MAKE_MAJOR_VER := $(shell echo $(MAKE_VERSION) | cut -d'.' -f1) ifneq ($(shell test $(MAKE_MAJOR_VER) -gt 3; echo $$?),0) $(error Make version $(MAKE_VERSION) is not supported, please install GNU Make 4.x) endif GREP ?= $(shell command -v ggrep 2> /dev/null || command -v grep 2> /dev/null) SED ?= $(shell command -v gsed 2> /dev/null || command -v sed 2> /dev/null) AWK ?= $(shell command -v gawk 2> /dev/null || command -v awk 2> /dev/null) RUSTUP ?= $(shell command -v rustup 2> /dev/null) RPM_ARCH := $(shell uname -m) VERSION ?= $(shell $(GREP) -Po '^version\s+=\s+"\K.*?(?=")' $(CURDIR)/Cargo.toml) SRC_REPO := DEFAULT_TARGET ?= $(shell $(RUSTUP) toolchain list | $(GREP) '(default)' | cut -d' ' -f1 | cut -d- -f2-) SHELL := /bin/bash OUTPUT_BINARY ?= bunyan PACKAGE_NAME ?= bunyan-view CARGO ?= cargo DOCKER ?= docker DOCKER_BUILD_FLAGS ?= --load CHECKSUM ?= sha256sum COMMITSAR_DOCKER := $(DOCKER) run --tty --rm --workdir /src -v "$(CURDIR):/src" aevea/commitsar COMMITSAR ?= $(shell command -v commitsar 2> /dev/null) # Define platform targets based off of the current host OS # If we are running MacOS, then we can build for MacOS platform targets that have been installed in rustup # If we are running Linux, then we can build for Linux platform targets that have been installed in rustup UNAME = $(shell uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') ifeq ($(UNAME),darwin) TARGETS := $(sort $(shell $(RUSTUP) target list | $(GREP) '(installed)' | $(GREP) 'apple' | cut -d' ' -f1)) else ifeq ($(UNAME),linux) TARGETS := $(sort $(shell $(RUSTUP) target list | $(GREP) '(installed)' | $(GREP) 'linux' | cut -d' ' -f1)) else TARGETS := $(DEFAULT_TARGET) endif RELEASE_BUILD_FLAGS ?= --quiet --release --bin $(OUTPUT_BINARY) Q = $(if $(filter 1,$V),,@) M = $(shell printf "\033[34;1m▶\033[0m") # Use docker based commitsar if it isn't in the path ifeq ($(COMMITSAR),) COMMITSAR = $(COMMITSAR_DOCKER) endif .PHONY: help help: @$(GREP) --no-filename -E '^[ a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | \ $(AWK) 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-28s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' | sort .PHONY: clean clean: ; $(info $(M) cleaning...) @ ## Cleanup everything $Q rm -rf $(CURDIR)/target .PHONY: commitsar commitsar: ## Run git commit linter $Q $(info $(M) running commitsar...) $(COMMITSAR) .PHONY: list-targets list-targets: ## List all available platform targets $Q echo $(TARGETS) | $(SED) -e 's/ /\n/g' .PHONY: all all: $(TARGETS) ## Build all available platform targets [see: list-targets] .PHONY: $(TARGETS) .ONESHELL: $(TARGETS) $(TARGETS): ## Build for a specific target $Q if [ ! -f "$(CURDIR)/target/$(@)/release/$(OUTPUT_BINARY)" ]; then echo "$(M) building $(OUTPUT_BINARY) with flags [$(RELEASE_BUILD_FLAGS) --target $(@)]" $(CARGO) build $(RELEASE_BUILD_FLAGS) --target $@ fi target: $Q mkdir -p $@ .PHONY: debug debug: target/debug/$(OUTPUT_BINARY) ## Build current platform target in debug mode target/debug/$(OUTPUT_BINARY): $Q echo "$(M) building $(OUTPUT_BINARY) in debug mode for the current platform" $Q $(CARGO) build --bin $(OUTPUT_BINARY) .PHONY: release release: target/release/$(OUTPUT_BINARY) ## Build current platform target in release mode target/release/$(OUTPUT_BINARY): $Q echo "$(M) building $(OUTPUT_BINARY) in release mode for the current platform" $Q $(CARGO) build $(RELEASE_BUILD_FLAGS) .PHONY: test test: ## Run tests $Q $(CARGO) test --features dumb_terminal .ONESHELL: target/man/$(OUTPUT_BINARY).1.gz target/man/$(OUTPUT_BINARY).1.gz: $Q $(info $(M) building distributable manpage) mkdir -p target/man cp man/$(OUTPUT_BINARY).1 target/man/$(OUTPUT_BINARY).1 $(SED) -i 's/%%VERSION%%/$(VERSION)/' $(CURDIR)/target/man/$(OUTPUT_BINARY).1 gzip $(CURDIR)/target/man/$(OUTPUT_BINARY).1 target/gz: $Q mkdir -p target/gz .PHONY: manpage manpage: target/man/$(OUTPUT_BINARY).1.gz ## Builds man page include $(CURDIR)/build/ include $(CURDIR)/build/ include $(CURDIR)/build/ include $(CURDIR)/build/