The `caffe2op-accum` crate provides an operator for accumulating values in networked digital signal processing and deep learning computations. This crate defines the `AccumulateOp` which performs accumulation on the input tensors according to a specified axis. The resulting tensor is returned as the output. The `Accumulated` token is used to refer to the output tensor. **Note: This crate is currently being translated from C++ to Rust, and some function bodies may still be in the process of translation.** The operation performed by `AccumulateOp` can be represented mathematically as follows: If the input tensor is of shape `[a, b, c, ..., m, n]` and the accumulation axis is `k`, then the output tensor will be of shape `[a, b, c, ..., l, n]` where `l` is the size of the tensor along the accumulation axis. The elements of the output tensor are calculated as follows: ``` output[i1, i2, ..., il, j] = sum(input[i1, i2, ..., i_{k-1}, l, i_{k+1}, ..., i_{m}, j]) ``` where the sum is over all `l` along the accumulation axis. The `caffe2op-accum` crate also provides tokens such as `Accumulation`, `accumulates`, `accumulations`, `depends`, `fiddles`, `interim`, and `reshaped`, which are used within the implementation of the accumulation operation.