**Note: This crate is currently being translated from C++ to Rust, and some function bodies may still be in the process of translation.** ## Dot Product The dot product (also known as the scalar product or inner product) is a binary operation that takes two vectors of equal dimension and returns a scalar. For two vectors `a` and `b` with `n` components, the dot product is defined as: ``` a · b = ∑_{i=1}^n a_i b_i ``` where `a_i` and `b_i` denote the `i`-th components of the vectors `a` and `b`, respectively. The dot product is often used in mathematics, physics, and engineering for a variety of applications. In physics, it is used to calculate the work done by a force on an object, while in mathematics it is used to find the angle between two vectors and to calculate the norm of a vector. In engineering, it is used for tasks such as signal processing, computer graphics, and machine learning. For example, in machine learning, the dot product is often used as a measure of similarity between two vectors. When the dot product between two vectors is high, it indicates that the vectors are similar in some way, while a low dot product indicates dissimilarity. Overall, the dot product is a fundamental mathematical operation with a wide range of applications in various fields of study. ### **Gradient for Dot Product:** Let `X` and `Y` be two input vectors of equal size `n`. The gradient of the `dot product` operator with respect to the inputs `X` and `Y` can be computed as: `d(X.Y)/dX = Y` `d(X.Y)/dY = X` where `.` denotes the dot product. Intuitively, these equations show that when we change one element of `X`, the output of the dot product changes by the corresponding element of `Y`, and vice versa. ## Cosine Similarity The cosine similarity is a measure of similarity between two non-zero vectors of an inner product space. It measures the cosine of the angle between them and determines whether the two vectors are pointing in roughly the same direction. The cosine similarity is defined as: ``` cosine_similarity(x, y) = (x . y) / (||x|| ||y||) ``` Where `x` and `y` are two vectors, `.` denotes the dot product and `||.||` denotes the Euclidean norm. The output of the cosine similarity function is a value between -1 and 1, where a value of 1 indicates that the two vectors are identical, 0 indicates that the vectors are orthogonal, and -1 indicates that the two vectors are diametrically opposed. Cosine similarity is commonly used as a similarity measure in many fields, such as: - Information retrieval: To measure the similarity between documents or search queries. - Machine learning: To compare feature vectors, for example in text classification, recommendation systems, or image recognition. - Signal processing: To compare signals or frequency spectra, for example in audio or speech recognition. - Social network analysis: To measure similarity between users or content in social networks. In general, cosine similarity is a useful measure of similarity when the magnitude of the vectors is not important, but only their direction. ### **Gradient for Cosine Similarity:** Let `X` and `Y` be two input vectors of equal size `n`. The gradient of the `cosine similarity` operator with respect to the inputs `X` and `Y` can be computed as: `d(cosine_similarity(X,Y))/dX = (Y - cosine_similarity(X,Y)*X)/||X||_2^2` `d(cosine_similarity(X,Y))/dY = (X - cosine_similarity(X,Y)*Y)/||Y||_2^2` where `cosine_similarity(X,Y) = (X.Y)/(||X||_2 * ||Y||_2)` is the cosine similarity between `X` and `Y`, and `||X||_2` denotes the `L2-norm` of vector `X`. Intuitively, these equations show that the gradients depend not only on the dot product of the inputs `X` and `Y`, but also on their individual magnitudes. The gradients indicate how much changing one element of `X` or `Y` affects the output of the `cosine similarity` operator, and take into account the overall magnitude of each input vector. ## L1 Distance The L1 distance, also known as Manhattan distance or taxicab distance, between two vectors `u` and `v` of length `n` is defined as: ``` L1(u, v) = ||u - v||_1 = ∑_{i=1}^n |u_i - v_i| ``` The gradient of the L1 distance with respect to `u` can be computed as: ``` ∂L1(u, v) / ∂u_i = sign(u_i - v_i) ``` where `sign(x)` returns `-1` if `x < 0`, `0` if `x = 0`, and `1` if `x > 0`. The gradient with respect to `v` is the negative of the gradient with respect to `u`, i.e., ``` ∂L1(u, v) / ∂v_i = - sign(u_i - v_i) ``` ## Squared L2 Distance The squared L2 distance between two vectors `u` and `v` of length `n` is defined as: ``` squared_L2(u, v) = ||u - v||_2^2 = ∑_{i=1}^n (u_i - v_i)^2 ``` The gradient of the squared L2 distance with respect to `u` can be computed as: ``` ∂squared_L2(u, v) / ∂u_i = 2(u_i - v_i) ``` The gradient with respect to `v` is the negative of the gradient with respect to `u`, i.e., ``` ∂squared_L2(u, v) / ∂v_i = -2(u_i - v_i) ```