mod actions; mod keybinding; mod mouse; mod widgets; use self::{ actions::{Action, CommandAction, NormalAction, VisualAction}, keybinding::Keybinding, mouse::MouseHandler, widgets::{MultiplexerWidget, PromptWidget}, }; use crate::{ components::{ instance::Instance, mux::{MultiplexerApp, MultiplexerMode}, prompt::{self, PromptApp, PromptMovement}, status::StatusApp, }, direction::Direction, }; use anyhow::Result; use arboard::Clipboard; use bvr_core::{buf::SegBuffer, err::Error, index::BoxedStream, matches::CompositeStrategy}; use crossterm::event::{ self, DisableBracketedPaste, DisableMouseCapture, EnableBracketedPaste, EnableMouseCapture, }; use crossterm::terminal::{ disable_raw_mode, enable_raw_mode, EnterAlternateScreen, LeaveAlternateScreen, }; use ratatui::{prelude::*, widgets::Widget}; use regex::bytes::RegexBuilder; use std::{ borrow::Cow, collections::VecDeque, fs::OpenOptions, num::NonZeroUsize, path::{Path, PathBuf}, time::Duration, }; pub type Backend<'a> = ratatui::backend::CrosstermBackend>; pub type Terminal<'a> = ratatui::Terminal>; #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy)] pub enum InputMode { Command(PromptMode), Normal, Visual, Filter, } #[derive(PartialEq, Clone, Copy)] pub enum PromptMode { Command, Shell, NewFilter, NewLit, } pub enum ViewDelta { Number(u16), Page, HalfPage, Boundary, Match, } pub struct App { mode: InputMode, mux: MultiplexerApp, status: StatusApp, prompt: PromptApp, keybinds: Keybinding, clipboard: Option, gutter: bool, action_queue: VecDeque, } impl App { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { mode: InputMode::Normal, prompt: PromptApp::new(), mux: MultiplexerApp::new(), status: StatusApp::new(), keybinds: Keybinding::Hardcoded, clipboard: Clipboard::new().ok(), gutter: true, action_queue: VecDeque::new(), } } pub fn open_file(&mut self, path: &Path) -> Result<()> { let file = std::fs::File::open(path)?; let name = path .file_name() .map(|str| str.to_string_lossy().into_owned()) .unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("Unnamed File")); self.push_instance( name, SegBuffer::read_file(file, NonZeroUsize::new(25).unwrap(), false)?, ); Ok(()) } pub fn open_stream(&mut self, name: String, stream: BoxedStream) -> Result<()> { self.push_instance(name, SegBuffer::read_stream(stream, false)?); Ok(()) } fn push_instance(&mut self, name: String, file: SegBuffer) { let viewer = Instance::new(name, file); self.mux.push_viewer(viewer); } fn enter_terminal(terminal: &mut Terminal) -> Result<()> { enable_raw_mode()?; crossterm::execute!( terminal.backend_mut(), EnterAlternateScreen, EnableBracketedPaste, EnableMouseCapture, )?; Ok(()) } fn exit_terminal(terminal: &mut Terminal) -> Result<()> { disable_raw_mode()?; crossterm::execute!( terminal.backend_mut(), LeaveAlternateScreen, DisableBracketedPaste, DisableMouseCapture, )?; Ok(()) } pub fn run_app(&mut self, terminal: &mut Terminal) -> Result<()> { Self::enter_terminal(terminal)?; let result = self.event_loop(terminal); Self::exit_terminal(terminal)?; result } fn event_loop(&mut self, terminal: &mut Terminal) -> Result<()> { let mut mouse_handler = MouseHandler::new(); loop { terminal.draw(|f| self.ui(f, &mut mouse_handler))?; let action = match self.action_queue.pop_front() { Some(action) => action, None => match mouse_handler.extract() { Some(action) => action, None => { if !event::poll(Duration::from_secs_f64(1.0 / 30.0))? { continue; } let mut event = event::read()?; let key = self.keybinds.map_key(self.mode, &mut event); mouse_handler.publish_event(event); let Some(action) = key else { continue }; action } }, }; if !self.process_action(action, terminal) { break; } } Ok(()) } fn process_action(&mut self, action: Action, terminal: &mut Terminal) -> bool { match action { Action::Exit => return false, Action::SwitchMode(new_mode) => { self.prompt.take(); self.mode = new_mode; if new_mode == InputMode::Visual { if let Some(viewer) = self.mux.active_viewer_mut() { viewer.move_selected_into_view(); viewer.set_follow_output(false); } } } Action::Normal(action) => match action { NormalAction::PanVertical { direction, delta, target_view, } => { let viewer = if let Some(index) = target_view { self.mux.viewers_mut().get_mut(index) } else { self.mux.active_viewer_mut() }; if let Some(viewer) = viewer { let delta = match delta { ViewDelta::Number(n) => usize::from(n), ViewDelta::Page => viewer.viewport().height(), ViewDelta::HalfPage => viewer.viewport().height().div_ceil(2), ViewDelta::Boundary => usize::MAX, ViewDelta::Match => { let current = viewer.viewport().top(); if let Some(next) = viewer.compositor_mut().compute_jump(current, direction) { viewer.viewport_mut().top_to(next) } return true; } }; viewer.viewport_mut().pan_vertical(direction, delta); viewer.set_follow_output(false); } } NormalAction::PanHorizontal { direction, delta, target_view, } => { let viewer = if let Some(index) = target_view { self.mux.viewers_mut().get_mut(index) } else { self.mux.active_viewer_mut() }; if let Some(viewer) = viewer { let delta = match delta { ViewDelta::Number(n) => usize::from(n), ViewDelta::Page => viewer.viewport().width(), ViewDelta::HalfPage => viewer.viewport().width().div_ceil(2), _ => 0, }; viewer.viewport_mut().pan_horizontal(direction, delta); viewer.set_follow_output(false); } } NormalAction::FollowOutput => { if let Some(viewer) = self.mux.active_viewer_mut() { viewer.set_follow_output(true); } } NormalAction::SwitchActiveIndex { target_view } => { self.mux.move_active_index(target_view) } NormalAction::SwitchActive(direction) => self.mux.move_active(direction), }, Action::Visual(action) => match action { VisualAction::Move { direction, select, delta, } => { if let Some(viewer) = self.mux.active_viewer_mut() { viewer.move_select(direction, select, delta); viewer.set_follow_output(false); } } VisualAction::ToggleSelectedLine => { if let Some(viewer) = self.mux.active_viewer_mut() { viewer.toggle_select_bookmarks(); } } VisualAction::ToggleLine { target_view, line_number, } => { let Some(viewer) = self.mux.viewers_mut().get_mut(target_view) else { return true; }; viewer.toggle_bookmark_line_number(line_number) } }, Action::Filter(action) => match action { actions::FilterAction::Move { direction, select, delta, } => { if let Some(viewer) = self.mux.active_viewer_mut() { viewer .compositor_mut() .move_select(direction, select, delta) } } actions::FilterAction::ToggleSelectedFilter => { if let Some(viewer) = self.mux.active_viewer_mut() { viewer.toggle_select_filters(); } } actions::FilterAction::RemoveSelectedFilter => { if let Some(viewer) = self.mux.active_viewer_mut() { viewer.remove_select_filter(); } } actions::FilterAction::ToggleFilter { target_view, filter_index, } => { if let Some(viewer) = self.mux.viewers_mut().get_mut(target_view) { viewer.toggle_filter(filter_index) } } }, Action::Command(action) => match action { CommandAction::Move { direction, select, jump, } => self.prompt.move_cursor( direction, PromptMovement::new( select, match jump { actions::CommandJump::Word => prompt::PromptDelta::Word, actions::CommandJump::Boundary => prompt::PromptDelta::Boundary, actions::CommandJump::None => prompt::PromptDelta::Number(1), }, ), ), CommandAction::Type(c) => self.prompt.enter_char(c), CommandAction::Paste(s) => self.prompt.enter_str(&s), CommandAction::Backspace => { if !self.prompt.delete() { self.mode = InputMode::Normal; } } CommandAction::Submit => { let result = match self.mode { InputMode::Command(PromptMode::Command) => { let command = self.prompt.submit(); self.process_command(&command) } InputMode::Command(mode @ (PromptMode::NewFilter | PromptMode::NewLit)) => { let command = self.prompt.take(); self.process_search(&command, matches!