# Bulwark WebAssembly SDK Automated security decision making under uncertainty. ## Renamed This crate was renamed to [`bulwark-sdk`](https://crates.io/crates/bulwark-sdk). ## What is Bulwark? Bulwark is a fast, modern, open-source web application security engine that makes it easier than ever to implement resilient and observable security operations for your web services. It is designed around a user-friendly detection-as-code pattern. Security teams can quickly compose powerful detections from reusable building-blocks while unburdening product application logic from the increased complexity of domain-specific controls. A complete overview may be found in Bulwark's [documentation](https://docs.bulwark.security/). ## WebAssembly SDK Bulwark's WebAssembly (WASM) SDK provides an interface for developing detection plugins in Rust.