use strict; use warnings; use utf8; binmode STDIN, ':encoding(cp932)'; binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(cp932)'; binmode STDERR, ':encoding(cp932)'; # use Tie::File; use File::Basename; require './'; require './'; # print &Utils::GetStringTime()."\n"; &p(&Utils::GetStringTime()); my %SETTING = &GetSetting(); my $HEADER = $SETTING{'HEADER'}; my $FOOTER = $SETTING{'FOOTER'}; # &Utils::CreateLogFile($SETTING{'LOG_FILE'}); # 追記にしたのでコメントアウト &Utils::OutputFile($SETTING{'LOG_FILE'}, &Utils::GetStringTime()."\n"); &p(""); &p('Searching...'); # .cを全探索 # &ProcFileRecursive('..', \&ProcFile); # test foreach (@{$SETTING{'SEARCH_PATH'}}) { &ProcFileRecursive($SETTING{'ROOT_PATH'}.$_, \&ProcFile); } exit; sub ProcFileRecursive { my $root = $_[0]; my $callback = $_[1]; my $dir = $root; # カレントディレクトリのファイル一覧 opendir(DIR, $dir) or die("can't open directory: $dir ($!)"); my @list = readdir(DIR); # &plist(@list); closedir(DIR); foreach (sort @list) { next if ( $_ =~ /^\.{1,2}$/ ); # '.' と '..' はスキップ my $file = "$dir/$_"; # ディレクトリの場合は自分自身を呼び出す if ( -d $file ) { &ProcFileRecursive($file, \&ProcFile); } else { next if !($file =~ /\.c$/); # next if (grep {$_ eq $filename} @{$SETTING{'IGNORE_FILE'}}); &{$callback}($file); } } } sub ProcFile { my $file = $_[0]; # &p($file); # print " ".&ReadHeadLine($file); # print " ".&ReadLastLine($file); my $header = &ReadHeadLine($file); my $footer = &ReadLastLine($file); if (grep {$_ eq basename($file)} @{$SETTING{'IGNORE_FILE'}}) { # いぐのあ my $flag = 0; # &p("いぐのあ!!!!"); if ($header eq $HEADER) { EraseHeadLine($file); $flag = 1; } if ($footer eq $FOOTER) { EraseLastLine($file); $flag = 1; } if ($flag == 1) { &p("Delete $file"); &Utils::OutputFile($SETTING{'LOG_FILE'}, "[Delete]\t$file"."\n"); } } else { # いぐのあじゃない my $flag = 0; # &p("いぐのあじゃない!!!!"); if ($header ne $HEADER) { AddHeadLine("$HEADER\n", $file); $flag = 1; } if ($footer ne $FOOTER) { AddLastLine("$FOOTER\n", $file); $flag = 1; } if ($flag == 1) { &p("Insert $file"); &Utils::OutputFile($SETTING{'LOG_FILE'}, "[Insert]\t$file"."\n"); } } } sub ReadHeadLine { my $file = $_[0]; # open (FH, "<:encoding(cp932)", $file) || die "can't open $file: $!"; open (FH, "<:encoding(".$SETTING{'FILE_ENCODING'}.")", $file) or die "can't open $file: $!"; my $line = ; # $line =~ s/ /_/g; # seek FH, 0, 0; # go back to the start of the file # printf FH $line; close FH; chomp($line); return $line; } sub ReadLastLine { my $file = $_[0]; # print $_[0], "\n"; open (FH, "<:encoding(".$SETTING{'FILE_ENCODING'}.")", $file) or die "can't open $file: $!"; my $line; while () { eof $_ and $line = $_; } close FH; chomp($line); return $line; } sub EraseHeadLine { my $file = $_[0]; open (FH, "+<:encoding(".$SETTING{'FILE_ENCODING'}.")", $file) or die "can't open $file: $!"; my @lines=; shift(@lines); seek(FH, 0, 0); truncate(FH, tell); print FH @lines; close FH; } sub EraseLastLine { my $file = $_[0]; open (FH, "+<:encoding(".$SETTING{'FILE_ENCODING'}.")", $file) or die "can't update $file: $!"; my $addr; while () { $addr = tell(FH) unless eof(FH); } truncate(FH, $addr) or die "can't truncate $file: $!"; close FH; } sub AddHeadLine { my $str = $_[0]; my $file = $_[1]; open (FH, "+<:encoding(".$SETTING{'FILE_ENCODING'}.")", $file) or die "can't update $file: $!"; my @orig = ; seek(FH, 0, 0); print FH $str; print FH @orig; close FH; } sub AddLastLine { my $str = $_[0]; my $file = $_[1]; open (FH, ">>:encoding(".$SETTING{'FILE_ENCODING'}.")", $file) or die "can't update $file: $!"; print FH $str; close FH; } sub plist { my @Str = @_; print join("\n", @Str), "\n"; return 1; } sub pjoin { my @Str = @_; print join("_", @Str), "\n"; return 1; } sub p { my ($str) = @_; print $str, "\n"; return 1; }