(mode, PromptMode::NewLit)) } InputMode::Command(PromptMode::Shell) => { let command = self.prompt.take(); self.process_shell(&command, true, terminal) } InputMode::Normal | InputMode::Visual | InputMode::Filter => unreachable!(), }; self.mode = InputMode::Normal; return result; } CommandAction::History { direction } => { if self.mode != InputMode::Command(PromptMode::Command) { return true; } match direction { Direction::Back => self.prompt.backward(), Direction::Next => self.prompt.forward(), } } CommandAction::Complete => (), }, Action::ExportFile(path) => { if let Some(viewer) = self.mux.active_viewer_mut() { if let Err(err) = OpenOptions::new() .create_new(true) .write(true) .truncate(true) .open(&path) .map_err(Error::from) .and_then(|file| viewer.export_file(file)) { self.status.submit_message( format!("{}: {err}", path.display()), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); } else { self.status.submit_message( format!("{}: export complete", path.display()), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); } } else { self.status.submit_message( String::from("No active viewer"), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); } } }; true } fn context(&mut self, s: &str) -> Result>, std::env::VarError> { match s { "SEL" | "sel" => { if let Some(viewer) = self.mux.active_viewer_mut() { match viewer.export_string() { Ok(text) => Ok(Some(text.into())), Err(err) => { self.status.submit_message( format!("selection expansion: {err}"), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); Ok(Some("".into())) } } } else { Ok(Some("".into())) } } s => match std::env::var(s) { Ok(value) => Ok(Some(value.into())), Err(std::env::VarError::NotPresent) => Ok(Some("".into())), Err(e) => Err(e), }, } } fn process_shell(&mut self, command: &str, terminate: bool, terminal: &mut Terminal) -> bool { let Ok(expanded) = shellexpand::env_with_context(command, |s| self.context(s)) else { self.status.submit_message( format!("shell: expansion failed"), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); return true; }; let mut shl = shlex::Shlex::new(&expanded); let Some(cmd) = else { self.status.submit_message( format!("shell: no command provided"), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); return true; }; let args = shl.by_ref().collect::>(); if shl.had_error { self.status.submit_message( format!("shell: lexing failed"), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); return true; } let mut command = std::process::Command::new(&cmd); command.args(args); let mut child = match command.spawn() { Err(err) => { self.status.submit_message( format!("shell: {err}"), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); return true; } Ok(child) => { if terminate { self.mux.clear(); Self::exit_terminal(terminal).ok(); } child } }; let status = match child.wait() { Err(err) => { self.status .submit_message(format!("shell: {err}"), Some(Duration::from_secs(2))); return true; } Ok(status) => status, }; if terminate { std::process::exit(status.code().unwrap_or(0)); } !terminate } fn process_search(&mut self, pat: &str, escaped: bool) -> bool { let pat = if escaped { Cow::Owned(regex::escape(pat)) } else { Cow::Borrowed(pat) }; let regex = match RegexBuilder::new(&pat).case_insensitive(true).build() { Ok(r) => r, Err(err) => { self.status.submit_message( match err { regex::Error::Syntax(err) => format!("{pat}: syntax ({err})"), regex::Error::CompiledTooBig(sz) => { format!("{pat}: regex surpassed size limit ({sz} bytes)") } _ => format!("{pat}: {err}"), }, Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); return true; } }; if let Some(viewer) = self.mux.active_viewer_mut() { viewer.filter_search(regex); } true } fn process_command(&mut self, command: &str) -> bool { let mut parts = command.split_whitespace(); match { Some("quit" | "q") => return false, Some("open" | "o") => { let path = parts.collect::(); if let Err(err) = self.open_file(path.as_ref()) { self.status.submit_message( format!