TYPE_CREATE // * TRANSACTION_TYPE_REVOKE // * TRANSACTION_TYPE_UPDATE // // If no transaction type is specified, records of all the above transaction // types will be exported. TransactionType transaction_type = 2; // The start time for the query. google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 3; // The end time for the query. google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 4; } // Request for the `ExportComplaintTransactions` method. message ExportComplaintTransactionsRequest { // Required. The parent resource for the transactions. The format is // `projects/{project}`. string parent = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = REQUIRED]; // Transaction type for the complaint transaction API. The possible values for // transaction type are // // * TRANSACTION_TYPE_CHECK_STATUS // * TRANSACTION_TYPE_COMPLAINT // * TRANSACTION_TYPE_DISPUTE // * TRANSACTION_TYPE_REFUND // * TRANSACTION_TYPE_REVERSAL // * TRANSACTION_TYPE_STATUS_UPDATE // // If no transaction type is specified, records of all the above transaction // types will be exported. TransactionType transaction_type = 2; // The start time for the query. google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 3; // The end time for the query. google.protobuf.Timestamp end_time = 4; } // Response for the `ExportFinancialTransactions` method. message ExportFinancialTransactionsResponse { // URI of the exported file. string target_uri = 1; } // Response for the `ExportMetadataTransactions` method. message ExportMetadataTransactionsResponse { // URI of the exported file. string target_uri = 1; } // Response for the `ExportMandateTransactions` method. message ExportMandateTransactionsResponse { // URI of the exported file. string target_uri = 1; } // Response for the `ExportComplaintTransactions` method. message ExportComplaintTransactionsResponse { // URI of the exported file. string target_uri = 1; } // Metadata for ExportFinancialTransactions. message ExportFinancialTransactionsMetadata { // Output only. The time at which the operation was created. google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; } // Metadata for ExportMandateTransactions. message ExportMandateTransactionsMetadata { // Output only. The time at which the operation was created. google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; } // Metadata for ExportMetadataTransactions. message ExportMetadataTransactionsMetadata { // Output only. The time at which the operation was created. google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; } // Metadata for ExportComplaintTransactions. message ExportComplaintTransactionsMetadata { // Output only. The time at which the operation was created. google.protobuf.Timestamp create_time = 1 [(google.api.field_behavior) = OUTPUT_ONLY]; }