bytepack ======== [![](]( [![Build Status](]( [![](]( `bytepack` is a simple crate which extends the `std::io` API to be able to read and write any data type in their memory representation. It can be seen as a generalization of the `std::io::Read` and `std::io::Write` trait , but operating on a generic parameter `T` instead of `u8`. This crate focus on performances by beeing no copy (except in one clearly marked case) and offering methods to read and write arrays. `bytepack` offers three trait famillies allowing different endianness control. `Unpacker` and `Packer` read and write data in the endianness of the operating system. `LEUnpacker` and `LEPacker` always read and write data in little endian while `BEUnpacker` and `BEPacker` do the same in big endian. They all conform to the same API which is copied from the one of `std::io`. This means switching from one endianness to another can be done by simply bringing a different trait in scope. Because `bytepack` is not a serialization library, it cannot read and write complex types like `Vec`, `Rc`, etc. directly from a Reader or to Writer. Indeed those types do not contain the underlying data directly packed inside but rather hold a reference or a pointer to it. To identify types which holds their data "packed" together, the `Packed` trait is used. Additionnaly it provides a in-place endianness switching method. One can implement this trait for the data types deemed safe to read and write. An automatic derive for structures made only of types implementing `Packed` is also implemented in the [`bytepack_derive`]( crate. Examples -------- Here are two functions which can serialize and deserialize a `Vec`: ``` rust extern crate bytepack; use std::fs::File; use std::iter::repeat; use bytepack::{LEPacker, LEUnpacker}; fn write_samples(file: &str, samples: &Vec) { let mut file = File::create(file).unwrap(); file.pack(samples.len() as u32).unwrap(); file.pack_all(&samples[..]).unwrap(); } fn read_samples(file: &str) -> Vec { let mut file = File::open(file).unwrap(); let num_samples : u32 = file.unpack().unwrap(); let mut samples : Vec = repeat(0f32).take(num_samples as usize).collect(); file.unpack_exact(&mut samples[..]).unwrap(); return samples; } ``` Thanks to the genericity of the `Packed` trait we could make the previous function generic: ``` rust extern crate bytepack; use std::fs::File; use bytepack::{LEPacker, Packed}; fn write_vec(file: &str, samples: &Vec) { let mut file = File::create(file).unwrap(); file.pack(samples.len() as u32).unwrap(); file.pack_all(&samples[..]).unwrap(); } ``` Because we can derive Packed for our own struct, we can use them with our own types: ``` rust extern crate bytepack; #[macro_use] extern crate bytepack_derive; use std::fs::File; use bytepack::{LEPacker, Packed}; #[derive(Packed, Clone)] struct Vertex { x: T, y: T, z: T } fn write_vec(file: &str, samples: &Vec) { let mut file = File::create(file).unwrap(); file.pack(samples.len() as u32).unwrap(); file.pack_all(&samples[..]).unwrap(); } fn main() { let square : Vec> = vec![ Vertex{x: 0.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, Vertex{x: 1.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, Vertex{x: 1.0, y: 1.0, z: 0.0}, Vertex{x: 0.0, y: 1.0, z: 0.0}, ]; write_vec("square.raw", &square); } ```