("{}: {err}", path.display()), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); } } Some("pb" | "pbcopy") => { let Some(clipboard) = self.clipboard.as_mut() else { self.status.submit_message( format!("pbcopy: clipboard not available"), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); return true; }; if let Some(viewer) = self.mux.active_viewer_mut() { match viewer.export_string() { Ok(text) => match clipboard.set_text(text) { Ok(_) => { self.status.submit_message( format!("pbcopy: copied to clipboard"), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); } Err(err) => { self.status.submit_message( format!("pbcopy: {err}"), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); } }, Err(err) => { self.status.submit_message( format!("pbcopy: {err}"), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); } } } } Some("close" | "c") => { if self.mux.active_viewer_mut().is_some() { self.mux.close_active_viewer() } else { self.status.submit_message( String::from("No active viewer"), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); } } Some("gutter" | "g") => { self.gutter = !self.gutter; } Some("mux" | "m") => match { Some("tabs" | "t" | "none") => self.mux.set_mode(MultiplexerMode::Tabs), Some("split" | "s" | "win") => self.mux.set_mode(MultiplexerMode::Panes), Some(style) => { self.status.submit_message( format!("mux {style}: invalid style, one of `tabs`, `split`"), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); } None => self.mux.set_mode(self.mux.mode().swap()), }, Some("filter" | "find" | "f") => match { Some("regex" | "r") => { let pat = parts.collect::(); return self.process_search(&pat, false); } Some("literal" | "lit" | "l") => { let pat = parts.collect::(); return self.process_search(&pat, true); } Some("clear" | "c") => { if let Some(viewer) = self.mux.active_viewer_mut() { viewer.compositor_mut().filters_mut().clear(); } } Some("union" | "u" | "||" | "|") => { if let Some(viewer) = self.mux.active_viewer_mut() { viewer.set_composite_strategy(CompositeStrategy::Union); } } Some("intersect" | "i" | "&&" | "&") => { if let Some(viewer) = self.mux.active_viewer_mut() { viewer.set_composite_strategy(CompositeStrategy::Intersection); } } Some(cmd) => { self.status.submit_message( format!("filter {cmd}: invalid subcommand"), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); } None => { self.status.submit_message( String::from("filter: requires subcommand, one of `r[egex]`, `l[it]`, `clear`, `union`, `intersect`"), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); } }, Some("export") => { let path = parts.collect::(); self.status.submit_message( format!( "{}: export starting (this may take a while...)", path.display() ), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ); self.action_queue.push_back(Action::ExportFile(path)); } Some(cmd) => { if let Ok(line_number) = cmd.parse::() { if let Some(viewer) = self.mux.active_viewer_mut() { if let Some(idx) = viewer.nearest_index(line_number) { viewer.viewport_mut().jump_to(idx); } } } else { self.status.submit_message( format!("{cmd}: Invalid command"), Some(Duration::from_secs(2)), ) } } None => return true, } true } fn ui(&mut self, f: &mut Frame, handler: &mut MouseHandler) { let [mux_chunk, cmd_chunk] = MultiplexerWidget::split_bottom(f.size(), 1); MultiplexerWidget { mux: &mut self.mux, status: &mut self.status, mode: self.mode, gutter: self.gutter, } .render(mux_chunk, f.buffer_mut(), handler); let mut cursor = None; PromptWidget { mode: self.mode, inner: &self.prompt, cursor: &mut cursor, } .render(cmd_chunk, f.buffer_mut()); if let Some((x, y)) = cursor { f.set_cursor(x, y); } } }