Various protocols use ZK proofs using the Fiat-Shamir These proofs need to incorporate as much contextual information as necessary to avoid potential replay attacks. To accomplish this, we use a "transcript" abstraction, which allows absorbing information before then using it in a proof. # Transcript API - $T.\text{Add}(x_1, x_2, \ldots)$ absorbs new data $x_1, x_2, \ldots$, handling separation and padding. - $T.\text{Cloned}(\text{tag}, x_1, \ldots)$ produces a forked version of the transcript, by using a given tag, and additional data. This transcript will not modify the original transcript $T$, but will contain the information absorbed in it. You can also think of a transcript as essentially containing a complete list of all the operations performed on it. So adding $x$ and then $y$ is equivalent to having a transcript consisting of $[x, y]$. All this information will then be used when the transcript is passed to create or verify a proof. This transcript API is closely related to the implementation used in this library: [Magikitten]( Looking at the API of that library will likely make this API more understandable. # ZK Proofs The proofs we use in this library are all Maurer proofs. These are proofs of the form: "I know a secret $x$ such that $\varphi(x) = X$, with $X$ a public value", and $\varphi$ being a homomorphism, i.e. $\varphi(a + b) = \varphi(a) + \varphi(b)$. A common case of this is the Schnorr discrete logarithm proof, with $\varphi(x) = x \cdot G$. We would write this as $- \cdot G$ in the notation of our specifications. In general, we write $\text{Mau}(\varphi, X; x)$ to denote the relation "I know a private $x$ such that $\varphi(x) = X$. We also write $\text{Mau}(\varphi, X)$ to denote the verifier's view of this relation, where $x$ is not known. Using this notation, we write: - $$ \text{Prove}(T, \text{Mau}(\varphi, X; x)) $$ - $$ \text{Verify}(T, \pi, \text{Mau}(\varphi, X)) $$ for creating and verifying a proof, using a transcript for binding proofs to a given context. See [this blog post]( for more context on Maurer proofs.