use std::{collections::HashSet, env, path::Path}; use cad_import::{ loader::{FileResource, Manager}, structure::{CADData, Node}, ID, }; ///! This example loads the given file and dumps all infos about it to console fn usage() { println!("usage: file_info []\n"); println!("file-path: The path to the cad file to parse."); println!( "mime-type: Optional parameter to specify the mimetype. If not provided, the extension of the file is used" ); } fn determine_mime_types(manager: &Manager, input_file: &Path, mime_type: Option<&str>) -> Vec { match mime_type { Some(m) => vec![m.to_owned()], None => match input_file.extension() { Some(ext) => match ext.to_str() { Some(ext) => manager.get_mime_types_for_extension(ext), None => { eprintln!("Input file has invalid extension"); Vec::new() } }, None => { eprintln!("Input file has no extension"); Vec::new() } }, } } struct VisitorContext { pub num_nodes: usize, pub num_vertices: usize, pub num_primitives: usize, pub shapes: HashSet, } fn visit_node(node: &Node, ctx: &mut VisitorContext) { ctx.num_nodes += 1; for shape in node.get_shapes().iter() { let id = shape.get_id(); if ctx.shapes.contains(&id) { continue; } ctx.shapes.insert(id); for part in shape.get_parts() { let mesh = part.get_mesh(); ctx.num_vertices += mesh.get_vertices().len(); ctx.num_primitives += mesh.get_primitives().num_primitives(); } } for child in node.get_children().iter() { visit_node(child, ctx); } } fn dump_info(cad_data: &CADData) { let mut ctx = VisitorContext { num_nodes: 0, num_vertices: 0, num_primitives: 0, shapes: HashSet::new(), }; visit_node(cad_data.get_root_node(), &mut ctx); println!("Statistics:"); println!("Num Vertices: {}", ctx.num_vertices); println!("Num Primitives: {}", ctx.num_primitives); println!("Num Nodes: {}", ctx.num_nodes); println!("Num Shapes: {}", ctx.shapes.len()); } fn run_program(input_file: &Path, mime_type: Option<&str>) -> bool { let manager = Manager::new(); let mime_types = determine_mime_types(&manager, input_file, mime_type); if mime_types.is_empty() { eprintln!("Could not determine the mime type"); return false; } let loader = manager.get_loader_by_mime_type(&mime_types[0]); let loader = match loader { None => { eprintln!("Cannot find loader"); return false; } Some(loader) => loader, }; println!("Reading file {:?}...", input_file); let file_resource = FileResource::new(input_file.to_owned(), &mime_types[0]); let cad_data = match { Ok(cad_data) => cad_data, Err(err) => { eprintln!("Reading file {:?}...FAILED", input_file); eprintln!("Error: {}", err); return false; } }; println!("Reading file {:?}...DONE", input_file); dump_info(&cad_data); true } fn main() { let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); let args = &args[1..]; // check if the number of arguments is invalid if args.len() == 0 { usage(); std::process::exit(-1); } else if args.len() > 2 { eprintln!("Too many arguments!!!\n\n"); usage(); std::process::exit(-1); } // parse arguments let input_file = Path::new(&args[0]); let mime_type = if args.len() == 2 { Some(args[1].as_str()) } else { None }; if run_program(input_file, mime_type) { println!("FINISHED"); } else { eprintln!("FAILED!!!"); std::process::exit(-1); } }