use std::collections::{HashSet}; use std::fs::{File, read_to_string}; use std::io::{Write}; use std::env; use std::path::Path; fn hash_generate_list>(path: P, name: &str, code: & mut String, all_lengths: & mut HashSet) -> HashSet { use std::fmt::Write; let s = read_to_string(path.as_ref()).unwrap(); //Populate the lengths set with the lengths of all the lemmas in the list, and the phf builder with all (lemma, index) pairs let mut lengths = HashSet::new(); let mut builder = phf_codegen::OrderedMap::new(); let mut count = 0; let mut slices = Vec::new(); for lemma in s.lines() { slices.push(percent_encoding::percent_decode_str(lemma).decode_utf8().unwrap()); } for (i, lemma) in slices.iter().enumerate() { builder.entry(lemma.as_bytes(), i.to_string().as_str()); lengths.insert(lemma.len()); all_lengths.insert(lemma.len()); count += 1; } write!(code, " pub (crate) struct {}; impl {} {{ pub (crate) const fn get_length() -> usize {{ {} }} pub (crate) fn get_index(index: usize) -> & 'static str {{ unsafe {{ std::str::from_utf8_unchecked(Self::get_map().index(index).unwrap().0) }} //This unsafe is justified as the build script checks the lists for invalid utf-8 strings }} pub (crate) fn get_map() -> & 'static phf::OrderedMap<&'static [u8], usize> {{ static MAP: phf::OrderedMap<&'static [u8], usize> = {}; &MAP }} }}", name, name, count,; lengths } fn main() { use std::fmt::Write; println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=./lists/obw.txt"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=./lists/tbc.txt"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=./lists/tbu.txt"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=./lists/controls.txt"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=./lists/repetitions.txt"); let mut all_lengths = HashSet::new(); //Here we take the two_byte_common.txt and three_byte_uncommon.txt files and convert them into phf tables let mut code = String::new(); hash_generate_list("./lists/tbc.txt", "TwoByteMap", & mut code, & mut all_lengths); hash_generate_list("./lists/tbu.txt", "ThreeByteMap", & mut code, & mut all_lengths); hash_generate_list("./lists/obw.txt", "OneByteMap", & mut code, & mut all_lengths); hash_generate_list("./lists/controls.txt", "Controls", & mut code, & mut all_lengths); let rep_lengths = hash_generate_list("./lists/repetitions.txt", "Repetitions", & mut code, & mut all_lengths); let mut rep_lengths: Vec<_> = rep_lengths.iter().collect(); rep_lengths.sort(); rep_lengths.reverse(); //The only time a sequence of length 1 should appear is in the OBW list, and even that is technically just a single char all_lengths.remove(&1usize); let mut all_lengths: Vec<_> = all_lengths.iter().collect(); all_lengths.sort(); all_lengths.reverse(); write!(& mut code, "pub (crate) const TOTAL_LENGTHS: [usize; {}] = [", all_lengths.len()).unwrap(); for length in all_lengths { write!(& mut code, "{}usize, ", *length).unwrap(); } write!(& mut code, "];\n\n").unwrap(); write!(& mut code, "pub (crate) const REPETITION_LENGTHS: [usize; {}] = [", rep_lengths.len()).unwrap(); for length in rep_lengths { write!(& mut code, "{}usize, ", *length).unwrap(); } write!(& mut code, "];").unwrap(); let mut fs = File::create(Path::new(&env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()).join("")).unwrap(); fs.write_all(code.as_bytes()).unwrap(); }