# c2clat A tool to measure memory latency between CPU cores. Port of [this github repo][0] in rust. [0]: https://github.com/rigtorp/c2clat ## Installation Prerequisites: - Linux - Rust v1.63.0 or above Install with: ``` cargo install c2clat ``` ## Usage On the command-line: ``` $ c2clat CPU 0 1 2 3 0 0 63 27 63 1 63 0 63 27 2 27 63 0 63 3 63 27 63 0 ``` Generate a heatmap with gnuplot: ``` $ c2clat -p | gnuplot >heatmap.png ``` Limit tests to a subset of cores with taskset: ``` $ taskset -c 1,3 c2clat CPU 1 3 1 0 27 3 27 0 ``` ## License SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC