# Bussin sanity checker ![banner](assets/bonner.png) ## What's this? This is a minimal server for bussin protocol that listens on default ports and prints out the textual representation of the things you sent to it thinking its ok. ## Who is it for? Anyone re inventing their own new shiny server/client and needs to confirm they are insane by taking on this noble quest in the first place. ## What to expect. If everything you send including the binary data is correct according to the protocol spec then its all good otherwise you may see unspeakable errors such as the mythical `SEGFAULT` in a rust program. Here is a sample sane output. ``` $ buss-sc -p 42069 [+] Bussin at port 42069 [+] Received a connection from: [#] Request Header +-----------------------------------+ Bussin 1.0 READ / Settings count: 2 0>BodyLength: 11 1>Host: buss.rizz Body: Happinessss +-----------------------------------+ [+] Received a connection from: [#] Request Header +-----------------------------------+ Bussin 1.0 READ / Settings count: 2 0>BodyLength: 5 1>Host: buss.rizz Body: wefwe +-----------------------------------+ ``` ## How do I use it? `--help` will help you. Goodluck. ## Is it dangerous? You are the danger.