use std::sync::Arc; use caboose::{ get_cbs_from_files, Graph, GraphEdgeId, GraphNodeId, MyTime, SimpleEdgeData, SimpleNodeData, SimpleState, SippState, Solution, }; use nannou::prelude::*; use ordered_float::OrderedFloat; struct Model { agent_size: f64, graph: Arc>, solution: Option< Vec>, GraphEdgeId, MyTime, MyTime>>, >, start_time: f32, colors: Vec>, limits: ((f32, f32), (f32, f32)), } fn main() { if true { nannou::app(model).update(update).run(); } else { get_model(); } } fn get_model() -> Model { let (graph, mut cbs, config, agent_size) = get_cbs_from_files( "resources/instances/grid_map.xml", "resources/instances/task.xml", "resources/config/config-2.xml", 6, num_cpus::get(), ); let limits = (0..graph.num_nodes()) .map(|id| { let node = graph.get_node(GraphNodeId(id)); (, }) .fold( ((f32::MAX, f32::MAX), (f32::MIN, f32::MIN)), |((min_x, min_y), (max_x, max_y)), (x, y)| { ( (min_x.min(x as f32), min_y.min(y as f32)), (max_x.max(x as f32), max_y.max(y as f32)), ) }, ); // A set of 20 colors that are visually distinct let colors = vec![ BLUE, GREEN, RED, GOLD, HOTPINK, ORANGE, PURPLE, TEAL, YELLOW, CYAN, PINK, LIME, MAROON, NAVY, OLIVE, LAVENDER, BROWN, BEIGE, CORAL, GREY, MAGENTA, TURQUOISE, ]; let solution = cbs.solve(&config); if let Some(solution) = &solution { println!( "Solution cost: {}", solution.iter().map(|sol| sol.cost).sum::().0 ); } else { println!("No solution found"); } println!("{:?}", cbs.get_stats()); Model { graph, agent_size, solution, start_time: 0.0, colors, limits, } } fn model(app: &App) -> Model { let mut model = get_model(); app.new_window().view(view).build().unwrap(); model.start_time = app.time; model } fn update(_app: &App, _model: &mut Model, _update: Update) {} fn view(app: &App, model: &Model, frame: Frame) { let draw = app.draw(); draw.background().color(WHITE); let window = app.window_rect().pad(50.0); let scale = (window.w() / (model.limits.1 .0 - model.limits.0 .0)) .min(window.h() / (model.limits.1 .1 - model.limits.0 .1)); let to_coordinate = |node: GraphNodeId| { let node = model.graph.get_node(node); // map node coordinates to window coordinates vec2( ( as f32 - (model.limits.0 .0 + model.limits.1 .0) / 2.0) * scale, ( as f32 - (model.limits.0 .1 + model.limits.1 .1) / 2.0) * scale, ) }; // Draw graph for id in 0..model.graph.num_nodes() { draw.ellipse() .color(BLACK) .radius(2.0) .xy(to_coordinate(GraphNodeId(id))); draw.text(id.to_string().as_str()) .color(BLACK) .font_size(18) .xy(to_coordinate(GraphNodeId(id)) + vec2(scale, scale) / 5.0); } for id in 0..model.graph.num_edges() { let edge = model.graph.get_edge(GraphEdgeId(id)); draw.line() .color(BLACK) .start(to_coordinate(edge.from)) .end(to_coordinate(; } // Draw agents let elapsed = app.time - model.start_time; let mut current_time = OrderedFloat(elapsed as f64); let solutions = model.solution.as_ref().unwrap(); let max_time = solutions .iter() .map(|solution| solution.cost) .max() .unwrap(); while current_time > max_time { current_time = current_time - max_time; } for (agent, solution) in solutions.iter().enumerate() { let mut drawn = false; for i in 0..(solution.steps.len() - 1) { if current_time >= solution.steps[i].1 && current_time <= solution.steps[i + 1].1 { let from = to_coordinate(solution.steps[i].0.internal_state.0); let to = to_coordinate(solution.steps[i + 1].0.internal_state.0); let delta = to - from; let progress_time = (current_time - solution.steps[i].1).0 as f32; let move_time = solution.steps[i + 1].1 - solution.steps[i].1; let vel = delta / move_time.0 as f32; let center = from + vel * progress_time; draw.ellipse() .color(model.colors[agent]) .radius(model.agent_size as f32 * scale) .xy(center); draw.text(agent.to_string().as_str()) .color(WHITE) .font_size(18) .xy(center); drawn = true; break; } } if !drawn { let center = to_coordinate(solution.steps.last().unwrap().0.internal_state.0); draw.ellipse() .color(model.colors[agent]) .radius(model.agent_size as f32 * scale) .xy(center); draw.text(agent.to_string().as_str()) .color(WHITE) .font_size(18) .xy(center); } } draw.to_frame(app, &frame).unwrap(); }