# butlerswarm Wrapper program to help manage multiple builds with itch.io's [butler](https://itchio.itch.io/butler) tool. ## Usage `butlerswarm generate` - Write out a template config file. `butlerswarm push` - Execute the `butler` commands as defined in the toml to upload. `butlerswarm print` - Print out the command text (for testing the toml). `butlerswarm dry-run` - Execute `butler` commands with the `--dry-run` flag, showing what files will be pushed. The progam reads from a `.butlerswarm-cfg.toml` file, formatted like: ```toml itch_account_name = "my-cool-name" itch_game = "my-cool-game" base_dir = "build" [channels.windows] [channels.linux] ``` The username, project name, channels and directories are used to assemble and execute `butler` commands. The example shown will run the commands upon executing `butlerswarm push`: ``` butler push build/windows my-cool-name/my-cool-game:windows butler push build/linux my-cool-name/my-cool-game:linux ``` For more detail, see [TOML_SPEC.md](TOML_SPEC.md) ## Requirements `butler` (or `butler.exe` for windows) must be present in your `PATH` (or at the location otherwise specified), and authenticated to the desired itch account, either via running `butler login` or the `BUTLER_API_KEY` environment. So far, this program has only been tested on Linux, but should in theory run on Windows, OSX. ## License Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"), or the MIT license; See [LICENSE](LICENSE) or [LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT).