const ajv = require("ajv"); const fs = require('fs').promises; const assert = require('assert'); async function test() { const tests = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile("./tests/schema-test.json", "utf-8")); const schema = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile("./schema/buttplug-schema.json", "utf-8")); const validator = new ajv(); validator.addMetaSchema(require("ajv/lib/refs/json-schema-draft-06.json")); const jsonValidator = validator.compile(schema); for (const test of tests) { console.log("Running " + test["Description"]); for (const testName of test["Tests"]) { if (testName === "ShouldPassParse") { assert(jsonValidator(test["Messages"]), jsonValidator.errors ? => error.message).join("; ") : "No errors"); } else if (testName === "ShouldFailParse") { assert(!jsonValidator(test["Messages"]), `Test ${test["Description"]} passed parsing when it should have failed`); } else if (testName === "ShouldFailOnExtraField") { let obj = {... test["Message"]}; obj["ExtraField"] = "I'm a useless extra field"; assert(!jsonValidator(obj), `Test ${test["Description"]} passed with extra field when it should have failed`); } else { assert(false, `Test name ${testName} not valid`); } } } } test().then(() => { console.log("Done"); }).catch((err) => { console.log(`failure: ${err}`); });