Work-in-progress Rust library for reading and manipulating bitmap (.bmp) files. Documentation [here]( ## Usage Add this to your `Cargo.toml`: ```toml [dependencies] bumpy = "0.0.5" ``` ## Features Currently supports reading 24-bit and 8-bit .bmp files into a mutable struct, performing manipulations on the image such as greyscaling, rotation, or mirroring the image, and then writing the struct to a bitmap file. Also support generating a 24 bit bitmap file of given width and height. ## Example ```rust extern crate bumpy; use bumpy::bmp::Bmp; //open a file let mut file = File::open("sample.bmp")?; //build a Bmp struct from the file let bmp = Bmp::build_from_file(&mut file)?; //do stuff like greyscale it bmp.greyscale(); //write the modified bmp to a new file bmp2.write_to_file("test")?; ```