// Cadence - An extensible Statsd client for Rust! // // To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright and // related and neighboring rights to this file to the public domain worldwide. // This software is distributed without any warranty. // // You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this // software. If not, see . use cadence::{StatsdClient, UdpMetricSink, DEFAULT_PORT}; use cadence_macros::{ statsd_count, statsd_distribution, statsd_gauge, statsd_histogram, statsd_meter, statsd_set, statsd_time, }; use std::net::UdpSocket; use std::time::Duration; fn main() { let sock = UdpSocket::bind("").unwrap(); let sink = UdpMetricSink::from(("localhost", DEFAULT_PORT), sock).unwrap(); let client = StatsdClient::from_sink("example.prefix", sink); cadence_macros::set_global_default(client); statsd_count!("some.counter", 1, "tag" => "val"); statsd_gauge!("some.gauge", 1, "tag" => "val"); statsd_gauge!("some.gauge", 1.0, "tag" => "val"); statsd_time!("some.timer", 1, "tag" => "val"); statsd_time!("some.timer", Duration::from_millis(1), "tag" => "val"); statsd_meter!("some.meter", 1, "tag" => "val"); statsd_histogram!("some.histogram", 1, "tag" => "val"); statsd_histogram!("some.histogram", Duration::from_nanos(1), "tag" => "val"); statsd_histogram!("some.histogram", 1.0, "tag" => "val"); statsd_distribution!("some.distribution", 1, "tag" => "val"); statsd_distribution!("some.distribution", 1.0, "tag" => "val"); statsd_set!("some.set", 1, "tag" => "val"); }