use busybody::{helpers, Injectable, ServiceContainer, ServiceContainerBuilder}; use rand::Rng; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { // Point 1. Setup the service container _ = ServiceContainerBuilder::new() // Point 2. Register an instance of the application configuration as a `service` (thread safe) .service(AppConfig { api_token: "token12345".into(), }) .build(); // Point 3. Auto instantiate an instance of `DailyInvoicesFetcher` // We are able to `build` an instance because `DailyInvoicesFetcher` implements `Injectable` let invoice_fetcher = helpers::provide::().await; println!( "client id: {}. invoices fetched: {:#?}",, invoice_fetcher.fetch().await ); // Point 4. Each call to provide by default returns a new instance of the type let invoice_fetcher = helpers::provide::().await; println!( "client id: {}. invoices fetched: {:#?}",, invoice_fetcher.fetch().await ); // Point 5. Another way to get an instance of the type. // We can call the static method "instance" on the type/struct let invoice_fetcher2 = DailyInvoicesFetcher::instance().await; println!( "client id: {}. invoices fetched: {:#?}",, invoice_fetcher2.fetch().await ); } #[derive(Debug)] struct AppConfig { pub api_token: String, } #[derive(Debug)] struct DailyInvoicesFetcher { api_token: String, id: u32, } impl DailyInvoicesFetcher { pub async fn fetch(&self) -> Vec { let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); // for random numbers generation println!("fetching invoices using token: {:#?}", self.api_token); let total = rng.gen_range(0..15); let mut invoices = Vec::with_capacity(total); for _ in { invoices.push(format!("Invoice: {}", rng.gen::())); } invoices } } #[busybody::async_trait] impl Injectable for DailyInvoicesFetcher { async fn inject(container: &ServiceContainer) -> Self { let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); // for random numbers generation let api_token = container.get::().unwrap().api_token.clone(); // Using the container, we are plucking the registered AppConfig's instance Self { api_token, id: rng.gen(), } // Create a new instance for each call } }