[package] name = "c2rust" version.workspace = true authors.workspace = true edition.workspace = true description = "C to Rust translation, refactoring, and cross-checking" readme = "README.md" homepage.workspace = true repository.workspace = true license.workspace = true keywords.workspace = true categories.workspace = true default-run = "c2rust" [badges] travis-ci = { repository = "immunant/c2rust" } azure-devops = { project = "immunant/c2rust", pipeline = "immunant.c2rust", build="1" } [dependencies] anyhow = "1.0" clap = { version = "3.2.22", features = ["yaml", "cargo", "derive"] } env_logger = "0.10" git-testament = "0.2.1" is_executable = "1.0" log = "0.4" regex = "1.3" shlex = "1.1" c2rust-transpile = { version = "0.18.0", path = "../c2rust-transpile" } # Required to avoid too-new version (dep of git-testament) which our rustc cannot compile time-macros = "=0.2.6" [build-dependencies] c2rust-build-paths = { path = "../c2rust-build-paths", version = "0.18.0" } [features] # Force static linking of LLVM llvm-static = ["c2rust-transpile/llvm-static"]